

In Windows Vista and later versions of Windows, the DEVPROPTYPE data type represents the property-data-type identifier that specifies the data type of a device property value in the unified device property model.



A property-data-type identifier represents a combination of a base data type and a property-data-type modifier. A property-data-type identifier is property-specific, and generally can represent a single fixed-length base-data-type value, a single variable-length base-data-type value, an array of fixed-length base-data-type values, or a list of variable-length base-data-type values.

To set a property-data-type identifier

  1. Set the base data type of the property-data-type identifier to one of the DEVPROP_TYPE_Xxx identifiers that are defined in Devpropdef.h.

  2. If the property data type is a supported array or list of base-data-type values, perform a bitwise OR between the base-data-type identifier and the corresponding DEVPROP_TYPEMOD_Xxx identifier that is defined in Devpropdef.h.

The device property functions that retrieve or set a device property take a PropertyType parameter that retrieves or supplies the property-data-type identifier for a device property. For example, SetupDiGetDeviceProperty and SetupDiSetDeviceProperty retrieve and set a device property for a device instance.



Devpropdef.h (include Devpropdef.h)



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