
Remote View Wizard: Step 5 – Filter Records

Limit the records in your view by creating filter expressions that select the records you want from the tables or views. Select a field and a comparison operator, and then type a value you want to search for. For example, if you want all of the records for the city of London, select the field for city names and type "London" in the Value box.

To use more than one filter, you can create two expressions and connect them with AND or OR. If you want to retrieve records that match both filters, use AND. If you want to retrieve records that match at least one of the filters, use OR.

Choose Preview to see the records that will be returned based on the filter you specified.

See Also

Cross-Tab Wizard | Graph Wizard | Local View Wizard | Query Wizard | Remote View Wizard: Step 1 - Select Data Source | Remote View Wizard: Step 2 - Select Fields | Remote View Wizard: Step 3 - Relate Tables | Remote View Wizard: Step 3a - Include Records | Remote View Wizard: Step 4 - Sort Records | Remote View Wizard: Step 6 - Finish | Wizards Overview | Remote View Wizard