
ContainerReleaseType Property

Specifies if an Active Document remains open and running when it is released by its host. Available at design time and run time.

Object.ContainerReleaseType[ = nExpression]

Property Values

  • nExpression
    The settings for nExpression are:
    Setting Description
    0 (Default) The Active Document remains open in the Visual FoxPro run time when it is released by its host. The Active Document continues to run in the main Visual FoxPro window of the runtime.
    1 The Active Document is closed and stops running.


The ContainerRelease event occurs when an Active Document is released by its host. You can query the value of the ContainerReleaseType property in this event; if its value is 1, you can perform shutdown procedures such as closing open files and cleaning up the Visual FoxPro environment. Note that when ContainerReleaseType is set to 1 and the Active Document is closed, an instance of the Visual FoxPro runtime, Vfp7run.exe, remains until the Active Document host is also closed.

An Active Document can be released by its host when the host is shut down, when the Active Document is dropped from the host's cache, or when you navigate from the Active Document. For example, Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 for Windows releases an Active Document when you navigate from the Active Document. Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 for Windows releases an Active Document when it is dropped from its cache of four pages.

You can set this property in the ContainerRelease event to specify if the Active Document is opened in the Visual FoxPro runtime when it is released from its host.

See Also

ContainerRelease Event | Active Documents | The Running of Active Documents

Applies To: ActiveDoc Object