
General Tab, Application Builder

Enables you to specify the application name. This tab also enables you to specify other option features including, splash screen, startup form, and the type of application.

  • Name
    Specifies the friendly name of your application used in the application titlebar and About dialog box and throughout your application.

  • Image
    Specifies the file name of the image used in the splash screen and the About dialog box of your application.

  • Application Type
    These option buttons enable you to specify the way your application runs.

  • Normal
    Application will run in the main Visual FoxPro window. Your application takes over the entire Visual FoxPro environment including the system menu.

  • Module
    Application is added to an existing project or called from another application. The application adds a single menu pad and menu to the existing system menu, and therefore functions as a component of another application.

    Note   Because modules do not issue READ EVENTS or alter existing Visual FoxPro environment settings, they function well when called by other applications, or at design-time in the Visual FoxPro development environment.

  • Top-Level
    Application runs on the Microsoft Windows desktop. With Top-Level applications, the Visual FoxPro desktop is not necessarily visible. Provides a Windows MDI interface with more flexibility than _SCREEN because you can subclass it.

  • Common Dialogs
    These check boxes let you include any or all of the following dialog boxes in your application:

  • Splash Screen
    Specifies whether the application starts by displaying the Image file and credits in an opening screen.

  • Quick Start form
    Specifies whether to use a Quick Start form that provides access to application documents and access to other disk files.

  • About dialog
    Specifies whether an About dialog box appears in the application.

  • User Logins
    Specifies whether the application prompts for user password login and maintains preference information for multiple users, such as Options dialog settings and Favorites menu contents.

  • Icon
    Specifies the graphic that appears in the main desktop ( _SCREEN) of normal applications, in the top form frame of top-level applications, and in the title bar of forms to which you have not assigned a specific icon.

If you choose OK, the builder closes, applying the property settings from all tabs.

See Also

Application Builder | Advanced tab, Application Builder | Credits tab, Application Builder | Data tab, Application Builder | Forms tab, Application Builder | General tab, Application Builder | Reports tab, Application Builder | Developing Applications with the Application Framework