
Add Table or View Dialog Box

Appears when you select Query or Local View in the New dialog box and then choose New File. In this dialog box, you select one or more existing tables or views on which to base your new query or local view.

  • Database
    Displays the current database by default and lets you select another database.
  • Tables/Views in Database
    Displays the tables or views in the current database, depending on whether you select the Tables or Views option.
  • Tables
    Displays the tables in the current database in the Tables In Database box.
  • Views
    Displays the views in the current database in the Views In Database box.
  • Other
    Displays the Open dialog box, from which you can select a free table to add to the query.

See Also

Add Table or View Dialog Box | Join Condition Dialog Box | Arrange Tables and Views Dialog Box | Querying Multiple Tables and Views | New Dialog Box | Open Dialog Box