

您可以建立建置參與者,以在建置資料庫專案時執行自訂動作。 在這個逐步解說中,您會建立名為 ModelStatistics 的建置參與者,這個參與者會在您建置資料庫專案時,從資料庫模型輸出統計資料。 因為當您建置時,這個建置參與者需要一些參數,所以您需要執行一些額外步驟。


  • 建立建置參與者

  • 安裝建置參與者

  • 測試建置參與者



  • 您必須已安裝 Visual Studio 2010 Premium 或 Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate。

  • 您必須具有包含資料庫物件的資料庫專案。


此逐步解說適合已經熟悉 Visual Studio Premium 資料庫功能的使用者使用。 您也必須熟悉基本的 Visual Studio 概念,例如如何建立類別庫,以及如何使用程式碼編輯器,將程式碼加入至類別。



  • 建立類別庫專案並加入必要的參考

  • 定義名為 ModelStatistics 的類別,該類別繼承自 BuildContributor

  • 覆寫 OnPopulateArguments 和 OnExecute 方法

  • 加入一些私用 Helper 方法

  • 建置產生的組件


只有在使用 MSBuild 建置資料庫專案時,此參與者才會輸出。 報表功能預設為關閉,但您可以在 MSBuild 命令列中提供屬性來覆寫此預設值。 如需如何在 [輸出視窗] 中啟用輸出的範例,請參閱逐步解說:擴充資料庫專案部署以分析部署計劃


  1. 建立名為 MyBuildContributor 的 Visual Basic 或 Visual C# 類別庫專案。

  2. 在 [方案總管] 中,以滑鼠右鍵按一下專案節點,然後按一下 [加入參考]。

  3. 按一下 [.NET] 索引標籤。

  4. 反白顯示 [Microsoft.Data.Schema] 和 [Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql] 項目,然後按一下 [確定]。


若要定義 ModelStatistics 類別

  1. 在程式碼編輯器中,將 class1.cs 檔更新為符合下列 using 或 Imports 陳述式:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Xml.Linq;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.Build;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.Extensibility;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.SchemaModel;
    using Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql;
    Imports System
    Imports System.Collections.Generic
    Imports System.IO
    Imports System.Linq
    Imports System.Xml.Linq
    Imports Microsoft.Data.Schema
    Imports Microsoft.Data.Schema.Build
    Imports Microsoft.Data.Schema.Extensibility
    Imports Microsoft.Data.Schema.SchemaModel
    Imports Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql
  2. 將類別定義更新為符合下列各行程式碼:

    /// <summary>
    /// The ModelStatistics class demonstrates
    /// how you can create a class that inherits BuildContributor
    /// to perform actions when you build a database project.
    /// </summary>
        public sealed class ModelStatistics : BuildContributor
    ''' <summary>
    ''' The ModelStatistics class demonstrates
    ''' how you can create a class that inherits BuildContributor
    ''' to perform actions when you build a database project.
    ''' </summary>
    <DatabaseSchemaProviderCompatibility(GetType(SqlDatabaseSchemaProvider))> _
    Public NotInheritable Class ModelStatistics
        Inherits BuildContributor
    End Class

    現在,您已定義建置參與者,而且已使用屬性表示這個參與者與所有繼承自 SqlDatabaseSchemaProvider 的資料庫結構描述提供者都相容。

  3. 接下來,加入下列成員。 您會使用這些成員,讓這個提供者得以接受命令列組建參數:

            private const string GenerateModelStatistics = "GenerateModelStatistics";
            private const string SortModelStatisticsBy = "SortModelStatisticsBy";
            private const string GenerateModelStatisticsVariable = "$(" + GenerateModelStatistics + ")";
            private const string SortModelStatisticsByVariable = "$(" + SortModelStatisticsBy + ")";
            private enum SortBy { None, Name, Value };
            private static Dictionary<string, SortBy> SortByMap = new Dictionary<string, SortBy>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                { "none", SortBy.None },
                { "name", SortBy.Name },
                { "value", SortBy.Value },
            private SortBy _sortBy = SortBy.None;
        Private Const GenerateModelStatistics As String = "GenerateModelStatistics"
        Private Const SortModelStatisticsBy As String = "SortModelStatisticsBy"
        Private Const GenerateModelStatisticsVariable As String = "$(" & GenerateModelStatistics & ")"
        Private Const SortModelStatisticsByVariable As String = "$(" & SortModelStatisticsBy & ")"
        Private Enum SortBy
        End Enum
        '' SortByMap maps the command-line parameter string values to the enumeration values
        Private Shared SortByMap As New Dictionary(Of String, SortBy)(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
        Private _sortBy As SortBy = SortBy.None

    這些成員讓使用者得以指定是否應該使用 GenerateModelStatistics 選項來產生統計資料,以及指定如何藉由指定 SortModelStatisticsBy 選項來排序統計資料。

    接下來,您會覆寫 OnPopulateArguments 方法以建置要傳遞給建置參與者的引數清單。

若要覆寫 OnPopulateArguments

  • 將下列覆寫方法加入至 ModelStatistics 類別:

        /// <summary>
        /// Override the OnPopulateArgument method to build a list of arguments from the input
        /// configuration information.
        /// </summary>
            protected override IList<ContributorArgumentConfiguration> OnPopulateArguments()
                List<ContributorArgumentConfiguration> args = new List<ContributorArgumentConfiguration>();
                args.Add(new ContributorArgumentConfiguration(
                    name: GenerateModelStatistics,
                    value: GenerateModelStatisticsVariable,
                    condition: null));
                args.Add(new ContributorArgumentConfiguration(
                    name: SortModelStatisticsBy,
                    value: SortModelStatisticsByVariable,
                    condition: null));
                return args;
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Override the OnPopulateArgument method to build a list of arguments from the input
        ''' configuration information.
        ''' </summary>
        Protected Overrides Function OnPopulateArguments() As System.Collections.Generic.IList(Of Microsoft.Data.Schema.Build.ContributorArgumentConfiguration)
            Dim args As List(Of ContributorArgumentConfiguration) = New List(Of ContributorArgumentConfiguration)
            args.Add(New ContributorArgumentConfiguration(name:=GenerateModelStatistics, _
                                                           value:=GenerateModelStatisticsVariable, _
            args.Add(New ContributorArgumentConfiguration(name:=SortModelStatisticsBy, _
                                                           value:=SortModelStatisticsByVariable, _
            Return MyBase.OnPopulateArguments()
        End Function

    您會建置兩個 ContributorArgumentConfiguration 物件,並將這些物件加入至引數清單。

    接下來,您會覆寫 OnExecute 方法以加入要在建置資料庫專案時執行的程式碼。

若要覆寫 OnExecute

  • 將下列方法加入至 ModelStatistics 類別:

        /// <summary>
        /// Override the OnExecute method to perform actions when you build a database project.
        /// </summary>
            protected override void OnExecute(BuildContributorContext context, ErrorManager errorsContainer)
                // handle related arguments, passed in as part of
                // the context information.
                bool generateModelStatistics;
                ParseArguments(context.Arguments, errorsContainer, out generateModelStatistics);
                // Only generate statistics if requested to do so
                if (generateModelStatistics)
                    // First, output model-wide information, such
                    // as the type of database schema provider (DSP)
                    // and the collation.
                    List<DataSchemaError> args = new List<DataSchemaError>();
                    args.Add(new DataSchemaError(" ", ErrorSeverity.Message));
                    args.Add(new DataSchemaError("Model Statistics:", ErrorSeverity.Message));
                    args.Add(new DataSchemaError("=================", ErrorSeverity.Message));
                    args.Add(new DataSchemaError(" ", ErrorSeverity.Message));
                    errorsContainer.Add(args, ErrorManager.DefaultCategory);
                    var model = context.Model;
                    // Start building up the XML that will later
                    // be serialized.
                    var xRoot = new XElement("ModelStatistics");
                    SummarizeModelInfo(model, xRoot, errorsContainer);
                    // First, count the elements that are contained 
                    // in this model.
                    var elements = model.GetElements(typeof(IModelElement), ModelElementQueryFilter.Internal);
                    Summarize(elements, element => element.ElementClass.ClassName, "Internal Elements", xRoot, errorsContainer);
                    // Now, count the elements that are defined in
                    // another model. Examples include built-in types,
                    // roles, filegroups, assemblies, and any 
                    // referenced objects from another database.
                    elements = model.GetElements(typeof(IModelElement), ModelElementQueryFilter.External);
                    Summarize(elements, element => element.ElementClass.ClassName, "External Elements", xRoot, errorsContainer);
                    // Now, count the number of each type
                    // of relationship in the model.
                    SurveyRelationships(model, xRoot, errorsContainer);
                    // Count the various types of annotations
                    // in the model.
                    var annotations = model.GetAllAnnotations();
                    Summarize(annotations, anno => anno.AnnotationClass.ClassName, "Annotations", xRoot, errorsContainer);
                    // finally, count any types of custom data
                    // defined for the model.
                    var customData = model.GetCustomData();
                    Summarize(customData, custom => custom.Category, "Custom Data", xRoot, errorsContainer);
                    // Determine where the user wants to save
                    // the serialized XML file.
                    string outDir;
                    if (context.Arguments.TryGetValue("OutDir", out outDir) == false)
                        outDir = ".";
                    var filePath = Path.Combine(outDir, "ModelStatistics.xml");
                    // Save the XML file and tell the user
                    // where it was saved.
                    DataSchemaError resultArg = new DataSchemaError("Result was saved to " + filePath, ErrorSeverity.Message);
                    errorsContainer.Add(resultArg, ErrorManager.BuildCategory);
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Override the OnExecute method to perform actions when you build a database project.
    ''' </summary>
    Protected Overloads Overrides Sub OnExecute(ByVal context As BuildContributorContext, ByVal errorsContainer As ErrorManager)
        ' handle related arguments, passed in as part of
        ' the context information.
        Dim generateModelStatistics As Boolean
        ParseArguments(context.Arguments, errorsContainer, generateModelStatistics)
        ' Only generate statistics if requested to do so
        If generateModelStatistics Then
            ' First, output model-wide information, such
            ' as the type of database schema provider (DSP)
            ' and the collation.
            Dim args As New List(Of DataSchemaError)()
            args.Add(New DataSchemaError(" ", ErrorSeverity.Message))
            args.Add(New DataSchemaError("Model Statistics:", ErrorSeverity.Message))
            args.Add(New DataSchemaError("=================", ErrorSeverity.Message))
            args.Add(New DataSchemaError(" ", ErrorSeverity.Message))
            errorsContainer.Add(args, ErrorManager.DefaultCategory)
            Dim model = context.Model
            ' Start building up the XML that will later
            ' be serialized.
            Dim xRoot = New XElement("ModelStatistics")
            SummarizeModelInfo(model, xRoot, errorsContainer)
            ' First, count the elements that are contained 
            ' in this model.
            Dim elements = model.GetElements(GetType(IModelElement), ModelElementQueryFilter.Internal)
            Summarize(elements, Function(element) element.ElementClass.ClassName, "Internal Elements", xRoot, errorsContainer)
            ' Now, count the elements that are defined in
            ' another model. Examples include built-in types,
            ' roles, filegroups, assemblies, and any 
            ' referenced objects from another database.
            elements = model.GetElements(GetType(IModelElement), ModelElementQueryFilter.External)
            Summarize(elements, Function(element) element.ElementClass.ClassName, "External Elements", xRoot, errorsContainer)
            ' Now, count the number of each type
            ' of relationship in the model.
            SurveyRelationships(model, xRoot, errorsContainer)
            ' Count the various types of annotations
            ' in the model.
            Dim annotations = model.GetAllAnnotations()
            Summarize(annotations, Function(anno) anno.AnnotationClass.ClassName, "Annotations", xRoot, errorsContainer)
            ' finally, count any types of custom data
            ' defined for the model.
            Dim customData = model.GetCustomData()
            Summarize(customData, Function([custom]) [custom].Category, "Custom Data", xRoot, errorsContainer)
            ' Determine where the user wants to save
            ' the serialized XML file.
            Dim outDir As String
            If context.Arguments.TryGetValue("OutDir", outDir) = False Then
                outDir = "."
            End If
            Dim filePath = Path.Combine(outDir, "ModelStatistics.xml")
            ' Save the XML file and tell the user
            ' where it was saved.
            Dim resultArg As New DataSchemaError("Result was saved to " & filePath, ErrorSeverity.Message)
            errorsContainer.Add(resultArg, ErrorManager.BuildCategory)
        End If
    End Sub

    OnExecute 方法接受 BuildContributorContext 物件,這個物件可用來存取任何指定的引數、資料庫模型、建置屬性和擴充檔。 在這個範例中,我們會擷取模型,然後呼叫 Helper 函式來輸出模型的相關資訊。 這個方法也接受 ErrorManager 以用來報告任何發生的錯誤。


    接下來,您會定義用以檢查模型詳細資料的 Helper 方法。

若要加入會產生統計資料的 Helper 方法

  • 首先,加入下列程式碼以加入四個 Helper 方法的基本架構:

            /// <summary>
            /// Examine the arguments provided by the user
            /// to determine if model statistics should be generated
            /// and, if so, how the results should be sorted.
            /// </summary>
            private void ParseArguments(IDictionary<string, string> arguments, ErrorManager errorsContainer, out bool generateModelStatistics)
            /// <summary>
            /// Retrieve the database schema provider for the
            /// model and the collation of that model.
            /// Results are output to the console and added to the XML
            /// being constructed.
            /// </summary>
            private static void SummarizeModelInfo(DataSchemaModel model, XElement xContainer, ErrorManager errorsContainer)
            /// <summary>
            /// For a provided list of model elements, count the number
            /// of elements for each class name, sorted as specified
            /// by the user.
            /// Results are output to the console and added to the XML
            /// being constructed.
            /// </summary>
            private void Summarize<T>(IList<T> set, Func<T, string> groupValue, string category, XElement xContainer, ErrorManager errorsContainer)
            /// <summary>
            /// Iterate over all model elements, counting the
            /// styles and types for relationships that reference each 
            /// element
            /// Results are output to the console and added to the XML
            /// being constructed.
            /// </summary>
            private static void SurveyRelationships(DataSchemaModel model, XElement xContainer, ErrorManager errorsContainer)
            /// <summary>
            /// Performs the actual output for this contributor,
            /// writing the specified set of statistics, and adding any 
            /// output information to the XML being constructed.
            /// </summary>
            private static void OutputResult<T>(string category, Dictionary<string, T> statistics, XElement xContainer, ErrorManager errorsContainer)
        ''' <summary> 
        ''' This method goes through the provided arguments to the contributor and determines what 
        ''' parameters and parameter values were provided by the user.
        ''' </summary> 
        Private Sub ParseArguments(ByVal arguments As IDictionary(Of String, String), ByVal errorsContainer As ErrorManager, ByRef generateModelStatistics__1 As Boolean)
        End Sub
        ''' <summary> 
        ''' This method collects and outputs information about the model itself. 
        ''' </summary> 
    Private Shared Sub SummarizeModelInfo(ByVal model As DataSchemaModel, ByVal xContainer As XElement, ByVal errorsContainer As ErrorManager)
        End Sub
        ''' <summary> 
        ''' This method goes counts the number of elements in specific categories from the provided element list.
        ''' </summary> 
    Private Sub Summarize(Of T)(ByVal [set] As IList(Of T), ByVal groupValue As Func(Of T, String), ByVal category As String, ByVal xContainer As XElement, ByVal errorsContainer As ErrorManager)
        End Sub
        ''' <summary> 
        ''' This method counts the number of relationships of each type that reference elements in the model 
        ''' </summary> 
    Private Shared Sub SurveyRelationships(ByVal model As DataSchemaModel, ByVal xContainer As XElement, ByVal errorsContainer As ErrorManager)
        End Sub
        ''' <summary> 
        ''' This method processes the provided data, outputting it to the console and adding the information  
        ''' to the provided XML.
        ''' </summary> 
    Private Shared Sub OutputResult(Of T)(ByVal category As String, ByVal statistics As Dictionary(Of String, T), ByVal xContainer As XElement, ByVal errorsContainer As ErrorManager)
        End Sub

若要定義 ParseArguments 方法的主體

  • 將下列程式碼加入至 ParseArguments 方法的主體:

                // By default, we don't generate model statistics
                generateModelStatistics = false;
                // see if the user provided the GenerateModelStatistics 
                // option and if so, what value was it given.
                string valueString;
                arguments.TryGetValue(GenerateModelStatistics, out valueString);
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(valueString) == false)
                    if (bool.TryParse(valueString, out generateModelStatistics) == false)
                        generateModelStatistics = false;
                        // The value was not valid from the end user
                        DataSchemaError invalidArg = new DataSchemaError(
                            GenerateModelStatistics + "=" + valueString + " was not valid.  It can be true or false", ErrorSeverity.Error);
                        errorsContainer.Add(invalidArg, ErrorManager.BuildCategory);
                // Only worry about sort order if the user requested
                // that we generate model statistics.
                if (generateModelStatistics)
                    // see if the user provided the sort option and
                    // if so, what value was provided.
                    arguments.TryGetValue(SortModelStatisticsBy, out valueString);
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(valueString) == false)
                        SortBy sortBy;
                        if (SortByMap.TryGetValue(valueString, out sortBy))
                            _sortBy = sortBy;
                            // The value was not valid from the end user
                            DataSchemaError invalidArg = new DataSchemaError(
                                SortModelStatisticsBy + "=" + valueString + " was not valid.  It can be none, name, or value", ErrorSeverity.Error);
                            errorsContainer.Add(invalidArg, ErrorManager.BuildCategory);
            ' By default, we don't generate model statistics 
            generateModelStatistics__1 = False
            ' see if the user provided the GenerateModelStatistics 
            ' option and if so, what value was it given. 
            Dim valueString As String = ""
            arguments.TryGetValue(GenerateModelStatistics, valueString)
            If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(valueString) = False Then
                If Boolean.TryParse(valueString, generateModelStatistics__1) = False Then
                    generateModelStatistics__1 = False
                    ' The value was not valid from the end user 
                    Dim invalidArg As New DataSchemaError((GenerateModelStatistics & "=") + valueString & " was not valid. It can be true or false", ErrorSeverity.[Error])
                    errorsContainer.Add(invalidArg, ErrorManager.BuildCategory)
                    Exit Sub
                End If
            End If
            If SortByMap.Count = 0 Then
                '' haven't populated the map yet
                SortByMap.Add("none", SortBy.None)
                SortByMap.Add("name", SortBy.Name)
                SortByMap.Add("value", SortBy.Value)
            End If
            ' Only worry about sort order if the user requested 
            ' that we generate model statistics. 
            If generateModelStatistics__1 Then
                ' see if the user provided the sort option and 
                ' if so, what value was provided. 
                arguments.TryGetValue(SortModelStatisticsBy, valueString)
                If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(valueString) = False Then
                    Dim localSortBy As SortBy
                    If SortByMap.TryGetValue(valueString, localSortBy) Then
                        _sortBy = localSortBy
                        ' The value was not valid from the end user 
                        Dim invalidArg As New DataSchemaError((SortModelStatisticsBy & "=") + valueString & " was not valid. It can be none, name, or value", ErrorSeverity.[Error])
                        errorsContainer.Add(invalidArg, ErrorManager.BuildCategory)
                    End If
                End If
            End If


若要定義 SummarizeModelInfo 方法的主體

  • 將下列程式碼加入至 SummarizeModelInfo 方法的主體:

                // use a Dictionary to accumulate the information
                // that will later be output.
                var info = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                // Two things of interest: the database schema
                // provider for the model, and the language id and
                // case sensitivity of the collation of that
                // model
                info.Add("DSP", model.DatabaseSchemaProvider.GetType().Name);
                info.Add("Collation", string.Format("{0}({1})", model.Collation.Lcid, model.Collation.CaseSensitive ? "CS" : "CI"));
                // Output the accumulated information and add it to 
                // the XML.
                OutputResult("Basic model info", info, xContainer, errorsContainer);
        ' use a Dictionary to accumulate the information
        ' that will later be output.
        Dim info = New Dictionary(Of String, String)()
        ' Two things of interest: the database schema
        ' provider for the model, and the language id and
        ' case sensitivity of the collation of that
        ' model
        info.Add("DSP", model.DatabaseSchemaProvider.[GetType]().Name)
        info.Add("Collation", String.Format("{0}({1})", model.Collation.Lcid, If(model.Collation.CaseSensitive, "CS", "CI")))
        ' Output the accumulated information and add it to 
        ' the XML.
        OutputResult("Basic model info", info, xContainer, errorsContainer)


若要加入 Summarize 方法的主體

  • 將下列程式碼加入至 Summarize 方法的主體:

                // Use a Dictionary to keep all summarized information
                var statistics = new Dictionary<string, int>();
                // For each element in the provided list,
                // count items based on the specified grouping
                var groups =
                    from item in set
                    group item by groupValue(item) into g
                    select new { g.Key, Count = g.Count() };
                // order the groups as requested by the user
                if (this._sortBy == SortBy.Name)
                    groups = groups.OrderBy(group => group.Key);
                else if (this._sortBy == SortBy.Value)
                    groups = groups.OrderBy(group => group.Count);
                // build the Dictionary of accumulated statistics
                // that will be passed along to the OutputResult method.
                foreach (var item in groups)
                    statistics.Add(item.Key, item.Count);
                statistics.Add("subtotal", set.Count);
                statistics.Add("total items", groups.Count());
                // output the results, and build up the XML
                OutputResult(category, statistics, xContainer, errorsContainer);
        ' Use a Dictionary to keep all summarized information
        Dim statistics = New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)()
        ' For each element in the provided list,
        ' count items based on the specified grouping
        Dim groups = From item In [set] _ 
            Group item By groupValue(item)Intog _ 
            Select New ()
        ' order the groups as requested by the user
        If Me._sortBy = SortBy.Name Then
            groups = groups.OrderBy(Function(group) group.Key)
        ElseIf Me._sortBy = SortBy.Value Then
            groups = groups.OrderBy(Function(group) group.Count)
        End If
        ' build the Dictionary of accumulated statistics
        ' that will be passed along to the OutputResult method.
        For Each item In groups
            statistics.Add(item.Key, item.Count)
        statistics.Add("subtotal", [set].Count)
        statistics.Add("total items", groups.Count())
        ' output the results, and build up the XML
        OutputResult(category, statistics, xContainer, errorsContainer)


若要加入 SurveyRelationships 方法的主體

  • 將下列程式碼加入至 SurveyRelationships 方法的主體:

                // get a list that contains all elements in the model
                var elements = model.GetElements(typeof(IModelElement), ModelElementQueryFilter.All);
                // We are interested in all relationships that
                // reference each element.
                var entries =
                    from element in elements
                    from entry in element.GetReferencedRelationshipEntries()
                    select entry;
                // initialize our counting buckets
                var single = 0;
                var many = 0;
                var composing = 0;
                var hierachical = 0;
                var peer = 0;
                var reverse = 0;
                // process each relationship, adding to the 
                // appropriate bucket for style and type.
                foreach (var entry in entries)
                    switch (entry.RelationshipClass.ModelRelationshipCardinalityStyle)
                        case ModelRelationshipCardinalityStyle.Many:
                        case ModelRelationshipCardinalityStyle.Single:
                    switch (entry.RelationshipClass.ModelRelationshipType)
                        case ModelRelationshipType.Composing:
                        case ModelRelationshipType.Hierarchical:
                        case ModelRelationshipType.Peer:
                        case ModelRelationshipType.Reverse:
                            // We count these, but reverse relationships
                            // are not actually stored*, so the count
                            // will always be zero.
                            // * - reverse relationships are generated
                            // dynamically when they are accessed.
                // build a dictionary of data to pass along
                // to the OutputResult method.
                var stat = new Dictionary<string, int>();
                stat.Add("Multiple", many);
                stat.Add("Single", single);
                stat.Add("Composing", composing);
                stat.Add("Hierarchical", hierachical);
                stat.Add("Peer", peer);
                // As noted, no need to output the count of reverse
                // relationships as it will always be zero.
                //stat.Add("Reverse", reverse);
                stat.Add("subtotal", entries.Count());
                OutputResult("Relationships", stat, xContainer, errorsContainer);
            ' get a list that contains all elements in the model 
            Dim elements = model.GetElements(GetType(IModelElement), ModelElementQueryFilter.All)
            ' We are interested in all relationships that 
            ' reference each element. 
            Dim entries = From element In elements _
                From entry In element.GetReferencedRelationshipEntries() _
                Select entry
            ' initialize our counting buckets 
            Dim [single] = 0
            Dim many = 0
            Dim composing = 0
            Dim hierachical = 0
            Dim peer = 0
            Dim reverse = 0
            ' process each relationship, adding to the 
            ' appropriate bucket for style and type. 
            For Each entry In entries
                Select Case entry.RelationshipClass.ModelRelationshipCardinalityStyle
                    Case ModelRelationshipCardinalityStyle.Many
                        many += 1
                        Exit Select
                    Case ModelRelationshipCardinalityStyle.[Single]
                        [single] += 1
                        Exit Select
                    Case Else
                        Exit Select
                End Select
                Select Case entry.RelationshipClass.ModelRelationshipType
                    Case ModelRelationshipType.Composing
                        composing += 1
                        Exit Select
                    Case ModelRelationshipType.Hierarchical
                        hierachical += 1
                        Exit Select
                    Case ModelRelationshipType.Peer
                        peer += 1
                        Exit Select
                    Case ModelRelationshipType.Reverse
                        ' We count these, but reverse relationships 
                        ' are not actually stored*, so the count 
                        ' will always be zero. 
                        ' * - reverse relationships are generated 
                        ' dynamically when they are accessed. 
                        reverse += 1
                        Exit Select
                    Case Else
                        Exit Select
                End Select
            ' build a dictionary of data to pass along 
            ' to the OutputResult method. 
            Dim stat = New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)()
            stat.Add("Multiple", many)
            stat.Add("Single", [single])
            stat.Add("Composing", composing)
            stat.Add("Hierarchical", hierachical)
            stat.Add("Peer", peer)
            ' As noted, no need to output the count of reverse 
            ' relationships as it will always be zero. 
            'stat.Add("Reverse", reverse); 
            stat.Add("subtotal", entries.Count())
        OutputResult("Relationships", stat, xContainer, errorsContainer)

    程式碼註解會說明這個方法的處理重點。 在所參考的型別和方法中,需要注意的包括:DataSchemaModelModelStoreGetElementsModelElement

若要加入 OutputResult 方法的主體

  • 在 OutputResult 方法中加入下列主體:

                var maxLen = statistics.Max(stat => stat.Key.Length) + 2;
                var format = string.Format("{{0, {0}}}: {{1}}", maxLen);
                List<DataSchemaError> args = new List<DataSchemaError>();
                args.Add(new DataSchemaError(category, ErrorSeverity.Message));
                args.Add(new DataSchemaError("-----------------", ErrorSeverity.Message));
                // Remove any blank spaces from the category name
                var xCategory = new XElement(category.Replace(" ", ""));
                foreach (var item in statistics)
                    //Console.WriteLine(format, item.Key, item.Value);
                    var entry = string.Format(format, item.Key, item.Value);
                    args.Add(new DataSchemaError(entry, ErrorSeverity.Message));
                    // Replace any blank spaces in the element key with
                    // underscores.
                    xCategory.Add(new XElement(item.Key.Replace(' ', '_'), item.Value));
                args.Add(new DataSchemaError(" ", ErrorSeverity.Message));
                errorsContainer.Add(args, ErrorManager.BuildCategory);
        Dim maxLen = statistics.Max(Function(stat) stat.Key.Length) + 2
        Dim format = String.Format("{{0, {0}}}: {{1}}", maxLen)
        Dim args As New List(Of DataSchemaError)()
        args.Add(New DataSchemaError(category, ErrorSeverity.Message))
        args.Add(New DataSchemaError("-----------------", ErrorSeverity.Message))
        ' Remove any blank spaces from the category name
        Dim xCategory = New XElement(category.Replace(" ", ""))
        For Each item In statistics
            'Console.WriteLine(format, item.Key, item.Value);
            Dim entry = String.Format(format, item.Key, item.Value)
            args.Add(New DataSchemaError(entry, ErrorSeverity.Message))
            ' Replace any blank spaces in the element key with
            ' underscores.
            xCategory.Add(New XElement(item.Key.Replace(" "c, "_"c), item.Value))
        args.Add(New DataSchemaError(" ", ErrorSeverity.Message))
        errorsContainer.Add(args, ErrorManager.BuildCategory)
  • 將這些變更儲存至 Class1.cs。



  1. 按一下 [專案] 功能表上的 [MyBuildContributor 屬性]。

  2. 按一下 [簽署] 索引標籤。

  3. 按一下 [簽署組件]。

  4. 在 [選擇強式名稱金鑰檔] 中,按一下 [<新增>]。

  5. 在 [建立強式名稱金鑰] 對話方塊的 [金鑰檔名稱] 中,輸入 MyRefKey。

  6. (選擇性) 您可以為強式名稱金鑰檔指定密碼。

  7. 按一下 [確定]。

  8. 在 [檔案] 功能表上按一下 [全部儲存]。

  9. 在 [建置] 功能表上,按一下 [建置方案]。




  • 將組件和相關聯的 .pdb 檔案複製到 Extensions 資料夾

  • 建立 Extensions.xml 檔來註冊建置參與者,以在您建置資料庫專案時載入該建置參與者。

若要安裝 MyBuildContributor 組件

  1. 在 %Program Files%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VSTSDB\Extensions 資料夾中建立名為 MyExtensions 的資料夾。

  2. 將已簽署的組件 (MyBuildContributor.dll) 複製到 %Program Files%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VSTSDB\Extensions\MyExtensions 資料夾。


    建議您不要直接將 XML 檔案複製到 %Program Files%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VSTSDB\Extensions 資料夾中。 如果改用子資料夾,可以防止不小心變更 Visual Studio Premium 隨附的其他檔案。

    接下來,您必須註冊組件 (一種「擴充功能」(Feature Extension) 類型),以便讓它出現在 Visual Studio Premium 中。

若要註冊 MyBuildContributor 組件

  1. 按一下 [檢視] 功能表上的 [其他視窗],然後按一下 [命令視窗] 開啟 [命令視窗]。

  2. 在 [命令] 視窗中輸入下列程式碼。 將 FilePath 替代為已編譯之 .dll 檔案的路徑和檔案名稱。 請在路徑和檔案名稱周圍加上引號。


    根據預設,已編譯之 .dll 檔案的路徑為 <您的方案路徑>\bin\Debug 或 <您的方案路徑>\bin\Release。

    ? System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom("FilePath").FullName
    ? System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(@"FilePath").FullName
  3. Enter

  4. 將產生的程式碼行複製到剪貼簿中。 此程式碼行應該與下列程式碼相似:

    "MyBuildContributor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn"
  5. 開啟純文字編輯器,如 [記事本]。


    在 Windows Vista 和 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 上,以系統管理員身分開啟編輯器,以便將檔案儲存至 Program Files 資料夾。

  6. 提供下列資訊。 您可以貼上在步驟 4 中複製的資訊。 指定您自己的組件名稱、公開金鑰語彙基元和副檔名類型:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
    <extensions assembly="" version="1" xmlns="urn:Microsoft.Data.Schema.Extensions" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:Microsoft.Data.Schema.Extensions Microsoft.Data.Schema.Extensions.xsd">
      <extension type="MyBuildContributor.ModelStatistics" 
    assembly="MyBuildContributor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=<enter key here>" enabled="true" />

    您可使用此 XML 檔案註冊繼承自 BuildContributor 的類別。

  7. 將此檔案另存為 %Program Files%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VSTSDB\Extensions\MyExtensions 資料夾中的 MyBuildContributor.extensions.xml。


    在 [存檔類型] 中確認您已指定 [所有檔案],否則 [記事本] 會忽略副檔名,而以 .txt 副檔名儲存檔案。

  8. 關閉 Visual Studio。




  • 將屬性加入至您打算建置的 .dbproj 檔案

  • 使用 MSBuild 並提供適當參數來建置資料庫專案

將屬性加入至資料庫專案檔 (.dbproj)

因為這個建置參與者會接受來自 MSBuild 的命令列參數,所以您必須修改資料庫專案,讓使用者能夠透過 MSBuild 傳遞這些參數。 您可以使用下列其中一種作法: 您可以手動修改 .dbproj 檔案以加入必要引數。 如果您只使用 MSBuild 來建置資料庫專案,即可以選擇這樣做。 如果您選擇此選項,請在 .dbproj 檔案中最後一個 </ItemGroup> 節點與最後的 </Project> 節點之間加入下列陳述式:

    <BuildContributorArgument Include="OutDir=$(OutDir)" />
    <BuildContributorArgument Include="GenerateModelStatistics=$(GenerateModelStatistics)" />
    <BuildContributorArgument Include="SortModelStatisticsBy=$(SortModelStatisticsBy)" />

較簡單的方法是將資料庫專案載入至 Visual Studio 中、建置一次資料庫專案,然後結束 Visual Studio。結束時儲存專案的變更。 如果您使用這個方法,資料庫專案檔 (.dbproj) 中會自動加入其他引數。

在執行上述其中一種方法之後,您就可以使用 MSBuild 傳入命令列建置參數。


  1. 在 Visual Studio 中開啟資料庫專案。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 HOW TO:開啟資料庫或伺服器專案

  2. 建置資料庫專案。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 HOW TO:建置資料庫專案來產生已編譯的結構描述 (.dbschema) 檔案

  3. 關閉 Visual Studio。如果您收到儲存方案和專案的提示,請進行儲存。

    接下來,您可以經由使用 MSBuild 並且指定引數讓建置參與者產生模型統計資料,來建置資料庫專案。


若要使用 MSBuild 重新建置資料庫專案以及產生統計資料

  1. 開啟 Visual Studio 命令提示字元。 依序按一下 [開始] 功能表、[所有程式]、[Microsoft Visual Studio 2010]、[Visual Studio Tools],然後按一下 [Visual Studio 命令提示字元 (2010)]。

  2. 在命令提示字元中,巡覽至包含資料庫專案的資料夾。

  3. 在命令提示字元中,輸入下列命令列:

    MSBuild /t:Rebuild MyDatabaseProject.dbproj /p:GenerateModelStatistics=true /p:SortModelStatisticsBy=name /p:OutDir=.\

    以您要建置的資料庫專案名稱取代 MyDatabaseProject。 如果專案自您上次加以建置之後有所變更,您可以使用 /t:Build 而不是 /t:Rebuild。


Microsoft (R) Build Engine Version 4.0.20817.0
[Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 4.0.20817.0]
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2007. All rights reserved.

Build started 8/19/2009 2:46:04 PM.
Project "C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\MyDatabaseProject\MyDatabaseProject\MyDatabaseProject.dbproj" on node 1 (Rebuild target(s)).
  Deleting file "c:\users\UserName\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\MyDatabaseProject\MyDatabaseProject\sql\debug\MyDatabaseProject_Script.PreDeployment.sql".
  Deleting file "c:\users\UserName\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\MyDatabaseProject\MyDatabaseProject\sql\debug\MyDatabaseProject_Script.PostDeployment.sql".
  Deleting file "c:\users\UserName\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\MyDatabaseProject\MyDatabaseProject\sql\debug\MyDatabaseProject_Database.sqlsettings".
  Deleting file "c:\users\UserName\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\MyDatabaseProject\MyDatabaseProject\sql\debug\MyDatabaseProject_Database.sqldeployment".
  Deleting file "c:\users\UserName\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\MyDatabaseProject\MyDatabaseProject\sql\debug\MyDatabaseProject_Database.sqlcmdvars".
  Deleting file "c:\users\UserName\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\MyDatabaseProject\MyDatabaseProject\sql\debug\MyDatabaseProject.deploymanifest".
  Deleting file "c:\users\UserName\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\MyDatabaseProject\MyDatabaseProject\sql\debug\MyDatabaseProject.dbschema".
  Deleting file "c:\users\UserName\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\MyDatabaseProject\MyDatabaseProject\obj\Debug\MyDatabaseProject.dbschema".
  Creating a model to represent the project...
  Loading project files...
  Building the project model and resolving object interdependencies...
  Validating the project model...

Model Statistics:

Basic model info
        DSP: Sql100DatabaseSchemaProvider
  Collation: 1033(CI)

Internal Elements
                    ISql100DatabaseOptions: 1
                          ISql100Filegroup: 1
                      ISql100FullTextIndex: 3
                              ISql100Index: 95
  ISql100MultiStatementTableValuedFunction: 1
               ISql100PrimaryKeyConstraint: 71
                          ISql100Procedure: 10
                     ISql100ScalarFunction: 10
                       ISql100SimpleColumn: 481
                ISql100SubroutineParameter: 41
                              ISql100Table: 71
                   ISql100UniqueConstraint: 1
                               ISql100View: 20
                           ISql100XmlIndex: 8
                     ISql90CheckConstraint: 89
                      ISql90ComputedColumn: 302
                  ISql90DatabaseDdlTrigger: 1
                   ISql90DefaultConstraint: 152
                          ISql90DmlTrigger: 10
                                ISql90File: 3
                ISql90ForeignKeyConstraint: 90
                     ISql90FullTextCatalog: 1
                               ISql90Route: 1
                              ISql90Schema: 5
           ISql90TriggerEventTypeSpecifier: 125
                       ISql90TypeSpecifier: 524
                 ISql90UserDefinedDataType: 6
                 ISql90XmlSchemaCollection: 6
                    ISql90XmlTypeSpecifier: 8
                   ISqlDynamicColumnSource: 5
                      ISqlExtendedProperty: 1161
          ISqlFullTextIndexColumnSpecifier: 4
            ISqlIndexedColumnSpecification: 220
          ISqlScriptFunctionImplementation: 11
                                  subtotal: 3538
                               total items: 34

External Elements
           ISql100Filegroup: 1
               ISql100Queue: 3
             ISql100Service: 3
             ISql90Assembly: 1
       ISql90AssemblySource: 1
            ISql90ClrMethod: 151
   ISql90ClrMethodParameter: 138
          ISql90ClrProperty: 16
             ISql90Contract: 6
             ISql90Endpoint: 5
          ISql90MessageType: 14
                 ISql90Role: 10
               ISql90Schema: 13
        ISql90TypeSpecifier: 305
                 ISql90User: 4
  ISql90UserDefinedDataType: 1
      ISql90UserDefinedType: 3
            ISqlBuiltInType: 32
             ISqlServerRole: 9
                   subtotal: 716
                total items: 19

      Multiple: 3002
        Single: 4017
     Composing: 2332
  Hierarchical: 1812
          Peer: 2875
      subtotal: 7019

                         ExternalPropertyAnnotation: 1475
                        ExternalReferenceAnnotation: 187
                           ExternalSourceAnnotation: 2
                         ModuleInvocationAnnotation: 20
                      ParameterOrVariableAnnotation: 68
  ResolveTimeVerifiedDanglingRelationshipAnnotation: 119
                      SqlInlineConstraintAnnotation: 1
                SqlModelBuilderResolvableAnnotation: 7825
                        SysCommentsObjectAnnotation: 52
                                           subtotal: 9749
                                        total items: 9

Custom Data
          AnsiNulls: 1
   ClrTypesDbSchema: 1
  CompatibilityMode: 1
    ModelCapability: 1
        Permissions: 1
   QuotedIdentifier: 1
           subtotal: 6
        total items: 6

Result was saved to .\ModelStatistics.xml

  Writing model to MyDatabaseProject.dbschema...
  Copying file from "obj\Debug\MyDatabaseProject.dbschema" to ".\sql\debug\MyDatabaseProject.dbschema".
  MyDatabaseProject -> C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\MyDatabaseProject\MyDatabaseProject\sql\debug\MyDatabaseProject.dbschema
Done Building Project "C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\MyDatabaseProject\MyDatabaseProject\MyDatabaseProject.dbproj" (Rebuild target(s)).

Build succeeded.
    0 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:11.20
  1. 開啟 ModelStatistics.xml 並檢查內容。

    當初報告的結果也已保存至 XML 檔案中。


您可以建立其他工具來對輸出的 XML 檔案進行處理。 這只是一個建置參與者的範例。 例如,您可以建立建置參與者,以在建置過程中輸出資料字典檔。



擴充 Visual Studio 的資料庫功能


