&& 運算子 (C# 參考)
AND 條件運算子 (&&) 會對其 bool 運算元執行 AND 邏輯運算,但只有在需要時才會評估第二個運算元。
x && y
x & y
但是,如果x 是false, y則不評估,因為 AND 運算的結果是false無論何種值的y 是。這就是所謂的「最少運算」(Short-Circuit) 評估。
AND 條件運算子無法多載,但是在特定限制下,標準邏輯運算子與 true 和 false 運算子的多載,也視為條件邏輯運算子的多載。
class LogicalAnd
static void Main()
// Each method displays a message and returns a Boolean value.
// Method1 returns false and Method2 returns true. When & is used,
// both methods are called.
Console.WriteLine("Regular AND:");
if (Method1() & Method2())
Console.WriteLine("Both methods returned true.");
Console.WriteLine("At least one of the methods returned false.");
// When && is used, after Method1 returns false, Method2 is
// not called.
Console.WriteLine("\nShort-circuit AND:");
if (Method1() && Method2())
Console.WriteLine("Both methods returned true.");
Console.WriteLine("At least one of the methods returned false.");
static bool Method1()
Console.WriteLine("Method1 called.");
return false;
static bool Method2()
Console.WriteLine("Method2 called.");
return true;
// Output:
// Regular AND:
// Method1 called.
// Method2 called.
// At least one of the methods returned false.
// Short-circuit AND:
// Method1 called.
// At least one of the methods returned false.
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