try-finally (C# 參考)
finally區塊適合用來清除任何配置的資源中, 試區塊中,並執行任何程式碼必須執行,即使發生例外狀況try區塊。一般而言,陳述式中的finally離開控制項時,執行區塊try陳述式中,控制項的傳輸是否正常執行,執行的結果就會發生break, continue, goto,或return陳述式,或不足的例外狀況傳用的try陳述式。
在處理了例外,相關的finally區塊保證會執行。不過,如果例外狀況未處理,執行finally區塊是依賴觸發例外狀況回溯作業的方式。反而是取決於您的電腦設定項目。如需詳細資訊,請參閱在 CLR 的未處理例外狀況處理。
通常,當未處理的例外狀況結束應用程式,是否finally執行區塊時並不重要。不過,如果您有陳述式finally區塊必須執行即使是在這種情況,其中一個解決方案是加入catch區塊中, try-finally陳述式。或者,您就可以知道可能會在擲回的例外狀況try封鎖的try-finally陳述式的呼叫堆疊之上。也就是攔截到例外狀況,在方法中呼叫方法,其中包含try-finally陳述式,或在方法中呼叫該方法中,或在呼叫堆疊中的任何方法。如果未攔截到例外狀況時,執行finally區塊,取決於作業系統是否選擇觸發例外狀況回溯作業。
public class ThrowTestA
static void Main()
int i = 123;
string s = "Some string";
object obj = s;
// Invalid conversion; obj contains a string, not a numeric type.
i = (int)obj;
// The following statement is not run.
Console.WriteLine("WriteLine at the end of the try block.");
// To run the program in Visual Studio, type CTRL+F5. Then
// click Cancel in the error dialog.
Console.WriteLine("\nExecution of the finally block after an unhandled\n" +
"error depends on how the exception unwind operation is triggered.");
Console.WriteLine("i = {0}", i);
// Output:
// Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
// Execution of the finally block after an unhandled
// error depends on how the exception unwind operation is triggered.
// i = 123
public class ThrowTestB
static void Main()
// TryCast produces an unhandled exception.
catch (Exception ex)
// Catch the exception that is unhandled in TryCast.
("Catching the {0} exception triggers the finally block.",
// Restore the original unhandled exception. You might not
// know what exception to expect, or how to handle it, so pass
// it on.
public static void TryCast()
int i = 123;
string s = "Some string";
object obj = s;
// Invalid conversion; obj contains a string, not a numeric type.
i = (int)obj;
// The following statement is not run.
Console.WriteLine("WriteLine at the end of the try block.");
// Report that the finally block is run, and show that the value of
// i has not been changed.
Console.WriteLine("\nIn the finally block in TryCast, i = {0}.\n", i);
// Output:
// In the finally block in TryCast, i = 123.
// Catching the System.InvalidCastException exception triggers the finally block.
// Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
如需有關finally,請參閱 try-catch-最後。
C# 也包含 using 陳述式,它提供方便的語法與相同的功能try-finally陳述式。
C# 語言規格
如需詳細資訊,請參閱 C# 語言規格。語言規格是 C# 語法和用法的限定來源。