

Applies to: yesVisual Studio noVisual Studio for Mac


This article applies to Visual Studio 2017. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here

Creates an enumerator for the type of each argument required to call the method.


HRESULT EnumArguments( 
   IEnumDebugFields** ppParams
int EnumArguments(
   out IEnumDebugFields ppParams


[out] Returns an IEnumDebugFields object representing the list of argument types. Returns a null value if there are no arguments.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK or returns S_FALSE if there are no arguments. Otherwise, returns an error code.


Each element is an IDebugField object representing the types of each parameter. Call the GetInfo method to retrieve information about the type of each parameter.

If the name of the parameter is needed along with the type, then call the EnumParameters method.

See also