DirectSound Structures
[The feature associated with this page, DirectSound, is a legacy feature. It has been superseded by XAudio2 and Audio Graphs. These newer frameworks have been optimized for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code use XAudio2 and Audio Graphs instead of DirectSound, when possible. Microsoft suggests that existing code that uses the legacy APIs be rewritten to use the new APIs if possible.]
This section contains reference information about structures provided by the Microsoft DirectSound API.
Structure | Description |
D3DVECTOR | Describes a vector. |
DS3DBUFFER | Contains all information necessary to uniquely describe the location, orientation, and motion of a 3D sound buffer. |
DS3DLISTENER | Describes the 3D world parameters and position of the listener. |
DSBCAPS | Describes the capabilities of a DirectSound buffer object. |
DSBPOSITIONNOTIFY | Describes a notification position. |
DSBUFFERDESC | Describes the characteristics of a buffer. |
DSCAPS | Describes the capabilities of a device. |
DSCBCAPS | Describes the capabilities of a capture buffer. |
DSCBUFFERDESC | Describes a capture buffer. |
DSCCAPS | Describes the capabilities of a capture device. |
DSCEFFECTDESC | Contains parameters for an effect associated with a capture buffer. |
DSCFXAec | Contains parameters for acoustic echo cancellation in a capture buffer. |
DSCFXNoiseSuppress | Contains parameters for noise suppression in a capture buffer. |
DSEFFECTDESC | Describes an effect associated with a buffer. |
DSFXI3DL2Reverb | Contains parameters for an I3DL2 (Interactive 3D Audio Level 2) reverberation effect. |
DSFXChorus | Contains parameters for a chorus effect. |
DSFXCompressor | Contains parameters for a compression effect. |
DSFXDistortion | Contains parameters for a distortion effect. |
DSFXEcho | Contains parameters for an echo effect. |
DSFXFlanger | Contains parameters for a flange effect. |
DSFXGargle | Contains parameters for an amplitude modulation effect. |
DSFXParamEq | Contains parameters for a parametric equalizer effect. |
DSFXWavesReverb | Contains parameters for a Waves reverberation effect. |
WAVEFORMATEX | Defines the format of waveform-audio data. |
WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE | Defines the format of waveform-audio data for formats having more than two channels or higher resolutions than allowed by WAVEFORMATEX. |
The memory for all DirectX structures must be initialized to 0 before use. In addition, all structures that contain a dwSize member must set the member to the size of the structure, in bytes, before use. The following example performs these tasks on a common structure, DSCAPS:
DSCAPS dscaps; ZeroMemory(&dscaps, sizeof(dscaps)); dscaps.dwSize = sizeof(dscaps);