

Warning  The Cellular COM API is deprecated in Windows 10. This content is provided to support maintenance of OEM and mobile operator created Windows Phone 8.1 applications.


This structure represents a RILC2KMRL.


struct RILC2KMRL {
  DWORD dwParams;
  BOOL fServing;
  DWORD dwBaseStationID;
  DWORD dwBaseLat;
  DWORD dwBaseLong;
  DWORD dwRefPN;
  DWORD dwGPSSeconds;
  DWORD dwPilotStrength;
} ;


  • dwParams
    A bitwise combination of RILC2KMRLPARAMMASK enumeration values that indicates which members of the structure contain valid data. A member of the structure is valid if the corresponding bit flag is set.

  • fServing
    Indicates whether this is a serving cell. There may be more than one serving cell at a time.

  • dwNID
    Network ID (0...65535).

  • dwSID
    System ID (0...32767).

  • dwBaseStationID
    Base station ID (0...65535).

  • dwBaseLat
    Base station Latitude (0...4194303) encoded in units of 0.25 seconds, expressed in two’s complement representation within the low 22 bits of the DWORD. This is a signed field with North latitudes represented by positive values.

  • dwBaseLong
    Base station Longitude (0...8388607) encoded in units of 0.25 seconds, expressed in two’s complement representation within the low 23 bits of the DWORD. This is a signed field with East longitudes represented by positive values.

  • dwRefPN
    Base station PN number (0...511).

  • dwGPSSeconds
    GPS seconds; the time at which this arrived from the base station.

  • dwPilotStrength
    Signal strength of pilot (0...63).



Header: Generated from CellularAPI_OEM.idl

Cellular COM structures



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