
View or Modify the Service Description of an AD LDS Instance

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

You can use this procedure to view or modify the service description of an Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) instance.

Membership in Administrators, or equivalent, is the minimum required to complete this procedure. Review details about using the appropriate accounts and group memberships at Local and Domain Default Groups (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=83477).

To view or modify the service description of an AD LDS instance

  1. To open a command prompt, click Start, click Run, and then type cmd.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To view the service description, type:

      sc \\servername description servicename

      where servername represents the name of the computer on which the AD LDS instance runs, and servicename represents the service name of the AD LDS instance.

    • To modify the service description, type the following command and then press ENTER:

      sc \\servername description servicename "service_description"

      where servername represents the name of the computer on which the AD LDS service runs, servicename represents the service name of the AD LDS instance, and service_description represents the new description.

Additional Considerations

  • By default, the AD LDS service description is empty.

  • By default, the AD LDS service name is AD LDS_instancename, where instancename is the name that you provided during AD LDS setup.