models Package
AppVersionSettingObject |
Object model of an application version setting. |
ApplicationCreateObject |
Properties for creating a new LUIS Application. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
ApplicationInfoResponse |
Response containing the Application Info. |
ApplicationPublishObject |
Object model for publishing a specific application version. |
ApplicationSettingUpdateObject |
Object model for updating an application's settings. |
ApplicationSettings |
The application settings. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
ApplicationUpdateObject |
Object model for updating the name or description of an application. |
AvailableCulture |
Available culture for using in a new application. |
AvailablePrebuiltEntityModel |
Available Prebuilt entity model for using in an application. |
AzureAccountInfoObject |
Defines the Azure account information object. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
BatchLabelExample |
Response when adding a batch of labeled example utterances. |
ChildEntity |
The base child entity type. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
ChildEntityModelCreateObject |
A child entity extractor create object. |
ClosedList |
Exported Model - A list entity. |
ClosedListEntityExtractor |
List Entity Extractor. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
ClosedListModelCreateObject |
Object model for creating a list entity. |
ClosedListModelPatchObject |
Object model for adding a batch of sublists to an existing list entity. |
ClosedListModelUpdateObject |
Object model for updating a list entity. |
CollaboratorsArray |
CollaboratorsArray. |
CompositeChildModelCreateObject |
CompositeChildModelCreateObject. |
CompositeEntityExtractor |
A Composite Entity Extractor. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
CompositeEntityModel |
A composite entity extractor. |
CustomPrebuiltModel |
A Custom Prebuilt model. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
EndpointInfo |
The base class "ProductionOrStagingEndpointInfo" inherits from. |
EnqueueTrainingResponse |
Response model when requesting to train the model. |
EntitiesSuggestionExample |
Predicted/suggested entity. |
EntityExtractor |
Entity Extractor. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
EntityLabel |
Defines the entity type and position of the extracted entity within the example. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
EntityLabelObject |
Defines the entity type and position of the extracted entity within the example. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
EntityModelCreateObject |
An entity extractor create object. |
EntityModelInfo |
An Entity Extractor model info. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
EntityModelUpdateObject |
An entity extractor update object. |
EntityPrediction |
A suggested entity. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
EntityRole |
Entity extractor role. |
EntityRoleCreateObject |
Object model for creating an entity role. |
EntityRoleUpdateObject |
Object model for updating an entity role. |
ErrorResponse |
Error response when invoking an operation on the API. |
ErrorResponseException |
Server responded with exception of type: 'ErrorResponse'. |
ExampleLabelObject |
A labeled example utterance. |
ExplicitListItem |
Explicit (exception) list item. |
ExplicitListItemCreateObject |
Object model for creating an explicit (exception) list item. |
ExplicitListItemUpdateObject |
Model object for updating an explicit (exception) list item. |
FeatureInfoObject |
The base class Features-related response objects inherit from. |
FeaturesResponseObject |
Model Features, including Patterns and Phraselists. |
HierarchicalChildEntity |
A Hierarchical Child Entity. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
HierarchicalChildModelUpdateObject |
HierarchicalChildModelUpdateObject. |
HierarchicalEntityExtractor |
Hierarchical Entity Extractor. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
HierarchicalModel |
HierarchicalModel. |
HierarchicalModelV2 |
HierarchicalModelV2. |
IntentClassifier |
Intent Classifier. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
IntentPrediction |
A suggested intent. |
IntentsSuggestionExample |
Predicted/suggested intent. |
JSONEntity |
Exported Model - Extracted Entity from utterance. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
JSONModelFeature |
Exported Model - Phraselist Model Feature. |
JSONRegexFeature |
Exported Model - A Pattern feature. |
JSONUtterance |
Exported Model - Utterance that was used to train the model. |
JsonChild |
JsonChild. |
JsonModelFeatureInformation |
An object containing the model feature information either the model name or feature name. |
LabelExampleResponse |
Response when adding a labeled example utterance. |
LabelTextObject |
An object containing the example utterance's text. |
LabeledUtterance |
A prediction and label pair of an example. |
LuisApp |
Exported Model - An exported LUIS Application. |
LuisAppV2 |
Exported Model - An exported LUIS Application. |
ModelCreateObject |
Object model for creating a new entity extractor. |
ModelFeatureInformation |
An object containing the model feature information either the model name or feature name. |
ModelInfo |
Base type used in entity types. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
ModelInfoResponse |
An application model info. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
ModelTrainingDetails |
Model Training Details. |
ModelTrainingInfo |
Model Training Info. |
ModelUpdateObject |
Object model for updating an intent classifier. |
NDepthEntityExtractor |
N-Depth Entity Extractor. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
OperationError |
Operation error details when invoking an operation on the API. |
OperationStatus |
Response of an Operation status. |
PatternAny |
Pattern.Any Entity Extractor. |
PatternAnyEntityExtractor |
Pattern.Any Entity Extractor. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
PatternAnyModelCreateObject |
Model object for creating a Pattern.Any entity model. |
PatternAnyModelUpdateObject |
Model object for updating a Pattern.Any entity model. |
PatternFeatureInfo |
Pattern feature. |
PatternRule |
Pattern. |
PatternRuleCreateObject |
Object model for creating a pattern. |
PatternRuleInfo |
Pattern rule. |
PatternRuleUpdateObject |
Object model for updating a pattern. |
PersonalAssistantsResponse |
Response containing user's endpoint keys and the endpoint URLs of the prebuilt Cortana applications. |
PhraseListFeatureInfo |
Phraselist Feature. |
PhraselistCreateObject |
Object model for creating a phraselist model. |
PhraselistUpdateObject |
Object model for updating a Phraselist. |
PrebuiltDomain |
Prebuilt Domain. |
PrebuiltDomainCreateBaseObject |
A model object containing the name of the custom prebuilt entity and the name of the domain to which this model belongs. |
PrebuiltDomainCreateObject |
A prebuilt domain create object containing the name and culture of the domain. |
PrebuiltDomainItem |
PrebuiltDomainItem. |
PrebuiltDomainModelCreateObject |
A model object containing the name of the custom prebuilt intent or entity and the name of the domain to which this model belongs. |
PrebuiltDomainObject |
PrebuiltDomainObject. |
PrebuiltEntity |
Prebuilt Entity Extractor. |
PrebuiltEntityExtractor |
Prebuilt Entity Extractor. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
ProductionOrStagingEndpointInfo |
ProductionOrStagingEndpointInfo. |
PublishSettingUpdateObject |
Object model for updating an application's publish settings. |
PublishSettings |
The application publish settings. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
RegexEntity |
Regular Expression Entity Extractor. |
RegexEntityExtractor |
Regular Expression Entity Extractor. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
RegexModelCreateObject |
Model object for creating a regular expression entity model. |
RegexModelUpdateObject |
Model object for updating a regular expression entity model. |
SubClosedList |
Sublist of items for a list entity. |
SubClosedListResponse |
Sublist of items for a list entity. |
TaskUpdateObject |
Object model for cloning an application's version. |
UserAccessList |
List of user permissions. |
UserCollaborator |
UserCollaborator. |
VersionInfo |
Object model of an application version. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
WordListBaseUpdateObject |
Object model for updating one of the list entity's sublists. |
WordListObject |
Sublist of items for a list entity. |
OperationStatusType | |
TrainingStatus |