您可以擷取裝置的色彩計數,並列舉單色筆刷的色彩,來判斷裝置支援的色彩和這些色彩。 若要擷取色彩數目,請使用 GetDeviceCaps 函式搭配 NUMCOLORS 值。 若要列舉實心畫筆,請使用 EnumObjects 函式和對應的回呼函式,以接收每個畫筆的相關資訊。
// GetTheColors - returns the count and color values of solid colors
// Returns a pointer to the array containing colors
// hdc - handle to device context
COLORREF *GetTheColors(HDC hdc)
int cColors;
COLORREF *aColors;
// Get the number of colors.
cColors = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, NUMCOLORS);
// Allocate space for the array.
aColors = (COLORREF *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(COLORREF) *
// Save the count of colors in first element.
aColors[0] = (LONG)cColors;
// Enumerate all pens and save solid colors in the array.
EnumObjects(hdc, OBJ_PEN, (GOBJENUMPROC)MyEnumProc, (LONG)aColors);
// Refresh the count of colors.
aColors[0] = (LONG)cColors;
return aColors;
int MyEnumProc(LPVOID lp, LPBYTE lpb)
COLORREF *aColors;
int iColor;
lopn = (LPLOGPEN)lp;
aColors = (COLORREF *)lpb;
if (lopn->lopnStyle==PS_SOLID)
// Check for too many colors.
if ((iColor = (int)aColors[0]) <= 0)
return 0;
aColors[iColor] = lopn->lopnColor;
return 1;