

CompLocator Table

The CompLocator Table contains the information needed to find a file or directory that is using the installer configuration data.

The CompLocator table contains the following information.

Column Type Key Nullable
Signature_ Identifier Y N
ComponentId GUID N N
Type Integer N Y


Column Information


This column represents a unique file signature and is also the external key into the Signature Table. If the key is absent from the Signature Table, the search is assumed to be for the presence of a directory pointed to by the CompLocator Table.


The component ID of the component whose key path is to be used for the search. This should be the GUID of a component that appears in the ComponentId field of the Component Table. It may be the component ID of a component belonging to another product installed on the computer. It should not be the GUID of a published component appearing in the ComponentId field of the PublishComponent Table.

To find the component ID GUID value for a file installed by another product, go to the installation package of the product. Go to the File Table and find the row that contains the file identifier for the file. The Component_ column of this row contains the component identifier for the component that controls the file. Go to the Component table and find the row that contains this component identifier in the Component column. The ComponentId column of this row contains the component ID GUID.


A Boolean value that determines if the key path of the component is a file name or a directory location.

The following table lists valid values. If absent, Type is set to be 1 (one).

Constant Hexadecimal Decimal Description
msidbLocatorTypeDirectory 0x000 0 Key path is a directory.
msidbLocatorTypeFileName 0x001 1 Key path is a file name.



This table is used with the AppSearch Table.

Typically, the columns in this table are not localized. If an author decides to search for products in multiple languages, then there can be a separate entry included in the table for each language.

For more information, see Searching for Existing Applications, Files, Registry Entries or .ini File Entries.
