Understanding Earnings
Hi, I have an app, whose price is set at $5/year subscription. It has 66 subscribers in last 3 months but the earnings are way less ($77) in same window. Can anyone please tell me why is this difference? I know about store's cut but its way less than…
How do I remove the Copilot icon from slide view in PowerPoint?
Yesterday or the day before, a new icon for Copilot appeared in PowerPoint. It is directly over the slide in Normal view, between the ruler and the top of the slide. The icon is positioned in such a way that the bottom of the slide is disappearing off…
can you convert the learning material intio a video
can you convert the learning material into a video This question is related to the following Learning Module
Backup and Terminate Azure Database for MySQL
Hello. I would like to ask for help regarding our Azure Database for MySQL service. We are conducting a cost-saving process and found that one of our database is currently not in use by our system. Could you please provide the procedure for backing up…
Issue with Image Distortion in HTML Table Code
Hello, we are using HTML table code to send designed emails to customers. However, as shown in the attached image, there is a white line appearing in the middle, causing the image to distort. How can we resolve this issue?
Bug in Azure Portal When Deleting a CDC-Enabled Database From a SQL Managed Instance
If you delete a CDC-Enabled database on a SQL Managed Instance using the Azure Portal: The 'capture' and 'cleanup' jobs remain and can be seen the Job Activity Monitor The CDC Job records remain in the 'msdb.dbo.cdc_jobs ' table, with a [dbName] …
Log routing in Azure functions
My function is built in Python and is built on the following scenario: it uses logging it downloads something from a blob container it uses a library I built myself, let's say it is called 'mylib'. mylib uses logging, and makes openai RESTful…
I can't instal office 365 even with an E2 licence
I have an Office 365 E2 licence but I cannot instal Office on my new desktop. for every activation prompt I get a window saying this account does not have a licence, but it does! I am admin for my accounts and I can see all the licences assigned, but yet…
How to assign a category to an Intune Application using the powershell script
I am trying to update an intune published application using the powershell using the below command $category = @{"@odata.type"= "#microsoft.graph.mobileAppCategory" ID = "0000000-0000-000-0000-000000000000" DisplayName =…
Network user Profile problem
environment: Win2012 R2 (S1) DC holding all the roles and 2019 Datacenter (S2) DC File Server. Both S1 and 2 are VMs. Initially all network shared folders were hosted on S1 until it began to run out of space. Built S2, copied the shares over, created a…
Application Prozy -- need to point two applications to the same internal URL
I have an app proxy configured to connect to an RDS server. I need to make permissions changes so I have copied the application and changed the settings. I need to point the internal URL to the same as the old one to confirm that everything is working…
Change Recovery Vault from Geo-reduntant to Locally-redundant
My nonprofit uses a Recovery Services vault for Data Protection Manager online backups. When we first set this up, Microsoft was offering a $5,000 annual grant for Azure services, which we apply towards the vault. At the time we set it up as…
Proper query
Hi, ALL, Right now I'm using following query SELECT object_id FROM sys.objects o, sys.schemas s WHERE s.schema_id = o.schema_id AND o.name = ? AND s.name = ? Is there a simple way to bring in sys.databases table? Thank you. EDIT: Let me clarify this…
What license do I need to be able to send emails through Microsoft Graph via an unattended desktop app?
Context: I'm a developer who writes console programs that scrape web sites. When an event occurs, I send an email to myself. MS recently turned off basic authentication. No sample program anywhere on the internet works to send via Microsoft Graph or…
Enforce the use of NTLMv2
Hi, If I want to enforce the use of NTLMv2 with the below GPO settings do I have to apply this to both the domain controller and the clients ? It seems like if I only apply this to the client then when I reboot the client I get the warning below.…
Want to know the Tentative timeline of availability of Entity functions for Java
I want to know when the entity functions would be supported for Java. As of now it is not supported as mentioned in this official documentation:…
Want to know the availability (Tentative timeline) of Entity functions for Java
I want to know when the entity functions would be supported for Java. As of now it is not supported as mentioned in this official documentation:…
How to make a complete iframe in One Drive for Charts in excel?
Hi, I'm trying to embed some parts of my excel in my html page. When I click three dots to embed my file and then try to customize it, the iframe is not completed: <iframe width="402" height="346" frameborder="0"…
The problem with phone number
I keep receving this message "We’re unable to validate your phone number" when I try to subscribe on Azure portal. Also I cannot create a ticket for this problem here https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/support/create-ticket/ System doesn't allow…
Blazor .Net 9 Default template simple usage of a service - porting from an earlier version
I tried to port this simple project: https://github.com/JWealthall/BlazorWindowResize to .net 9.0 So, I created a simple sample at: https://github.com/KKacer/BlazorTestWindowSize I'm trying to understand the usage and changes I need to do in the 2…