Entra Storage Account Private Endpoint Issues
We have one storage account in Entra and I created a private endpoint and during the setup I let Entra create the private DNS zone. Our network team has already setup the S2S VPN between Entra and onprem. On the onprem DNS server I created a conditional…
Private Azure Machine Learning Workspace getting forbidden to reach private Storage Account for SAS
My Azure Machine learning workspace is configured with private endpoint , my aml is configured to a Storage account which is also configured private endpoint and disabled the public access, My Storage Account network will looks like below The…
How to Secure Access to Storage Account for a Custom Script Used During VM Creation
Hi everyone, I have a storage account that hosts a custom PowerShell script. This script is used during the creation of virtual machines to perform tasks such as joining the machine to a domain, changing the timezone to Brazil, and making other minor…
what is accessing my storage account?
Hi. I have an old azure migrate storage account (+- 1Tb) i wish to remove I still see transactions to the storage account so I enabled diagnostic settings to write all events to log analytics workspace. All transactions come from private IP addresses, I…
Microsoft.Solutions.ArmApiControl POST not Working
The below snippet stopped working. It is used in generating Template Spec UI definition. The "POST" method , stopped working and it is not returning any value , braking the Template Spec custom UI. We there any recent changes? { …
Azure group member failed to access the storage account granted through Access Control List
Hi Experts, I have created an azure group and assigned a few of users into the group. Next, I selected one of storage accounts and add the azure group to one of the containers through Manage ACL, I granted the read, write and execute rights to the group.…
What is the best approach to utilize storage accounts outside of Azure?
I want to understand the best approach to consume storage accounts outside of Azure on a web application. Anonymous access and SAS are both discouraged, then what should be used?
Create a separate private endpoint for the secondary instance of the storage service
Hello, in this doc: https://zcusa.951200.xyz/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-private-endpoints?toc=%2Fazure%2Fstorage%2Fblobs%2Ftoc.json&bc=%2Fazure%2Fstorage%2Fblobs%2Fbreadcrumb%2Ftoc.json I can read the TIP "Create a separate…
Remove Card details
I want to remove my credir card details from the azure portal. It is not allowing me to do so since I have no subscription. I don't want any subscription plan and I want to remove the card details, I am worried I will be charged .
Unable to create resources
Hi Azure Community, I am new to Azure and am trying to learn more about Azure Cloud. However, I am not able to create resources. For the last 2 days, I have been figuring out how to create an azure storage account. I have made a subscription and inside…
how to get secondary endpoint content to primary endpoint
How to get secondary endpoint content to primary endpoint in Azure portal?
Azure resource is taking too long to be created
Hi, I am new to Azure and trying to create a storage account resource. I have checked the resource provider and confirmed that all the storage resources are registered. It has been more than an hour, and I am still waiting for the resource page to show…
Getting InvalidStorageAccountKey error while deploying ACI
I'm trying to deploy an ACI with a mounted Azure File but keep getting an error that the storage account key is invalid. For context. I have successfully deployed other ACIs with volumes hosted on the same storage account and using the same key without…
Over-ride if files already exists
Hi, I am using terraform to upload my local file into azure. I create a file locally, I pass the file to the storage account with a name "lc.yaml", The thing is everytime I will create the yaml file its name will be - lc.yaml, And this…
Append vs update in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 for a csv file.
I have a CSV file in a Data Lake Storage Gen2. I am referring to the ACL permissions below.https://zcusa.951200.xyz/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/data-lake-storage-access-control#common-scenarios-related-to-acl-permissionsThe table gives different ACL…
DenyAssignmentAuthorizationFailed' error when trying to delete the resource group
I am encountering a 'DenyAssignmentAuthorizationFailed' error when trying to delete the resource group. The error message indicates that there is a deny assignment preventing the deletion.
Uploaded File in ADLS Gen 2 Account is not Visible.
I have created ADLS Gen 2 account and then Container. In Container, I created 1 Directory. Now, When i am uploading CSV file or any file, i am not able to see the file in the directory. It says successfully loaded 1 blob but nothing is visible. I have…
Azure Blob Storage Container Files
Hi, Is their a way to monitor a blob storage container has received a file and then also monitor if the file is in archived folder once it has been processed?
Azure Application Gateways do not resolve Private Endpoints of storage accounts via custom DNS servers
Good day, I got a couple of setups looking like this: An Application Gateway ( WAF V2 or Standard V2) is placed in a VNET configured with custom DNS servers (They were restarted after the last change in this DNS servers list, so they are…
I have created a Azure storage account without static website configuration but facing error retrieving static website properties.
# Azure storage blob resource "azurerm_storage_account" "fuastorageacc" { name = "fuastorageacc" resource_group_name = data.azurerm_resource_group.fua_group.name location =…