Freigeben über

ObjectDataSource.SqlCacheDependency Eigenschaft


Ruft eine durch Semikolons getrennte Zeichenfolge ab, die die für die Microsoft SQL Server-Cacheabhängigkeit zu verwendenden Datenbanken und Tabellen angibt, oder legt diese fest.

 virtual property System::String ^ SqlCacheDependency { System::String ^ get(); void set(System::String ^ value); };
public virtual string SqlCacheDependency { get; set; }
member this.SqlCacheDependency : string with get, set
Public Overridable Property SqlCacheDependency As String


Eine Zeichenfolge, die die für die SQL Server-Cacheabhängigkeit zu verwendenden Datenbanken und Tabellen angibt.


Dieser Abschnitt enthält zwei Codebeispiele. Im ersten Codebeispiel wird veranschaulicht, wie sie eine SQL Server-Cacheabhängigkeit erstellen und die SqlCacheDependency Eigenschaft eines ObjectDataSource Objekts festlegen. Im zweiten Codebeispiel wird veranschaulicht, wie eine Wrappermethode implementiert wird, die ein DataSet Objekt zurückgibt, um das Zwischenspeichern und Filtern mit einem ObjectDataSource Objekt zu aktivieren.

Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird veranschaulicht, wie Sie eine SQL Server-Cacheabhängigkeit erstellen und die SqlCacheDependency Eigenschaft eines ObjectDataSource Steuerelements festlegen. In diesem Beispiel wird die Datenbank alle 120 Sekunden abgefragt. Wenn sich die Daten in der Tabelle Northwind Traders Employees während dieser Zeit ändern, sind alle Daten, die ObjectDataSource vom Steuerelement zwischengespeichert und vom GridView Steuerelement angezeigt werden, abgelaufen, und ein neuer Datensatz wird bei der nächsten Anforderung für die Seite abgerufen.

<%@ Register TagPrefix="aspSample" Namespace="Samples.AspNet.CS" Assembly="Samples.AspNet.CS" %>
<%@ Page language="c#" %>

The page uses an example configuration that includes
connection strings and a defined SqlCacheDependecy.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

    <add name="MyNorthwind"
         connectionString="Data Source="localhost";Integrated Security="SSPI";Initial Catalog="Northwind""
         providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

      <sqlCacheDependency enabled="true">
            pollTime="120000" />


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" >
    <title>ObjectDataSource - C# Example</title>
    <form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">

          datasourceid="ObjectDataSource1" />

          sqlcachedependency="Northwind:Employees" />

<%@ Register TagPrefix="aspSample" Namespace="Samples.AspNet.VB" Assembly="Samples.AspNet.VB" %>
<%@ Page language="vb" %>


The page uses an example configuration that includes
connection strings and a defined SqlCacheDependecy.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

    <add name="MyNorthwind"
         connectionString="Data Source="localhost";Integrated Security="SSPI";Initial Catalog="Northwind""
         providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

      <sqlCacheDependency enabled="true">
            pollTime="120000" />


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" >
    <title>ObjectDataSource - VB Example</title>
    <form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">

          datasourceid="ObjectDataSource1" />

          sqlcachedependency="Northwind:Employees" />


Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird veranschaulicht, wie eine Wrappermethode implementiert wird, die ein DataSet Objekt zurückgibt, um das Zwischenspeichern und Filtern mit einem ObjectDataSource Steuerelement zu aktivieren. In der Basisimplementierung der EmployeeLogic -Klasse gibt die GetAllEmployees -Methode ein ArrayList -Objekt zurück. Anstatt das Objekt vollständig umzugestalten, um mit auf ObjectDataSource einer Web Forms-Seite zu arbeiten, wird eine Wrappermethode mit dem Namen GetAllEmployeesAsDataSet hinzugefügt, die einen Satz von NorthwindEmployee Daten als DataSetzurückgibt.

namespace Samples.AspNet.CS {

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
  // EmployeeLogic is a stateless business object that encapsulates
  // the operations one can perform on a NorthwindEmployee object.
  public class EmployeeLogic {

    // Returns a collection of NorthwindEmployee objects.
    public static ICollection GetAllEmployees () {
      ArrayList al = new ArrayList();

      ConnectionStringSettings cts = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NorthwindConnection"];

      SqlDataSource sds
        = new SqlDataSource(cts.ConnectionString,
                            "SELECT EmployeeID FROM Employees");
      try {
        IEnumerable IDs = sds.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);

        // Iterate through the Enumeration and create a
        // NorthwindEmployee object for each ID.
        IEnumerator enumerator = IDs.GetEnumerator();
        while (enumerator.MoveNext()) {
          // The IEnumerable contains DataRowView objects.
          DataRowView row = enumerator.Current as DataRowView;
          string id = row["EmployeeID"].ToString();
          NorthwindEmployee nwe = new NorthwindEmployee(id);
          // Add the NorthwindEmployee object to the collection.
      finally {
        // If anything strange happens, clean up.

      return al;

    // To support basic filtering, the employees cannot
    // be returned as an array of objects, rather as a
    // DataSet of the raw data values.
    public static DataSet GetAllEmployeesAsDataSet () {
      ICollection employees = GetAllEmployees();

      DataSet ds = new DataSet("Table");

      // Create the schema of the DataTable.
      DataTable dt = new DataTable();
      DataColumn dc;
      dc = new DataColumn("FirstName", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add(dc);
      dc = new DataColumn("LastName",  typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add(dc);
      dc = new DataColumn("Title",     typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add(dc);
      dc = new DataColumn("Courtesy",  typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add(dc);
      dc = new DataColumn("Supervisor",typeof(Int32));  dt.Columns.Add(dc);

      // Add rows to the DataTable.
      IEnumerator emplEnum = employees.GetEnumerator();
      DataRow row;
      NorthwindEmployee ne;
      while (emplEnum.MoveNext()) {
        ne = emplEnum.Current as NorthwindEmployee;
        row = dt.NewRow();
        row["FirstName"]  = ne.FirstName;
        row["LastName"]   = ne.LastName;
        row["Title"]      = ne.Title;
        row["Courtesy"]   = ne.Courtesy;
        row["Supervisor"] = ne.Supervisor;
      // Add the complete DataTable to the DataSet.

      return ds;
    public static NorthwindEmployee GetEmployee(object anID) {
      if (anID.Equals("-1") ||
          anID.Equals(DBNull.Value) ) {
        return new NorthwindEmployee();
      else {
        return new NorthwindEmployee(anID);

    public static void UpdateEmployeeInfo(NorthwindEmployee ne) {
      bool retval = ne.Save();
      if (!retval) { throw new NorthwindDataException("UpdateEmployee failed."); }

    public static void DeleteEmployee(NorthwindEmployee ne) {
      bool retval = ne.Delete();
      if (!retval) { throw new NorthwindDataException("DeleteEmployee failed."); }

  public class NorthwindEmployee {

    public NorthwindEmployee () {
      ID = DBNull.Value;
      lastName = "";
      firstName = "";
      titleOfCourtesy = "";
      reportsTo = -1;

    public NorthwindEmployee (object anID) {
      this.ID = anID;

      SqlConnection conn
        = new SqlConnection (ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NorthwindConnection"].ConnectionString);
      SqlCommand sc =
        new SqlCommand(" SELECT FirstName,LastName,Title,TitleOfCourtesy,ReportsTo " +
                       " FROM Employees " +
                       " WHERE EmployeeID = @empId",
      // Add the employee ID parameter and set its value.
      sc.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@empId",SqlDbType.Int)).Value = Int32.Parse(anID.ToString());
      SqlDataReader sdr = null;

      try {
        sdr = sc.ExecuteReader();

        // Only loop once.
        if (sdr != null && sdr.Read()) {
          // The IEnumerable contains DataRowView objects.
          this.firstName        = sdr["FirstName"].ToString();
          this.lastName         = sdr["LastName"].ToString();
          this.title            = sdr["Title"].ToString();
          this.titleOfCourtesy  = sdr["TitleOfCourtesy"].ToString();
          if (!sdr.IsDBNull(4)) {
            this.reportsTo        = sdr.GetInt32(4);
        else {
          throw new NorthwindDataException("Data not loaded for employee id.");
      finally {
        try {
          if (sdr != null) sdr.Close();
        catch (SqlException) {
          // Log an event in the Application Event Log.

    private object ID;
    public string EmpID {
      get { return ID.ToString();  }

    private string lastName;
    public string LastName {
      get { return lastName; }
      set { lastName = value; }

    private string firstName;
    public string FirstName {
      get { return firstName; }
      set { firstName = value;  }

    public string FullName {
      get { return FirstName + " " + LastName; }

    private string title;
    public String Title {
      get { return title; }
      set { title = value; }

    private string titleOfCourtesy;
    public string Courtesy {
      get { return titleOfCourtesy; }
      set { titleOfCourtesy = value; }

    private int    reportsTo;
    public int Supervisor {
      get { return reportsTo; }
      set { reportsTo = value; }

    public bool Save () {
      // Implement persistence logic.
      return true;

    public bool Delete () {
      // Implement delete logic.
      return true;

  internal class NorthwindDataException: Exception {
    public NorthwindDataException(string msg) : base (msg) { }
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls

Namespace Samples.AspNet.VB

' EmployeeLogic is a stateless business object that encapsulates
' the operations one can perform on a NorthwindEmployee object.
Public Class EmployeeLogic

   ' Returns a collection of NorthwindEmployee objects.
   Public Shared Function GetAllEmployees() As ICollection
      Dim al As New ArrayList()

      Dim cts As ConnectionStringSettings = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("NorthwindConnection")

      Dim sds As New SqlDataSource(cts.ConnectionString, "SELECT EmployeeID FROM Employees")

         Dim IDs As IEnumerable = sds.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty)

         ' Iterate through the Enumeration and create a
         ' NorthwindEmployee object for each ID.
         Dim enumerator As IEnumerator = IDs.GetEnumerator()
         While enumerator.MoveNext()
            ' The IEnumerable contains DataRowView objects.
            Dim row As DataRowView = CType(enumerator.Current,DataRowView)
            Dim id As String = row("EmployeeID").ToString()
            Dim nwe As New NorthwindEmployee(id)
            ' Add the NorthwindEmployee object to the collection.
         End While
         ' If anything strange happens, clean up.
      End Try

      Return al
   End Function 'GetAllEmployees

   ' To support basic filtering, the employees cannot
   ' be returned as an array of objects, rather as a
   ' DataSet of the raw data values.
   Public Shared Function GetAllEmployeesAsDataSet() As DataSet
      Dim employees As ICollection = GetAllEmployees()

      Dim ds As New DataSet("Table")

      ' Create the schema of the DataTable.
      Dim dt As New DataTable()
      Dim dc As DataColumn
      dc = New DataColumn("FirstName", GetType(String))
      dc = New DataColumn("LastName", GetType(String))
      dc = New DataColumn("Title", GetType(String))
      dc = New DataColumn("Courtesy", GetType(String))
      dc = New DataColumn("Supervisor", GetType(Int32))

      ' Add rows to the DataTable.
      Dim emplEnum As IEnumerator = employees.GetEnumerator()
      Dim row As DataRow
      Dim ne As NorthwindEmployee
      While emplEnum.MoveNext()
         ne = CType(emplEnum.Current, NorthwindEmployee)
         row = dt.NewRow()
         row("FirstName") = ne.FirstName
         row("LastName") = ne.LastName
         row("Title") = ne.Title
         row("Courtesy") = ne.Courtesy
         row("Supervisor") = ne.Supervisor
      End While
      ' Add the complete DataTable to the DataSet.

      Return ds
   End Function 'GetAllEmployeesAsDataSet

   Public Shared Function GetEmployee(anID As Object) As NorthwindEmployee
      If anID.Equals("-1") OrElse anID.Equals(DBNull.Value) Then
         Return New NorthwindEmployee()
         Return New NorthwindEmployee(anID)
      End If
   End Function 'GetEmployee

   Public Shared Sub UpdateEmployeeInfo(ne As NorthwindEmployee)
      Dim retval As Boolean = ne.Save()
      If Not retval Then
         Throw New NorthwindDataException("UpdateEmployee failed.")
      End If
   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub DeleteEmployee(ne As NorthwindEmployee)
      Dim retval As Boolean = ne.Delete()
      If Not retval Then
         Throw New NorthwindDataException("DeleteEmployee failed.")
      End If
   End Sub
End Class

Public Class NorthwindEmployee

   Public Sub New()
      ID = DBNull.Value
      aLastName = ""
      aFirstName = ""
      aTitle = ""
      titleOfCourtesy = ""
      reportsTo = - 1
   End Sub

   Public Sub New(anID As Object)
      Me.ID = anID

      Dim cts As ConnectionStringSettings = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("NorthwindConnection")

      Dim conn As New SqlConnection(cts.ConnectionString)

      Dim sc As New SqlCommand(" SELECT FirstName,LastName,Title,TitleOfCourtesy,ReportsTo " & _
                               " FROM Employees " & _
                               " WHERE EmployeeID = @empId", conn)
      ' Add the employee ID parameter and set its value.
      sc.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@empId", SqlDbType.Int)).Value = Int32.Parse(anID.ToString())
      Dim sdr As SqlDataReader = Nothing

         sdr = sc.ExecuteReader()

         ' Only loop once.
         If Not (sdr Is Nothing) AndAlso sdr.Read() Then
            ' The IEnumerable contains DataRowView objects.
            Me.aFirstName = sdr("FirstName").ToString()
            Me.aLastName = sdr("LastName").ToString()
            Me.aTitle = sdr("Title").ToString()
            Me.titleOfCourtesy = sdr("TitleOfCourtesy").ToString()
            If Not sdr.IsDBNull(4) Then
               Me.reportsTo = sdr.GetInt32(4)
            End If
            Throw New NorthwindDataException("Data not loaded for employee id.")
         End If
            If Not (sdr Is Nothing) Then
            End If
         Catch se As SqlException
            ' Log an event in the Application Event Log.
         End Try
      End Try
   End Sub

   Private ID As Object
   Public ReadOnly Property EmpID() As String
         Return ID.ToString()
      End Get
   End Property

   Private aLastName As String
   Public Property LastName() As String
         Return aLastName
      End Get
         aLastName = value
      End Set
   End Property

   Private aFirstName As String
   Public Property FirstName() As String
         Return aFirstName
      End Get
         aFirstName = value
      End Set
   End Property

   Public ReadOnly Property FullName() As String
         Return FirstName & " " & LastName
      End Get
   End Property

   Private aTitle As String
   Public Property Title() As String
         Return aTitle
      End Get
         aTitle = value
      End Set
   End Property

   Private titleOfCourtesy As String
   Public Property Courtesy() As String
         Return titleOfCourtesy
      End Get
         titleOfCourtesy = value
      End Set
   End Property

   Private reportsTo As Integer
   Public Property Supervisor() As Integer
         Return reportsTo
      End Get
         reportsTo = value
      End Set
   End Property

   Public Function Save() As Boolean

      ' Implement persistence logic.
      Return True

   End Function 'Save

   Public Function Delete() As Boolean

      ' Implement delete logic.
      Return True

   End Function 'Delete
End Class

Friend Class NorthwindDataException
   Inherits Exception

   Public Sub New(msg As String)
   End Sub
End Class
End Namespace


Das ObjectDataSource Steuerelement unterstützt eine optionale Ablaufrichtlinie, die auf dem SqlCacheDependency Objekt für den Datencache basiert (der Dienst muss für den Datenbankserver konfiguriert werden).

SQL Server unterstützt zwei Mechanismen für die Cacheinvalidierung: Abfragen und Benachrichtigungen. Jeder Mechanismus weist eine andere Syntax für das Objekt auf SqlCacheDependency .

Die ObjectDataSource unterstützt nur die Abfrage. Die SqlCacheDependency Zeichenfolge wird verwendet, um ein SqlDependency Objekt zu erstellen, das an den DbCommand Konstruktor übergeben wird, bevor die Select Methode ausgeführt wird. Die SqlCacheDependency Zeichenfolge identifiziert Datenbanken und Tabellen nach demselben Format, das von der @ Page -Direktive verwendet wird, wobei der erste Teil der Zeichenfolge eine Verbindungszeichenfolge mit einer SQL Server-Datenbank ist, gefolgt von einem Doppelpunkttrennzeichen und schließlich dem Namen der Datenbanktabelle (z. B "connectionstring1:table1". ). Wenn die SqlCacheDependency -Eigenschaft von mehr als einer Tabelle abhängt, werden die Verbindungszeichenfolgen- und Tabellennamenpaare durch Semikolons (z. B "connectionstring1:table1";connectionstring2:table2". ) getrennt.

Um Benachrichtigungen zu unterstützen, müssen Sie die Cachelogik in die Implementierung Ihrer SelectMethod Eigenschaft schreiben und die Konstruktion des SqlCacheDependency Objekts in Ihrem Code behandeln.

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