Train your category classification model

Before you can use your category classification model, you must train it to perform the way you want. After you train your model, publish it to make it available to other people.


You're now ready to run your training:

  • To begin training your category classification model, review your configuration, and then select Train. When it's ready, you'll be notified.

  • To retrain an existing version of the model, select Retrain now from the ellipsis in the model summary performance.

    Retraining will train the model based on the same set of configurations you've done when you're creating your category classification model, and on the same dataset. If you want to change the training configurations before retrain, select Edit model.

  • To train a new version of the model, select Edit model. This will create a new draft of your model that you can configure and train.

Troubleshooting tips

If you have difficulty training your model, try these suggestions:

Next step

Understand category classification model performance