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Web Directions North Conference, Feb 6 - 10 in Vancouver

This looks like a great conference if you are interested in growing your web development skills.

The folks at Web Directions North have offered a $100 discount on registration fees to readers of the IE Blog. The conference is February 6th-10th in Vancouver, BC and promises to be a fantastic time. There will be some great speakers, like John Allsopp, Douglas Bowman, Dan Cederholm, Tantek Çelik, Joe Clark, Andy Clarke, Derek Featherstone, Kelly Goto, Aaron Gustafson, Adrian Holovaty, Molly Holzschlag, Jeremy Keith, Steffen Meschkat, Cameron Moll, George Oates, Veerle Pieters, Craig Saila, Dave Shea, Kaitlin Sherwood, Jared Spool. Use the registration code “msp-wdn07” on the registration page to save $100 off the $895CDN registration fee.

Web Directions North


  • Anonymous
    January 28, 2007
    hi 2 all. hello world! It is nice site. Keep working! best regards i found you here ^^