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FrankFi's view of the world

Team Foundation Server Introduction - The Hardcore Way...

Hi... if you ever wanted to get an introduction to Team Foundation Server within 3 hours (and I mean...

Author: FrankFi Date: 10/15/2007

One the hardest weeks I ever had...

Hi... let me tell you about my last week. It started on Monday morning - say - on 3:45 am. I got up...

Author: FrankFi Date: 10/14/2007

The story behind...LINQ

Hi... if you are like me and always interested in how things work under the hood and why it came...

Author: FrankFi Date: 10/14/2007

Not that you haven't had it before but now it's better...

HI... if you are working with .net in any way you certainly heard about this announcement ScottGu...

Author: FrankFi Date: 10/04/2007

Interesting Clipping: The Box of Freedom

HI... as usual I am listening audio books when jogging through the woods. One model really struck me...

Author: FrankFi Date: 10/01/2007

Sorry, no Schadenfreude allowed!!

Hi... in my last posting I was bit harsh to Apple because of the security of its iPhone. OK, now I...

Author: FrankFi Date: 10/01/2007

Can you be cool but not secure?

HI... to make it short: Yes, you absolutely can... for a few days at least. Maybe you saw this...

Author: FrankFi Date: 09/28/2007

Transistors switching light...

Hi... researchers made a "transistor" able to use a single photon (input) to amplify a stream of...

Author: FrankFi Date: 09/19/2007

Advertising with Games

Hi... to make a long story short: Get the BMW M3 Challenge Game and have fun ;-)...

Author: FrankFi Date: 09/19/2007

We Silverlighted the web... at least

Hi... the upcoming conference in Berlin, XTOPIA, has a redesigned website by today. The German ReMIX...

Author: FrankFi Date: 09/17/2007

Am I getting old...finally?

Hi... you all remember (if not you are in the middle of that time of your life. Then quit reading...

Author: FrankFi Date: 09/16/2007

Pass a Turing Test and Find a Friend for Live

Hi... we all know services (like Hotmail for example) which require to identify the person behind...

Author: FrankFi Date: 09/13/2007


Hi... Let's play a little game: Think about a PowerShell console written in WPF?? Strange but cool...

Author: FrankFi Date: 09/12/2007

Scott Hanselman's Choice

Hi... this is a pretty cool and pretty complete collections of the "must-haves" and...

Author: FrankFi Date: 09/09/2007

Ping Me!

Hi... in Germany we started Ping Me! The idea is to put a face on the guys behind MSDN and make...

Author: FrankFi Date: 08/29/2007

What do you need for an SMS server??

Hi... SMS (or Short Message Service, not the System Management Server, sorry) is very popular. I...

Author: FrankFi Date: 08/24/2007

Know your AJAX with AJAX View

Hi... since I just been luring around a bit and searched through MS Research papers... there is an...

Author: FrankFi Date: 08/24/2007

History - When Microsoft pushed Unix on every desk ;-)

Hi... Can you remember XENIX?? Did you know that its roots do have a Redmond wing?? To be honest I...

Author: FrankFi Date: 08/24/2007

Universal Explanation...

Hi... Do you now "System Administrator from Hell"?? (See here for example) I have to add the...

Author: FrankFi Date: 08/21/2007

LiveID and Microsoft as a plattform provider

Hi... now there a re news around LiveID: Go out and use it!!! (see here) I saw some reactions on...

Author: FrankFi Date: 08/21/2007

WMI in Action...

Hi... Sometimes I do wonder why we are not using our own stuff. Want an example? Here we go: When we...

Author: FrankFi Date: 08/20/2007

Search Engines

Hi... I just found an article on problems regarding relevancy in search results and how it is...

Author: FrankFi Date: 08/17/2007

Where do all the patents go...?

Hi... <My-Opinion Disclaimer="This is just my personal opinion and has nothing to do with what my...

Author: FrankFi Date: 08/14/2007

Nice article on Robotics

Hi... ever wondered what Microsoft is doing about Robotics or better why and how?? Have a look here...

Author: FrankFi Date: 08/03/2007

Displaying Sensor-Data in a Mashup

Hi... this Project called SenseWeb is a nice Mashup...

Author: FrankFi Date: 08/01/2007

3.7 Million new Game Consoles in Germany in 2007

Hi... I just found an interesting article on the market around game consoles here in Germany....

Author: FrankFi Date: 08/01/2007

IronRuby - First look...

Hi... just downloaded I will do my first steps with it within the next and will keep you posted. If...

Author: FrankFi Date: 07/25/2007

Article on Web 3.0

Hi... on my way back from the states I read a magazine article on Web 3.0 (I think the magazine was...

Author: FrankFi Date: 07/25/2007

Anyone seen my phone...

Hi... as if a cold isn't enough I came to the US and left my phone at home. It is a strange...

Author: FrankFi Date: 07/20/2007

Dead in Orlando...

Hi... I just arrived in Orlando. We will have a yearly meeting here and normally I would like...

Author: FrankFi Date: 07/15/2007

Why is the Online Reading Experience of the Makezine so lousy?

Hi... I have read the Makezine since the past year now. As an inhabitant of the cyberspace and as a...

Author: FrankFi Date: 07/14/2007

Social Scripting

Hi... I just felt over an article in the IEEE Computer magazine about a project called KOALA. It is...

Author: FrankFi Date: 07/13/2007

Second: A Welcome

Hi... Welcome, my new Lenovo X60 Tablet PC Boy, I waited nearly 4 weeks now and some of my collegues...

Author: FrankFi Date: 07/13/2007

XTOPIA - Speaker Line Up

HI... yes, we are a bit proud that we can present such a speaker line up for the XTOPIA on the...

Author: FrankFi Date: 07/12/2007

FolderShare... an unknown pearl...

Hi... have you ever heard of FolderShare? Don't be shy I had a conversation with a MVP these days...

Author: FrankFi Date: 07/07/2007

High Performance Computing=Admin + Dev

HI... I am so proud and sorry, I have to tell the world: Two of my guys are running a HPC event...

Author: FrankFi Date: 07/06/2007

Definition for Business Model

Hi... I found a nice definition for business model which I just have to mention here: A business...

Author: FrankFi Date: 07/05/2007

Worst Jobs in Science and Technology...

Hi... the German Spiegel Magazin quoted in a ticker news (see...

Author: FrankFi Date: 07/02/2007

Microsoft Tagspace

Hi... some time ago I met Korby Parnell and was really impressed by the ideas that he and the team...

Author: FrankFi Date: 06/28/2007


Hi... Oli Scheer and I did some video art. We did a little Silverlight player around it(Oli is in...

Author: FrankFi Date: 06/27/2007

Photosynth in Action

Hi... they recently posted a cool collections of photos done in cooperation with the BBC and other...

Author: FrankFi Date: 06/27/2007

Welcome to the new world of development...

Hi... when I started developing software it was all about saving memory and processor cycles. Ladies...

Author: FrankFi Date: 06/26/2007

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