Manage Azure savings plans
After you buy an Azure savings plan, with sufficient permissions, you can make the following types of changes to a savings plan:
- Update a savings plan scope.
- Change autorenewal settings.
- View savings plan details and utilization.
- Delegate savings plan role-based access control (RBAC) roles.
Except for autorenewal, none of the changes causes a new commercial transaction or changes the end date of the savings plan.
You can't make the following types of changes after purchase:
- Hourly commitment
- Term length
- Billing frequency
A billing administer can fully manage savings plans. However, after purchase, a savings plan’s directory can’t get changed.
To learn more, see Savings plan permissions. Permission needed to manage a savings plan is separate from subscription permission.
Change the savings plan scope
Your hourly savings plan benefit is to automatically use from savings plan-eligible resources that run in the savings plan's benefit scope. To learn more, see Savings plan scopes. Changing a savings plan's benefit scope doesn't alter the savings plan's term.
To update a savings plan scope as a billing administrator:
- Sign in to the Azure portal and go to Cost Management + Billing.
- If you're an Enterprise Agreement admin, on the left menu, select Billing scopes. Then in the list of billing scopes, select one.
- If you're a Microsoft Customer Agreement billing profile owner, on the left menu, select Billing profiles. In the list of billing profiles, select one.
- On the left menu, select Products + services > Savings plans. The list of savings plans for your Enterprise Agreement enrollment or billing profile appears.
- Select the savings plan you want.
- Select Settings > Configuration.
- Change the scope.
If you purchased/were added to a savings plan, or were assigned savings plan RBAC roles, follow these steps to update a savings plan scope.
- Sign in to the Azure portal.
- Select All Services > Savings plans to list savings plans to which you have access.
- Select the savings plan you want.
- Select Settings > Configuration.
- Change the scope.
Selectable scopes must be from Enterprise offers (MS-AZR-0017P or MS-AZR-0148P), Microsoft Customer Agreements, and Microsoft Partner Agreements.
If you aren't a billing administrator and you change from shared to single scope, you can only select a subscription where you're the owner. Only subscriptions within the same billing account/profile as the savings plan can be selected.
If all subscriptions are moved out of a management group, the scope of the savings plan is automatically changed to Shared.
Change the auto-renewal setting
To learn more about modifying auto-renewal settings for a savings plan, see change auto-renewal settings.
View savings plan reporting details
- To learn more about viewing savings plan utilization, see view savings plan utilization.
- To learn more about viewing savings plan cost and usage, see view savings plan cost and usage exports.
- To learn more about viewing savings plan transactions, see view savings plan transactions.
- To learn more about viewing savings plan amortized costs, see view amortized costs.
Delegate savings plan RBAC roles
Users and groups who gain the ability to purchase, manage, or view savings plans via RBAC roles must do so from Home > Savings plan.
Delegate the savings plan purchaser role to a specific subscription
To delegate the purchaser role to a specific subscription, and after you have elevated access:
- Go to Home > Savings plans to see all savings plans that are in the tenant.
- To make modifications to the savings plan, add yourself as an owner of the savings plan order by using Access control (IAM).
Delegate savings plan administrator, contributor, or reader roles to a specific savings plan
To delegate the administrator, contributor, or reader roles to a specific savings plan:
- Go to Home > Savings plans.
- Select the savings plan you want.
- Select Access control (IAM) on the leftmost pane.
- Select Add, and then select Add role assignment from the top navigation bar.
Delegate savings plan administrator, contributor, or reader roles to all savings plans
User Access administrator rights are required to grant RBAC roles at the tenant level. To get User Access administrator rights, follow the steps in Elevate access steps.
Delegate the administrator, contributor, or reader role to all savings plans in a tenant
- Go to Home > Savings plans.
- Select Role assignment from the top navigation bar.
Cancellations, exchanges, and trade-ins
Unlike reservations, you can't cancel or exchange savings plans. You can trade-in select compute reservations for a savings plan. To learn more, visit reservation trade-in.
Change Billing subscription
Currently, the billing subscription used for monthly payments of a savings plan can't be changed.
Check billing subscription for an Azure savings plan
To check the billing subscription for an Azure savings plan:
- Sign in to the Azure portal.
- Select All services > Savings Plan.
- Select the Savings Plan.
- Select Renewal.
- Select Replace this savings plan with a new savings plan purchase.
These steps show you the billing subscription of current savings plan along with other details. You can update the details like scope, billing subscription, quantity, term, and billing frequency for the new savings plan which will be purchased automatically upon expiry of current savings plan.
Transfer a savings plan
Although you can't cancel, exchange, or refund a savings plan, you can transfer it from one supported agreement to another. For more information about supported transfers, see Azure product transfer hub.
Savings plan notifications
Depending on how you pay for your Azure subscription, savings plan-related email notifications are sent to the following users in your organization. Savings plan notifications are sent for the following events:
- Purchase
- Scope change
- Upcoming expiration: 30 days before
- Expiration
- Renewal
- Cancellation
For customers with Enterprise Agreement subscriptions:
- Notifications are sent to Enterprise Agreement administrators and Enterprise Agreement notification contacts.
- The Azure RBAC owner of the savings plan receives all notifications.
For customers with Microsoft Customer Agreement subscriptions:
- The purchaser receives a purchase notification.
- The Azure RBAC owner of the savings plan receives all notifications.
For Microsoft Partner Agreement partners:
- Notifications are sent to the partner.
Need help?
If you have Azure savings plan for compute questions, contact your account team or create a support request. Temporarily, Microsoft only provides answers to expert support requests in English for questions about Azure savings plan for compute.
Next steps
To learn more about Azure savings plans, see: