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SelectExpandNode Class


Describes the set of structural properties and navigation properties and actions to select and navigation properties to expand while writing an ODataResource in the response.

public class SelectExpandNode
type SelectExpandNode = class
Public Class SelectExpandNode



Creates a new instance of the SelectExpandNode class.

SelectExpandNode(IEdmStructuredType, ODataSerializerContext)

Creates a new instance of the SelectExpandNode class describing the set of structural properties, nested properties, navigation properties, and actions to select and expand for the given writeContext.

SelectExpandNode(SelectExpandClause, IEdmStructuredType, IEdmModel)

Creates a new instance of the SelectExpandNode class describing the set of structural properties, nested properties, navigation properties, and actions to select and expand for the given selectExpandClause.


Creates a new instance of the SelectExpandNode class by copying the state of another instance. This is intended for scenarios that wish to modify state without updating the values cached within ODataResourceSerializer.



Gets the list of EDM navigation properties to be expanded in the response along with the nested query options embedded in the expand. It could be null if no navigation property to expand.


Gets the list of EDM navigation properties to be expand referenced in the response. keeping this is only for non-breaking changes, This should be replaced by "ReferencedProperties" later.


Gets the list of EDM navigation properties to be referenced in the response along with the nested query options embedded in the expand. It could be null if no navigation property to reference.


Gets the flag to indicate the dynamic property to be included in the response or not.


Gets the list of OData actions to be included in the response. It could be null.


Gets the list of EDM nested properties (complex or collection of complex) to be included in the response. keeping this is only for non-breaking changes, This should be replaced by "SelectedComplexes".


Gets the list of Edm structural properties (complex or complex collection) to be included in the response. The key is the Edm structural property. The value is the potential sub select item.


s Gets the list of dynamic properties to select. It could be null.


Gets the list of OData functions to be included in the response. It could be null.


Gets the list of EDM navigation properties to be included as links in the response. It could be null.


Gets the list of EDM structural properties (primitive, enum or collection of them) to be included in the response. It could be null if there's no property selected.


GetStructuralProperties(IEdmStructuredType, HashSet<IEdmStructuralProperty>, HashSet<IEdmStructuralProperty>)

Separate the structural properties into two parts:

  1. Complex and collection of complex are nested structural properties.
  2. Others are non-nested structural properties.

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