ediscoverySearch resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph.security

Represents an eDiscovery search. For details, see Collect data for a case in eDiscovery (Premium).


Method Return type Description
List microsoft.graph.security.ediscoverySearch collection Get a list of the ediscoverySearch objects and their properties.
Create microsoft.graph.security.ediscoverySearch Create a new ediscoverySearch object.
Get microsoft.graph.security.ediscoverySearch Read the properties and relationships of an ediscoverySearch object.
Update microsoft.graph.security.ediscoverySearch Update the properties of an ediscoverySearch object.
Delete None Delete an microsoft.graph.security.ediscoverySearch object.
Estimate statistics None Run an estimate statistics operation on the data contained in the eDiscovery search.
Purge data None Delete Exchange mailbox items or Microsoft Teams messages contained in an eDiscovery search.
List additional sources microsoft.graph.security.dataSource collection Get the list of additional sources associated with an eDiscovery search.
Add additional sources microsoft.graph.security.dataSource Create a new additional source associated with an eDiscovery search.
Get last estimate statistics operation microsoft.graph.security.ediscoveryEstimateOperation collection Get the last ediscoveryEstimateOperation objects and their properties.
List custodian sources microsoft.graph.security.dataSource collection Get the list of custodial data sources associated with an eDiscovery search.
Add custodian sources microsoft.graph.security.dataSource Create a new custodian source associated with an eDiscovery search.
Remove custodian sources None Remove a microsoft.graph.security.dataSource object.
List non-custodial data sources microsoft.graph.security.ediscoveryNoncustodialDataSource collection Get the list of non-custodialSources associated with an eDiscovery search.
Add non-custodial data sources microsoft.graph.security.ediscoveryNoncustodialDataSource Create a new non-custodial source associated with an eDiscovery search.
Remove non-custodial data sources None Remove an microsoft.graph.security.ediscoveryNoncustodialDataSource object.


Property Type Description
contentQuery String The query string in KQL (Keyword Query Language) query. For details, see Keyword queries and search conditions for Content Search and eDiscovery. You can refine searches by using fields paired with values; for example, subject:"Quarterly Financials" AND Date>=06/01/2016 AND Date<=07/01/2016.
createdBy identitySet The user who created the eDiscovery search.
createdDateTime DateTimeOffset The date and time the eDiscovery search was created.
dataSourceScopes microsoft.graph.security.dataSourceScopes When specified, the collection spans across a service for an entire workload. Possible values are: none, allTenantMailboxes, allTenantSites, allCaseCustodians, allCaseNoncustodialDataSources.
description String The description of the eDiscovery search.
displayName String The display name of the eDiscovery search.
id String The ID for the eDiscovery search. Read-only.
lastModifiedBy identitySet The last user who modified the eDiscovery search.
lastModifiedDateTime DateTimeOffset The last date and time the eDiscovery search was modified.

dataSourceScopes values

Member Description
none Don't specify any scopes - locations would be referenced separately.
allTenantMailboxes Include all tenant mailboxes in the eDiscovery search.
allTenantSites Include all tenant sites in the eDiscovery search.
allCaseCustodians Include all custodian locations in the eDiscovery search.
allCaseNoncustodialDataSources Include all non-custodial data sources in the eDiscovery search.


Relationship Type Description
additionalSources microsoft.graph.security.dataSource collection Adds an additional source to the eDiscovery search.
addToReviewSetOperation microsoft.graph.security.ediscoveryAddToReviewSetOperation Adds the results of the eDiscovery search to the specified reviewSet.
custodianSources microsoft.graph.security.dataSource collection Custodian sources that are included in the eDiscovery search.
lastEstimateStatisticsOperation microsoft.graph.security.ediscoveryEstimateOperation The last estimate operation associated with the eDiscovery search.
noncustodialSources microsoft.graph.security.ediscoveryNoncustodialDataSource collection noncustodialDataSource sources that are included in the eDiscovery search

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.security.ediscoverySearch",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "displayName": "String",
  "description": "String",
  "createdBy": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.identitySet"
  "createdDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "lastModifiedBy": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.identitySet"
  "lastModifiedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "contentQuery": "String",
  "dataSourceScopes": "String"