SQL Server Replication (Troubleshooting)

This topic contains the following sections relating to troubleshooting issues between the OLE DB Provider for DB2 and SQL Server (Data Provider) and SQL Server.

Incorrect Data Type Mappings

Failure to replicate DATETIME2 columns to DB2 TIMESTAMP columns

For more information about SQL Server Replication, see Developer’s Guide (Replication) (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=193231) in SQL Server Books Online.

Incorrect Data Type Mappings

SQL Server Replication may convert data incorrectly, based on the default mappings from SQL Server to DB2 data types. We recommend that the administrator and developer review and revise the Replication data type mappings using the following SQL Server system stored procedures.




For more information, see the [System Stored Procedures (Transact-SQL)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=180765\).

Failure to replicate DATETIME2 columns to DB2 TIMESTAMP columns


SQL Server 2008 Replication to DB2 for z/OS may fail with SQLCODE -188 (the string representation of a datetime value is not a valid datetime value). This occurs when Replication is configured to map DATETIME2 to DB2 VARCHAR(27) and uses subscription article commands with string literal data values.


Re-configure SQL Server 2008 Replication to map DATETIME2 to DB2 TIMESTAMP and subscription article commands with parameters. This enables the Data Provider to format the DATETIME2 as a DB2 TIMESTAMP structure that is supported by the IBM DB2 database server.

Step by Step Instructions

Step 1. Identify the data type mapping to modify. USE MASTER for all steps.

select * from sys.fn_helpdatatypemap  
where destination_dbms = 'DB2' and source_type = 'datetime2'  

The results should indicate the mapping_id to modify. The following table shows the results pane for this example where the mapping_id is 189.

mapping_id source_dbms source_type destination_dbms destination_type destination_length
189 MSSQLSERVER datetime2 DB2 VARCHAR 27

Step 2. Drop the data type mapping.

exec sp_dropdatatypemapping  189  

Step 3. Add the data type mapping.

exec  sp_adddatatypemapping   
    @source_dbms                  = 'MSSQLSERVER',    
    @source_type                  = 'datetime2',  
    @destination_dbms             = 'DB2',  
    @destination_type             = 'TIMESTAMP',  
    @destination_nullable         = 1,  
    @destination_createparams     = 0,  
    @dataloss                     = 0,  
    @is_default                   = 1  

Step 4. Run the query again to verify the new data type mapping.

select * from sys.fn_helpdatatypemap  
where destination_dbms = 'DB2' and source_type = 'datetime2'  

The results should display the new data type mapping. In this example, the mapping_id shown in the following table is 189.

mapping_id source_dbms source_type destination_dbms destination_type destination_length

Step 5. Identify the replication subscription article to re-configure. Use the Transact-SQL USE statement to switch from the master database to the database from which you are replicating.

USE [Test]  
select name, status from sysarticles  

The results should display the name of the article to modify. In this example, the following table shows the results where the name is DB2TS01.

name status
DB2TS01 25

If the status value is 1 or 9, then the article is configured for string literal formatting.

If the status value is 17 or 25, then the article is configured for parameterized formatting.

Step 6. Configure the replication subscription article for parameterized commands.

USE [Test]  
DECLARE @publication AS sysname;  
DECLARE @article AS sysname;  
SET @publication = N'DB2TS_PUB01';  
SET @article = N'DB2TS01';  
EXEC sp_changearticle @publication, @article, 'status' , 'parameters' , 0 , 0;  

For more information, see Replication System Stored Procedures Concepts (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=193232) in SQL Server Books Online.

Replication INSERT operation fails with Error 8152: String or binary data would be truncated


SQL Server Replication INSERT operation may fail with SQL Server Error 8152 (String or binary data would be truncated.). This may occur when (1) Data Provider is not configured to use early metadata, and (2) Replication is not configured to use parameterized INSERT statements.


Step 1. Reconfigure Data Provider connection to specify "Use Early Metadata=true" in the SQL Server Replication subscriber data source definition.

For more information, see Configure Data Providers for DB2 Data Links (DB2) All Properties in OLE DB Provider for DB2 documentation.

Step 2 Re-configure SQL Server Replication subscription article to include option "24" ("Includes the column name in INSERT statements and uses parameterized statements.").

For more information, see SQL Server Replication sp_addarticle (Transact-SQL) in SQL Server documentation.