RecipientFlags Field
1 |
2 |
3 |
R |
S |
T |
D |
E |
Type |
O |
Reserved |
I |
U |
N |
R (1 bit): (mask 0x0080). If this flag is b'1', a different transport is responsible for delivery to this recipient (1).
S (1 bit): (mask 0x0040). If this flag is b'1', the value of the TransmittableDisplayName field is the same as the value of the DisplayName field.
T (1 bit): (mask 0x0020). If this flag is b'1', the TransmittableDisplayName (section field is included.
D (1 bit): (mask 0x0010). If this flag is b'1', the DisplayName (section field is included.
E (1 bit): (mask 0x0008). If this flag is b'1', the EmailAddress (section field is included.
Type (3 bits): (mask 0x0007). This enumeration specifies the type of address. The valid types are:
NoType (0x0)
X500DN (0x1)
MsMail (0x2)
SMTP (0x3)
Fax (0x4)
ProfessionalOfficeSystem (0x5)
PersonalDistributionList1 (0x6)
PersonalDistributionList2 (0x7)
O (1 bit): (mask 0x8000). If this flag is b'1', this recipient (1) has a non-standard address type and the AddressType field is included.
Reserved (4 bits): (mask 0x7800) The server MUST set this to b'0000'.
I (1 bit): (mask 0x0400). If this flag is b'1', the SimpleDisplayName field is included.
U (1 bit): (mask 0x0200). If this flag is b'1', the associated string properties are in Unicode with a 2-byte terminating null character; if this flag is b'0', string properties are MBCS with a single terminating null character, in the code page sent to the server in the EcDoConnectEx method, as specified in [MS-OXCRPC] section, or the Connect request type<6>, as specified in [MS-OXCMAPIHTTP] section
N (1 bit): (mask 0x0100). If b'1', this flag specifies that the recipient (1) does not support receiving rich text messages.