RecipientRow Structure
1 |
2 |
3 |
RecipientFlags |
AddressPrefixUsed (optional) |
DisplayType (optional) |
X500DN (optional) (variable) |
... |
EntryIdSize (optional) |
EntryID (optional) (variable) |
... |
SearchKeySize (optional) |
SearchKey (optional) (variable) |
... |
AddressType (optional) (variable) |
... |
EmailAddress (optional) (variable) |
... |
DisplayName (optional) (variable) |
... |
SimpleDisplayName (optional) (variable) |
... |
TransmittableDisplayName (optional) (variable) |
... |
RecipientColumnCount |
RecipientProperties (variable) |
... |
RecipientFlags (2 bytes): A RecipientFlags structure, as specified in section This value specifies the type of recipient (1) and which standard properties are included.
AddressPrefixUsed (optional) (1 byte): Unsigned integer. This field MUST be present when the Type field of the RecipientFlags field is set to X500DN (0x1) and MUST NOT be present otherwise. This value specifies the amount of the Address Prefix is used for this X500 DN. The Address Prefix is used only in the context of a bulk data transfer buffer, and is specified there by the MetaTagDnPrefix meta-property. For details about the MetaTagDnPrefix meta-property, see [MS-OXCFXICS] section
DisplayType (optional) (1 byte): An enumeration. This field MUST be present when the Type field of the RecipientFlags field is set to X500DN (0x1) and MUST NOT be present otherwise. This value specifies the display type of this address. Valid values for this field are specified in the following table.
Value |
Meaning |
0x00 |
A messaging user |
0x01 |
0x02 |
A forum, such as a bulletin board service or a public or shared folder |
0x03 |
An automated agent |
0x04 |
An Address Book object defined for a large group, such as helpdesk, accounting, coordinator, or department |
0x05 |
A private, personally administered distribution list |
0x06 |
An Address Book object known to be from a foreign or remote messaging system |
X500DN (optional) (variable): A null-terminated ASCII string. This field MUST be present when the Type field of the RecipientFlags field is set to X500DN (0x1) and MUST NOT be present otherwise. This value specifies the X500 DN of this recipient (1).
EntryIdSize (optional) (2 bytes): An unsigned integer. This field MUST be present when the Type field of the RecipientFlags field is set to PersonalDistributionList1 (0x6) or PersonalDistributionList2 (0x7). This field MUST NOT be present otherwise. This value specifies the size of the EntryID field.
EntryID (optional) (variable): An array of bytes. This field MUST be present when the Type field of the RecipientFlags field is set to PersonalDistributionList1 (0x6) or PersonalDistributionList2 (0x7). This field MUST NOT be present otherwise. The number of bytes in this field MUST be the same as specified in the EntryIdSize field. This array specifies the address book EntryID structure, as specified in section, of the distribution list.
SearchKeySize (optional) (2 bytes): An unsigned integer. This field MUST be present when the Type field of the RecipientFlags field is set to PersonalDistributionList1 (0x6) or PersonalDistributionList2 (0x7). This field MUST NOT be present otherwise. This value specifies the size of the SearchKey field.
SearchKey (optional) (variable): An array of bytes. This field is used when the Type field of the RecipientFlags field is set to PersonalDistributionList1 (0x6) or PersonalDistributionList2 (0x7). This field MUST NOT be present otherwise. The number of bytes in this field MUST be the same as what is specified in the SearchKeySize field and can be 0. This array specifies the search key of the distribution list.
AddressType (optional) (variable): A null-terminated ASCII string. This field MUST be present when the Type field of the RecipientsFlags field is set to NoType (0x0) and the O flag of the RecipientsFlags field is set. This field MUST NOT be present otherwise. This string specifies the address type of the recipient (1).
EmailAddress (optional) (variable): A null-terminated string. This field MUST be present when the E flag of the RecipientsFlags field is set and MUST NOT be present otherwise. This field MUST be specified in Unicode characters if the U flag of the RecipientsFlags field is set and in the 8-bit character set otherwise. This string specifies the email address of the recipient (1).
DisplayName (optional) (variable): A null-terminated string. This field MUST be present when the D flag of the RecipientsFlags field is set and MUST NOT be present otherwise. This field MUST be specified in Unicode characters if the U flag of the RecipientsFlags field is set and in the 8-bit character set otherwise. This string specifies the email address of the recipient (1).
SimpleDisplayName (optional) (variable): A null-terminated string. This field MUST be present when the I flag of the RecipientsFlags field is set and MUST NOT be present otherwise. This field MUST be specified in Unicode characters if the U flag of the RecipientsFlags field is set and in the 8-bit character set otherwise. This string specifies the email address of the recipient (1).
TransmittableDisplayName (optional) (variable): A null-terminated string. This field MUST be present when the T flag of the RecipientsFlags field is set and MUST NOT be present otherwise. This field MUST be specified in Unicode characters if the U flag of the RecipientsFlags field is set and in the 8-bit character set otherwise. This string specifies the email address of the recipient (1).
RecipientColumnCount (2 bytes): An unsigned integer. This value specifies the number of columns from the RecipientColumns field ([MS-OXCROPS] section that are included in the RecipientProperties field.
RecipientProperties (variable): PropertyRow structures, as specified in section 2.8.1. The columns used for this row are those specified in RecipientProperties.