2.9.74 FCCT
The FCCT structure specifies information about a format consistency-checker bookmark.
1 |
2 |
3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
A - fcctChp (1 bit): A bit field specifying that the character properties associated with the region of text were flagged as inconsistent with those in other regions of text in the file.
B - fcctPap (1 bit): A bit field specifying that paragraph properties associated with the region of text were flagged as inconsistent with those in other regions of text in the file. This bit field MUST be 0.
C - fcctTap (1 bit): A bit field specifying that table properties associated with the region of text were flagged as inconsistent with those in other regions of text in the file.
D - fcctSep (1 bit): A bit field specifying that line-separation properties associated with the region of text were flagged as inconsistent with those in other regions of text in the file.
E - fcctUnused (4 bits): This MUST be zero and MUST be ignored.