2.9.17 Brc80
The Brc80 structure describes a border.
1 |
2 |
3 |
dptLineWidth |
brcType |
ico |
dptSpace |
A |
B |
C |
dptLineWidth (8 bits): An unsigned integer that specifies the width of the border in 1/8-point increments. Values of less than 2 are considered to be equivalent to 2.
brcType (1 byte): A BrcType that specifies the type of this border. This value MUST NOT be 0x1A or 0x1B.
ico (1 byte): An Ico that specifies the color of this border.
dptSpace (5 bits): An unsigned integer that specifies the distance from the text to the border, in points.
A - fShadow (1 bit): If this bit is set, the border has an additional shadow effect. For top and logical left borders, this bit has no visual effect.
B - fFrame (1 bit): Specifies whether the specified border is modified to create a frame effect by reversing the appearance of the border from the edge nearest the text to the edge furthest from the text. The frame effect shall only be applied to right and bottom borders.
C - reserved (1 bit): This bit MUST be zero, and MUST be ignored.