2.4.7 AutoFilter12
The AutoFilter12 record specifies AutoFilter properties.
1 |
2 |
3 |
frtRefHeader |
... |
... |
iEntry |
fHideArrow |
... |
ft |
... |
cft |
... |
cCriteria |
... |
cDateGroupings |
... |
A |
B |
unused1 |
unused2 |
idList |
guidSview (16 bytes) |
... |
... |
rgb (variable) |
... |
rgCriteria (variable) |
... |
rgDateGroupings (variable) |
... |
frtRefHeader (12 bytes): An FrtRefHeader structure (section 2.5.137). The frtRefHeader.rt MUST be 0x087E. frtRefHeader.grbitFrt.fFrtRef MUST be 0x1. The frtRefHeader.ref8 field MUST refer to the range of cells associated with this record.
iEntry (2 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the sheet (1) column that this AutoFilter applies to. The column index is determined by the following formula:
frtRefHeader.ref8.colFirst + iEntry.
The value of iEntry MUST be less than or equal to 255.
fHideArrow (4 bytes): A Boolean (section 2.5.14) that specifies whether the user interface used to display AutoFilter settings is hidden.
ft (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the filter type. MUST be one of the values in the table specified in rgb.
cft (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the custom filter type. MUST be one of the values in the following table:
No custom filter
The custom filter displays items that are above average.
The custom filter displays items that are below average.
The custom filter displays items that are from tomorrow.
The custom filter displays items that are from today.
The custom filter displays items that are from yesterday.
The custom filter displays items that are from next week.
The custom filter displays items that are from this week.
The custom filter displays items that are from last week
The custom filter displays items that are from next month.
The custom filter displays items that are from this month.
The custom filter displays items that are from last month.
The custom filter displays items that are from next quarter.
The custom filter displays items that are from this quarter.
The custom filter displays items that are from last quarter.
The custom filter displays items that are from next year.
The custom filter displays items that are from this year.
The custom filter displays items that are from last year.
The custom filter displays items that are from year-to-date.
The custom filter displays items that are from the 1st quarter.
The custom filter displays items that are from the 2nd quarter.
The custom filter displays items that are from the 3rd quarter.
The custom filter displays items that are from the 4th quarter.
The custom filter displays items that are from the 1st month.
The custom filter displays items that are from the 2nd month.
The custom filter displays items that are from the 3rd month.
The custom filter displays items that are from the 4th month.
The custom filter displays items that are from the 5th month.
The custom filter displays items that are from the 6th month.
The custom filter displays items that are from the 7th month.
The custom filter displays items that are from the 8th month.
The custom filter displays items that are from the 9th month.
The custom filter displays items that are from the 10th month.
The custom filter displays items that are from the 11th month.
The custom filter displays items that are from the 12th month.
cCriteria (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the number of items in rgCriteria. MUST be ignored if ft is nonzero.
cDateGroupings (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the number of items in rgDateGroupings. MUST be ignored if ft is nonzero.
A - reserved1 (3 bits): MUST be zero, and MUST be ignored.
B - fWorksheetAutoFilter (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether this filter is a sheet (1) AutoFilter. A sheet (1) AutoFilter filters items in the sheet specified by the Worksheet part (section that contains this record. MUST be 1 if and only if idList is equal to 0xFFFFFFFF.
unused1 (12 bits): Undefined and MUST be ignored.
unused2 (4 bytes): Undefined and MUST be ignored.
idList (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the table with items that are filtered by this AutoFilter. MUST either be equal to the idList field of the associated TableFeatureType structure (section 2.5.266) or MUST be 0xFFFFFFFF if this filter is a sheet (1) AutoFilter.
guidSview (16 bytes): A GUID as specified by [MS-DTYP] that specifies the associated UserSViewBegin record (section 2.4.334). MUST be 0, or MUST be equal to the guid field of the preceding UserSViewBegin record (section 2.4.334).
rgb (variable): A variable type field whose type and meaning is specified by the value of ft, as defined in the following table:
Value of ft
Type of rgb
rgb does not exist. Either cCriteria or cDateGroupings MUST be greater than zero.
rgb is a DXFN12NoCB structure (section 2.5.98) that specifies the cell color to use for the filter.
rgb is a DXFN12NoCB structure (section 2.5.98) that specifies the cell font to use for the filter.
rgb is an AF12CellIcon structure (section 2.5.2) that specifies the cell icon to use for the filter.
rgCriteria (variable): An optional array of AF12Criteria structures (section 2.5.3). The length of the array MUST be equal to cCriteria. MUST exist if and only if ft is zero and cCriteria is nonzero. Each element of the array MUST be specified in a separate ContinueFrt12 record (section 2.4.62).
rgDateGroupings (variable): An optional array of AF12DateInfo structures (section 2.5.4). The length of the array MUST be equal to cDateGroupings. MUST exist if and only if ft is zero and cDateGroupings is nonzero. Each element of the array MUST be specified in a separate ContinueFrt12 record (section 2.4.62).