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CAutoHideDockSite Class


The latest version of this topic can be found at CAutoHideDockSite Class.

The CAutoHideDockSite extends the CDockSite Class to implement auto-hide dock panes.


class CAutoHideDockSite : public CDockSite  


Public Constructors

Name Description
CAutoHideDockSite::CAutoHideDockSite Constructs a CAutoHideDockSite object.
CAutoHideDockSite::~CAutoHideDockSite Destructor.

Public Methods

Name Description
CAutoHideDockSite::AllowShowOnPaneMenu Indicates whether the CAutoHideDockSite is shown on the pane menu.
CAutoHideDockSite::CanAcceptPane Determines whether a base pane object is derived from the CMFCAutoHideBar Class.
CAutoHideDockSite::DockPane Docks a pane to this CAuotHideDockSite object.
CAutoHideDockSite::GetAlignRect Retrieves the size of the dock site in screen coordinates.
CAutoHideDockSite::RepositionPanes Redraws the pane on the CAutoHideDockSite with the global margins and button spacing.
CAutoHideDockSite::SetOffsetLeft Sets the margin on the left side of the docking bar.
CAutoHideDockSite::SetOffsetRight Sets the margin on the right side of the docking bar.
CAutoHideDockSite::UnSetAutoHideMode Calls CMFCAutoHideBar::UnSetAutoHideMode for objects on the CAutoHideDockSite.

Data Members

Name Description
CAutoHideDockSite::m_nExtraSpace Defines the size of the space between the toolbars and the edge of the docking bar. This space is measured from either the left edge or the top edge, depending on the alignment for the dock space.


When you call CFrameWndEx::EnableAutoHidePanes, the framework automatically creates a CAutoHideDockSite object. In most cases, you should not have to instantiate or use this class directly.

The docking bar is the gap between the left side of the dock pane and the left side of the CMFCAutoHideButton Class.

Inheritance Hierarchy







The following example demonstrates how to retrieve a CAutoHideDockSite object from a CMFCAutoHideBar object, and how to set the left and right margins of the docking bar.

 CAutoHideDockSite* pParentDockBar = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CAutoHideDockSite, pParentBar->GetParentDockSite());


Header: afxautohidedocksite.h


Determines whether a base pane is a CMFCAutoHideBar object or derived from CMFCAutoHideBar.

virtual BOOL CanAcceptPane(const CBasePane* pBar) const;  


Parameter Description
[in] pBar The base pane that the framework tests.

Return Value

TRUE if pBar is derived from CMFCAutoHideBar; FALSE otherwise.


If a base pane object is derived from CMFCAutoHideBar, it can contain a CAutoHideDockSite.


Docks a pane to this CAutoHideDockSite object.

virtual void DockPane(
    CPane* pWnd,  
    AFX_DOCK_METHOD dockMethod,  
    LPRECT lpRect = NULL);


Parameter Description
[in] pWnd The pane that the framework docks.
[in] dockMethod Docking options for the pane.
[in] lpRect A rectangle that specifies the boundaries for the docked pane.


The default implementation does not use the parameter dockMethod, which is provided for future use.

If lpRect is NULL, the framework puts the pane in the default location on the dock site. If the dock site is horizontal, the default location is at the far left of the dock site. Otherwise, the default location is at the top of the dock site.


Retrieves the size of the dock site in screen coordinates.

void GetAlignRect(CRect& rect) const;  


Parameter Description
[in] rect A reference to a rectangle. The method stores the size of the dock site in this rectangle.


The rectangle is adjusted for the offset margins so that they are not included.


The size of the space between the edges of the CAutoHideDockSite Class and the CMFCAutoHideBar Class objects.

static int m_nExtraSpace;  


When a CMFCAutoHideBar is docked at a CAutoHideDockSite, it should not occupy the whole dock site. This global variable controls the extra space between the left or top border of the CMFCAutoHideBar and the corresponding CAutoHideDockSite edge. Whether the top or left edge is used depends on the current alignment.


Sets the margin on the left side of the docking bar.

void SetOffsetLeft(int nOffset);


[in] nOffset
The new offset.


CMFCAutoHideBar objects are positioned statically on the CAutoHideDockSite object. This means that the user cannot manually change the location of CMFCAutoHideBar objects. The SetOffsetLeft method controls the spacing between the left side of the left-most CMFCAutoHideBar and the left side of the CAutoHideDockSite.


Sets the margin on the right side of the docking bar.

void SetOffsetRight(int nOffset);


[in] nOffset
The new offset.


CMFCAutoHideBar objects are positioned statically on the CAutoHideDockSite object. This means that the user cannot manually change the location of the CMFCAutoHideBar objects. The SetOffsetRight method controls the spacing between the right side of the right-most CMFCAutoHideBar and the right side of the CAutoHideDockSite.


Redraws the panes on the CAutoHideDockSite.

virtual void RepositionPanes(CRect& rectNewClientArea);


Parameter Description
[in] rectNewClientArea A reserved value.


The default implementation does not use rectNewClientArea. It redraws the panes with the global toolbar margins and button spacing.


Calls CMFCAutoHideBar::UnSetAutoHideMode for objects on the dock site.

void UnSetAutoHideMode(CMFCAutoHideBar* pAutoHideToolbar);


Parameter Description
[in] pAutoHideToolbar A pointer to a CMFCAutoHideBar object pane located on the CAutoHideDockSite.


This method searches for the row that contains pAutoHideToolbar. It calls CMFCAutoHideBar.UnSetAutoHideMode for all the CMFCAutoHideBar objects on that row. If pAutoHideToolbar is not found or it is NULL, this method calls CMFCAutoHideBar.UnSetAutoHideMode for all the CMFCAutoHideBar objects on the CAutoHideDockSite.

See Also

Hierarchy Chart
CDockSite Class