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CMFCDesktopAlertWndInfo Class


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The latest version of this topic can be found at CMFCDesktopAlertWndInfo Class.

The CMFCDesktopAlertWndInfo class is used with the CMFCDesktopAlertWnd Class. It specifies the controls that are displayed if the desktop alert window pops up.


class CMFCDesktopAlertWndInfo  


Public Constructors

Name Description
CMFCDesktopAlertWndInfo::~CMFCDesktopAlertWndInfo Destructor.

Public Methods

Name Description

Data Members

Name Description
CMFCDesktopAlertWndInfo::m_hIcon A handle to the icon that is displayed.
CMFCDesktopAlertWndInfo::m_nURLCmdID The command ID associated with a link on the desktop alert window.
CMFCDesktopAlertWndInfo::m_strText The text that is displayed on the desktop alert window.
CMFCDesktopAlertWndInfo::m_strURL The link that is displayed on the desktop alert window.


The CMFCDesktopAlertWndInfo class is passed to the CMFCDesktopAlertWnd::Create method to specify the elements that are displayed on the default dialog of the desktop alert window. The default dialog can contain three items:

  • An icon, which is set by calling CMFCDesktopAlertWndInfo::m_hIcon.

  • A label, or text message, which is set by calling CMFCDesktopAlertWndInfo::m_strText.

  • A link, which is set by calling CMFCDesktopAlertWndInfo::m_strURL. To set the command that is executed when the link is clicked, call CMFCDesktopAlertWndInfo::m_nURLCmdID.

If the default dialog is not sufficient, you can create a custom dialog and pass it to the CMFCDesktopAlertWnd::Create method instead of using this class. For more information, see CMFCDesktopAlertDialog Class.


The following example demonstrates how to use various members in the CMFCDesktopAlertWndInfo class. The example demonstrates how to set the handle to the icon that is displayed, the text that is displayed on the desktop alert window, the link that is displayed on the desktop alert window, and the command ID that is associated with a link on the desktop alert window. This example is part of the Desktop Alert Demo sample.

     CMFCDesktopAlertWndInfo params;
        // int m_nIcon
        if (m_nIcon > 0)
            // CMFCToolBarImages m_Icons
            params.m_hIcon = m_Icons.ExtractIcon (m_nIcon - 1);

        // CString  m_strText
        params.m_strText = m_strText;
        // CString  m_strLink
        params.m_strURL = m_strLink;
        params.m_nURLCmdID = 101;

Inheritance Hierarchy



Header: afxDesktopAlertDialog.h


This topic is included for completeness. For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.

CMFCDesktopAlertWndInfo& operator=(CMFCDesktopAlertWndInfo& src);


[in] src

Return Value



A handle to the icon that is displayed.

HICON m_hIcon;  



The command ID associated with a link on the desktop alert window.



The command ID is sent to the owner of the popup window when the user clicks on the link specified by CMFCDesktopAlertWndInfo::m_strURL.


The text that is displayed on the desktop alert window.

CString m_strText;  



The link that is displayed on the desktop alert window.

CString m_strURL;  


When the user clicks the link, the command that has the CMFCDesktopAlertWndInfo::m_nURLCmdID command ID will be sent to the owner of the pop-up window.

See Also

Hierarchy Chart
CMFCDesktopAlertWnd Class
CMFCDesktopAlertDialog Class