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How to: Include Microsoft Dynamics Online Connect on Role Centers

The RoleTailored client installation includes a control add-in that you can use on Role Centers to connect to and display information from Microsoft Dynamics Online Connect. The information from Connect is based on the Role Center's profile. The Connect control add-in is provided in the Microsoft.Dynamics.NAV.Client.DynamicsOnlineConnect.dll assembly file. By default, the assembly is installed on the computer running the RoleTailored client in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\RoleTailored Client\Add-ins\Connect folder. Setting up the control add-in for Connect is similar to other control add-ins. For more information, see Installing and Configuring Windows Client Control Add-ins on Pages and Including Microsoft Dynamics Online Connect on Role Centers.


If you make Connect available to users, then they will require Internet access to use the service. If you have not previously offered Internet access to users, then you should consider the security implications before implementing Connect. For more information, see Microsoft Dynamics Online Connect.

Setting up Connect with the Demo Database Installed

If you installed the Microsoft Dynamics NAV demo database, then the Connect control add-in is set up by default on several Role Centers that use the profiles that are supported by Connect. To see a list of the profiles and the associated Role Centers, see Including Microsoft Dynamics Online Connect on Role Centers.

The demo database contains the page 9175 Connect, which hosts the Connect control add-in. You use this page to set up Connect on your own Role Centers as described in the following procedure.

To set up a Connect on a Role Center with the demo database installed

  1. Create the Role Center page that has a part that targets the page 9175 Connect.

    For more information, see Walkthrough: Creating a Role Center.

  2. Assign the Role Center to a profile that is supported by Connect.


    You can also use a profile that is not supported by Connect. In this case, when the Role Center opens, the user is prompted to choose a supported profile.

Setting up Connect Without the Demo Database Installed

Use the procedure in this section to set up Role Centers with Connect if you have not installed the demo database.

To set up Connect on a Role Center without the demo database installed

  1. Register the Connect control add-in in the Client add-in table of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database. You must provide the following information:

    • Control add-in name - Microsoft.Dynamics.NAV.MicrosoftDynamicsOnlineConnectControl

    • Public token key - 31bf3856ad364e35

    For more information, see How to: Register a Windows Client Control Add-in.

  2. Use the Connect control add-in on a page.

    For more information, see How to: Set Up a Windows Client Control Add-in on a Page.

  3. Create the Role Center page and include a part that uses the Connect page from step 2.

    For more information, see Walkthrough: Creating a Role Center.

  4. Define the Role Center profile that is supported by Connect and assign it your Role Center.

    For more information, see How to: Create a Profile.


    You can also use a profile that is not supported by Connect. In this case, when the Role Center opens, the user is prompted to choose a supported profile.

See Also


Including Microsoft Dynamics Online Connect on Role Centers
Installing and Configuring Windows Client Control Add-ins on Pages