Vector4 Class (Microsoft.DirectX)
Describes and manipulates a vector in four-dimensional (4-D) space.
Note: For programming in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET or Microsoft JScript .NET, use the methods of the Microsoft.DirectX.Vector4 structure.
Visual Basic NotInheritable MustInherit Public Class Vector4
Inherits ObjectC# public abstract sealed class Vector4 : Object C++ public ref class Vector4 abstract sealed : Object JScript public final abstract class Vector4 extends Object
Members Table
The following table lists the members exposed by the object.
Method Description Add Adds two 4-D vectors. Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the equivalent method in the Microsoft.DirectX structures.BaryCentric Returns a point in barycentric coordinates, using the specified 4-D vectors. Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the equivalent method in the Microsoft.DirectX structures.CatmullRom Performs a Catmull-Rom interpolation using specified 4-D vectors. Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the equivalent method in the Microsoft.DirectX structures.Cross Determines the cross product in four dimensions. Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the equivalent method in the Microsoft.DirectX structures.Dot Determines the dot product of two 4-D vectors. Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the equivalent method in the Microsoft.DirectX structures.Hermite Performs a Hermite spline interpolation using the specified 4-D vectors. Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the equivalent method in the Microsoft.DirectX structures.Length Returns the length of a 4-D vector. Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the equivalent method in the Microsoft.DirectX structures.LengthSq Returns the square of the length of a 4-D vector. Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the equivalent method in the Microsoft.DirectX structures.Lerp Performs a linear interpolation between two 4-D vectors. Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the equivalent method in the Microsoft.DirectX structures.Maximize Returns a 4-D vector that is made up of the largest components of two 4-D vectors. Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the equivalent method in the Microsoft.DirectX structures.Minimize Returns a 4-D vector that is made up of the smallest components of two 4-D vectors. Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the equivalent method in the Microsoft.DirectX structures.Normalize Returns the normalized version of a 4-D vector. Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the equivalent method in the Microsoft.DirectX structures.Scale Scales a 4-D vector. Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the equivalent method in the Microsoft.DirectX structures.Subtract Subtracts two 4-D vectors. Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the equivalent method in the Microsoft.DirectX structures.Transform Transforms a 4-D vector or an array of 4-D vectors by a given matrix. Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the equivalent method in the Microsoft.DirectX structures.TransformArray Transforms a vector array by a given matrix. Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the equivalent method in the Microsoft.DirectX structures.
Inheritance Hierarchy
Class Information
Namespace Microsoft.DirectX Assembly Microsoft.DirectX (microsoft.directx.dll) Strong Name Microsoft.DirectX, Version=1.0.900.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d3231b57b74a1492