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UnsafeNativeMethods Class (Microsoft.DirectX)

Defines high-performance utility methods for matrix, plane, quaternion, and vector manipulation. This class is a container of classes. See the individual classes for more information.

Note: For programming in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET or Microsoft JScript .NET, use the methods of the Microsoft.DirectX Structures.


Visual Basic NotInheritable Public Class UnsafeNativeMethods
    Inherits ObjectLeave Site
C# public sealed class UnsafeNativeMethods : ObjectLeave Site
C++ public ref class UnsafeNativeMethods sealed : ObjectLeave Site
JScript public final class UnsafeNativeMethods extends ObjectLeave Site

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the object.


Classes Description
UnsafeNativeMethods.Matrix Describes and manipulates a matrix.
Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the methods of the Microsoft.DirectX.Matrix structure.
UnsafeNativeMethods.Plane Describes and manipulates a plane.
Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the methods of the Microsoft.DirectX.Plane structure.
UnsafeNativeMethods.Quaternion Describes and manipulates a quaternion.
Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the methods of the Microsoft.DirectX.Quaternion structure.
UnsafeNativeMethods.Vector2 Describes and manipulates a vector in two-dimensional (2-D) space.
Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the methods of the Microsoft.DirectX.Vector2 structure.
UnsafeNativeMethods.Vector3 Describes and manipulates a vector in three-dimensional (3-D) space.
Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the methods of the Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3 structure.
UnsafeNativeMethods.Vector4 Describes and manipulates a vector in four-dimensional (4-D) space.
Note: For programming in Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET, use the methods of the Microsoft.DirectX.Vector4 structure.

Inheritance Hierarchy

ObjectLeave Site


Class Information

Namespace Microsoft.DirectX
Assembly Microsoft.DirectX (microsoft.directx.dll)
Strong Name Microsoft.DirectX,  Version=1.0.900.0,  Culture=neutral,  PublicKeyToken=d3231b57b74a1492

See Also