Retrieves the background color of the current pager control.
COLORREF GetBkColor() const;
Header: afxcmn.h
Return Value
A COLORREF value that contains the current background color of the pager control.
This method sends the PGM_GETBKCOLOR message, which is described in the Windows SDK.
The following example uses the CPagerCtrl::SetBkColor method to set the background color of the pager control to red, and the CPagerCtrl::GetBkColor method to confirm that the change was made.
void CCSplitButton_s2Dlg::OnXColor()
COLORREF originalColor;
// Set color to red.
originalColor = m_pager.SetBkColor(RGB(255,0,0));
if (m_pager.GetBkColor() != RGB(255,0,0))
MessageBox(_T("Control did not return RED as the previous color."));
// The following statement is one way to restore the color.
// m_pager.SetBkColor( originalColor );