The framework calls this member function when the cursor hovers over the client area of the window for the period of time specified in a prior call to TrackMouseEvent.
afx_msg void OnMouseHover(
UINT nFlags,
CPoint point
Parameter |
Description |
[in] nFlags |
A bitwise combination (OR) of flags that indicate which modifier keys are pressed. For example, the MK_CONTROL flag indicates that the CTRL key is pressed. |
[in] point |
A CPoint object that specifies the x and y coordinates of the cursor relative to the upper-left corner of the client area. |
This method receives the WM_MOUSEHOVER notification, which is described in the Windows SDK.
The nFlags parameter can be a combination of modifier keys listed in the following table. For more information, see About Mouse Input.
Modifier Key |
Description |
The CTRL key is pressed. |
The left mouse button is pressed. |
The middle mouse button is pressed. |
The right mouse button is pressed. |
The SHIFT key is pressed. |
The XBUTTON1 mouse button of the Microsoft IntelliMouse is pressed. |
The XBUTTON2 mouse button of the Microsoft IntelliMouse is pressed. |
This member function is called by the framework to allow your application to handle a Windows message. The parameters passed to your function reflect the parameters received by the framework when the message was received. If you call the base-class implementation of this function, that implementation will use the parameters originally passed with the message and not the parameters you supply to the function.
Header: afxwin.h
This method is supported in Windows Vista and later.
Additional requirements for this method are described in Build Requirements for Windows Vista Common Controls.