Call this member function to retrieve the title or text associated with a control in a dialog box.
int GetDlgItemText(
int nID,
int nMaxCount
) const;
int GetDlgItemText(
int nID,
CString& rString
) const;
Specifies the integer identifier of the control whose title is to be retrieved.lpStr
Points to the buffer to receive the control's title or text.nMaxCount
Specifies the maximum length (in characters) of the string to be copied to lpStr. If the string is longer than nMaxCount, it is truncated.rString
A reference to a CString.
Return Value
Specifies the actual number of characters copied to the buffer, not including the terminating null character. The value is 0 if no text is copied.
The GetDlgItemText member function copies the text to the location pointed to by lpStr and returns a count of the number of bytes it copies.
Header: afxwin.h