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Rendering Contexts in Direct3D Mobile (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


Microsoft® Direct3D® Mobile defines a rendering context as the complete driver state that can be used to render primitives. In Direct3D Mobile's current architecture, this is a weak construct because there will only ever be one active application process rendering within a single driver state. This means that only a single context will be created when the device is created. It is a good design practice to attach state to a rendering context rather than a global data structure.

When the Direct3D Mobile middleware needs to create a context, it will call the driver's D3DM_CreateContext function, passing it a pointer to a D3DM_CREATECONTEXT_DATA structure. To destroy a context, the middleware calls D3DM_DestroyContext, passing a pointer to a D3DM_DESTROYCONTEXT_DATA structure.

See Also


Driver Interactions with the Direct3D Mobile Middleware