CREATE_BAND_PARAMETERS structure (ehstorbandmgmt.h)
The parameters to create a band on a storage device for an IOCTL_EHSTOR_BANDMGMT_CREATE_BAND request are specified in a CREATE_BAND_PARAMETERS structure.
typedef struct _CREATE_BAND_PARAMETERS {
ULONG StructSize;
ULONG Flags;
ULONG BandLocationInfoOffset;
ULONG BandSecurityInfoOffset;
ULONG AuthKeyOffset;
The size of this structure in bytes. Set to sizeof(CREATE_BAND_PARAMETERS).
Band creation flags. This value is a bitwise OR combination of the following.
The offset, in bytes, of a BAND_LOCATION_INFO structure. The offset is from the beginning of CREATE_BAND_PARAMETERS.
The offset, in bytes, of a BAND_SECURITY_INFO structure. The offset is from the beginning of CREATE_BAND_PARAMETERS. If this value is 0, meaning band security info is not present, key manager metadata for the band is set to all zeros. Also, when this member is 0, the read and write lock states default to PERSISTANT_UNLOCK.
The offset, in bytes, of an AUTH_KEY structure that contains the authorization key for the new band. The offset is from the beginning of CREATE_BAND_PARAMETERS. AUTH_KEY is declared in ehstorbandmgmt.h as the following.
typedef struct _AUTH_KEY
ULONG KeySize;
The size of the key, in bytes, of the key data at Key. If KeySize is set to 0, a default key is used.
A variable length byte array that contains the key data.
To assign a default authorization key to the band, set AuthKeyOffset = EHSTOR_BANDMGR_NO_KEY.
The CryptoAlgoIdType and CryptoAlgoOidString members of the BAND_SECURITY_INFO structure at BandSecurityInfoOffset are not used in a band creation request and must be set to 0.
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client | Available starting with Windows 8 |
Header | ehstorbandmgmt.h (include EhStorBandMgmt.h) |