Using Crypto Session with DirectX Video Accelerator 2.0 Decoder
This section applies only to Windows 7 and later, and Windows Server 2008 R2 and later versions of Windows operating system.
The user-mode display driver can associate a crypto session with a DirectX Video Accelerator (VA) 2.0 decode device to make the DirectX VA 2.0 decode device use the session key of the crypto session. If the Direct3D runtime specifies a valid decode GUID in the DecodeProfile member of the D3DDDIARG_CREATECRYPTOSESSION structure when the runtime calls the driver's CreateCryptoSession function to create the crypto session, the runtime can subsequently call the driver's ConfigureAuthenticatedChannel function with D3DAUTHETICATEDCONFIGURE_CRYPTOSESSION set to configure the crypto session with the DirectX VA 2.0 decode device. Before configuring the crypto session with the DirectX VA 2.0 decode device, the runtime must call the driver's DecodeExtensionExecute function to retrieve a driver handle for the DirectX VA 2.0 decode device. The runtime sets the members of the D3DDDIARG_DECODEEXTENSIONEXECUTE structure to the following values to retrieve the driver handle for the DirectX VA 2.0 decode device:
When the runtime calls the driver's CreateDecodeDevice function to create the DirectX VA 2.0 decode device, the runtime specifies zeros for the decode-encryption GUIDs within the DXVADDI_CONFIGPICTUREDECODE structure.
After the runtime calls the driver's CreateCryptoSession function with the CryptoType member of the D3DDDIARG_CREATECRYPTOSESSION structure set to D3DCRYPTOTYPE_AES128_CTR to create the crypto session, the setting of the pPVPSetKey member of the D3DDDIARG_DECODEBEGINFRAME structure in a call to the driver's DecodeBeginFrame function to decode a frame indicates the following meanings:
If pPVPSetKey is set to NULL, none of the buffers for the frame contain encrypted data and hence do not require decryption.
If pPVPSetKey points to the NULL_GUID (all zeros), the buffers for the frame are encrypted with the session key.
If pPVPSetKey points to a content key, it indicates that an application used the session key to encrypt the content key. The driver should use this content key to decrypt all encrypted buffers that are associated with this frame.
The initialization vector for each encrypted buffer appears in the pCipherCounter member of the DXVADDI_DECODEBUFFERDESC structure in a call to the driver's DecodeExecute function. The driver should fail the call to its DecodeExecute function if it determines that the initialization vector was previously used for the same content key (or session key if the content key is not used). The application should increment the IV member of the DXVADDI_PVP_HW_IV for each buffer that the application encrypts. Therefore, the driver's DecodeExecute function can fail if the IV member is less than or equal to the previous IV value that was passed to DecodeExecute.
If the runtime must partially encrypt the buffers, it calls the driver's DecodeExtensionExecute function and sets the members of the D3DDDIARG_DECODEEXTENSIONEXECUTE structure to the following values to specify which blocks the driver should encrypt: