ddkmapi.h header
This header is used by Display Devices Reference. For more information, see:
ddkmapi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
Callback functions
LPDD_NOTIFYCALLBACK The NotifyCallback callback function performs operations related to an event that occurred. |
DDADDVPCAPTUREBUFF The DDADDVPCAPTUREBUFF structure contains the information required to add a new buffer to the internal capture queue. |
DDCAPBUFFINFO The DDCAPBUFFINFO structure contains the capture information. |
DDCLOSEHANDLE The DDCLOSEHANDLE structure contains the Microsoft DirectDraw object, surface, video port extensions (VPE) object, or VPE capture handle. |
DDFLIPOVERLAY The DDFLIPOVERLAY structure contains the surface information required for the flip. |
DDFLIPVIDEOPORT The DDFLIPVIDEOPORT structure contains the information required to flip the hardware video port. |
DDGETAUTOFLIPIN The DDGETAUTOFLIPIN structure contains the handle information. |
DDGETAUTOFLIPOUT The DDGETAUTOFLIPOUT structure contains the handle and polarity information returned from the DD_DXAPI_GET_CURRENT_VP_AUTOFLIP_SURFACE and DD_DXAPI_GET_LAST_VP_AUTOFLIP_SURFACE function identifiers of the DxApi function. |
DDGETFIELDNUMIN The DDGETFIELDNUMIN structure contains the Microsoft DirectDraw and video port extensions (VPE) object handle information. |
DDGETFIELDNUMOUT The DDGETFIELDNUMOUT structure contains the hardware video port's field number. |
DDGETKERNELCAPSOUT The DDGETKERNELCAPSOUT structure contains the capabilities of the Microsoft DirectDraw object. |
DDGETPOLARITYIN The DDGETPOLARITYIN structure contains the Microsoft DirectDraw and video port extensions (VPE) object handles. |
DDGETPOLARITYOUT The DDGETPOLARITYOUT structure contains the requested polarity information. |
DDGETSURFACESTATEIN The DDGETSURFACESTATEIN structure contains the Microsoft DirectDraw and DirectDraw surface handle information. |
DDGETSURFACESTATEOUT The DDGETSURFACESTATEOUT structure contains the capabilities and status of the specified surface. |
DDGETVERSIONNUMBER The DDGETVERSIONNUMBER structure contains the version number of the kernel-mode video transport component of Microsoft DirectDraw that is supported by the video miniport driver's DxApi interface. |
DDLOCKIN The DDLOCKIN structure contains the Microsoft DirectDraw object and DirectDraw surface handle information. |
DDLOCKOUT The DDLOCKOUT structure contains a description of the surface. |
DDOPENDIRECTDRAWIN The DDOPENDIRECTDRAWIN structure contains the Microsoft DirectDraw object information. |
DDOPENDIRECTDRAWOUT The DDOPENDIRECTDRAWOUT structure contains a new Microsoft DirectDraw handle for the DD_DXAPI_OPENDIRECTDRAW function identifier of the DxApi function if the ddRVal member of DDOPENDIRECTDRAWOUT is set to DD_OK. |
DDOPENSURFACEIN The DDOPENSURFACEIN structure contains the DirectDrawSurface object information. |
DDOPENSURFACEOUT The DDOPENSURFACEOUT structure contains a new DirectDrawSurface handle, if the ddRVal member of DDOPENSURFACEOUT is set to DD_OK. This new handle must be used on all subsequent calls that require a DirectDrawSurface handle. |
DDOPENVIDEOPORTIN The DDOPENVIDEOPORTIN structure contains the video port extensions (VPE) object information. |
DDOPENVIDEOPORTOUT The DDOPENVIDEOPORTOUT structure contains a Microsoft DirectDraw return code and a new surface handle if ddRVal is set to DD_OK. This new handle must be used on all subsequent calls that require a video port extensions (VPE) object handle. |
DDOPENVPCAPTUREDEVICEIN The DDOPENVPCAPTUREDEVICEIN structure contains the video port extensions (VPE) capture information. |
DDOPENVPCAPTUREDEVICEOUT The DDOPENVPCAPTUREDEVICEOUT structure contains the video port extensions (VPE) capture handle. |
DDREGISTERCALLBACK The DDREGISTERCALLBACK structure contains the register callback information. This structure is used by both the DD_DXAPI_REGISTER_CALLBACK and DD_DXAPI_UNREGISTER_CALLBACK function identifiers of the DxApi function. |
DDSETFIELDNUM The DDSETFIELDNUM structure contains the handles and the field number. |
DDSETSKIPFIELD The DDSETSKIPFIELD structure contains the start field information. |
DDSETSURFACESTATE The DDSETSURFACESTATE structure contains the surface state information. |