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VirtualDirectory(String) Constructeur


Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe VirtualDirectory.

 VirtualDirectory(System::String ^ virtualPath);
protected VirtualDirectory (string virtualPath);
new System.Web.Hosting.VirtualDirectory : string -> System.Web.Hosting.VirtualDirectory
Protected Sub New (virtualPath As String)



Chemin d'accès virtuel à la ressource représentée par cette instance.


L’exemple de code suivant est une implémentation du VirtualDirectory constructeur qui récupère les informations de fichier virtuel d’un DataSet objet fourni par un objet personnalisé VirtualPathProvider . Il inclut la GetData méthode utilisée pour remplir l’instance VirtualDirectory . Pour obtenir le code complet requis pour exécuter l’exemple, consultez la section Exemple de vue d’ensemble de la VirtualDirectory classe.

public SampleVirtualDirectory(string virtualDir, SamplePathProvider provider)
  : base(virtualDir)
  spp = provider;

protected void GetData()
  DataSet ds = spp.GetVirtualData();

  // Clean up the path to match data in resource file.
  string path = VirtualPath.Replace(HostingEnvironment.ApplicationVirtualPath, "");
  path = path.TrimEnd('/');

  // Get the virtual directory from the resource table.
  DataTable dirs = ds.Tables["resource"];
  DataRow[] rows = dirs.Select(
    String.Format("(name = '{0}') AND (type='dir')", path));

  // If the select returned a row, the directory exists.
  if (rows.Length > 0)
    exists = true;

    // Get children from the resource table.
    // This technique works for small numbers of virtual resources.
    //   Sites with moderate to large numbers of virtual
    //   resources should choose a method that consumes fewer
    //   computer resources.
    DataRow[] childRows = dirs.Select(
      String.Format("parentPath = '{0}'", path));

    foreach (DataRow childRow in childRows)
      string childPath = (string)childRow["path"];

      if (childRow["type"].ToString() == "dir")
        SampleVirtualDirectory svd = new SampleVirtualDirectory(childPath, spp);
        SampleVirtualFile svf = new SampleVirtualFile(childPath, spp);
Public Sub New(ByVal virtualDir As String, ByVal provider As SamplePathProvider)
  spp = provider
End Sub

Protected Sub GetData()
  ' Get the data from the SamplePathProvider.
  Dim spp As SamplePathProvider
  spp = CType(HostingEnvironment.VirtualPathProvider, SamplePathProvider)

  Dim ds As DataSet
  ds = spp.GetVirtualData

  ' Clean up the path to match data in resource file.
  Dim path As String
  path = VirtualPath.Replace(HostingEnvironment.ApplicationVirtualPath, "")
  Dim trimChars() As Char = {"/"c}
  path = path.TrimEnd(trimChars)

  ' Get the virtual directory from the resource table.
  Dim dirs As DataTable
  dirs = ds.Tables("resource")
  Dim rows As DataRow()
  rows = dirs.Select( _
    String.Format("(name = '{0}') AND (type='dir')", path))

  ' If the select returned a row, the directory exits.
  If (rows.Length > 0) Then
    existsValue = True

    ' Get the children from the resource table.
    ' This technique works for small numbers of virtual resources.
    '  Sites with moderate to large numbers of virtual
    '  resources should choose a method that consumes fewer
    '  computer resources.
    Dim childRows As DataRow()
    childRows = dirs.Select( _
      String.Format("parentPath = '{0}'", path))

    For Each childRow As DataRow In childRows
      Dim childPath As String
      childPath = CType(childRow("path"), String)

      If (childRow("type").ToString = "dir") Then
        Dim svd As New SampleVirtualDirectory(childPath, spp)
        Dim svf As New SampleVirtualFile(childPath, spp)
      End If

  End If
End Sub

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