Ajouter un serveur de base de données à la batterie de serveurs
Mise à jour : 2008-07-15
This procedure provides information about adding a new database server to a SharePoint Products and Technologies server farm.
In most cases, all that is necessary to add a database server to a SharePoint farm is to set up and configure a new database server running Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and join it to the server farm. SharePoint Products and Technologies can automatically allocate and assign new database resources as necessary. In some circumstances, a server must be added to host a specific database or security policy might require pre-configuring the required databases before joining the new server to the farm.
For information about installing and configuring SQL Server 2005 and attaching it to an existing server farm, see the SQL Server 2005 installation documentation. The following procedures are intended to show how to configure a new database server for a specific task in SharePoint Products and Technologies.
Important : |
IT policy may require that some or all of the steps given in these procedures be performed by a certified database administrator (DBA). Before beginning any of the following procedures, be sure you are complying with your company’s IT policy requirements. |
Add a database server to the farm
Use these procedures to set up your new database server to host specific databases in SharePoint Products and Technologies.
Important : |
Membership in the dbcreator fixed server role and the Farm Administrators SharePoint group is the minimum required to perform the following procedure. |
Configure a new database server for a Web application
On the new database server, start SQL Server Management Studio.
In Object Explorer, right-click Databases, and then click New Database.
In the New Database dialog box, on the General page, type a name and owner for the new database. The owner account should be the same as the Setup user account.
On the Options page, on the Collation list, click LATIN1_General_CI_AS_KS_WS.
Click OK.
Add the Shared Services Provider (SSP) service account to the db_owner fixed database role for the content database you want to add. To do this:
On the SharePoint Central Administration Web site, on the Application Management tab, in the Quick Launch, click Shared Services Administration.
On the Manage this Farm’s Shared Services page, point to the SSP you want to configure, click the arrow that appears, and then click Edit Properties on the menu that appears.
On the Edit Shared Services Provider page, in the SSP Service Credentials section, note the name of the SSP service account.
Start SQL Server Management Studio, and then open the database server that contains the content database you want to add.
In the Object Explorer pane, right-click the content database you want to add, and then click New Query on the menu that appears.
In the query pane, type the following command, and then click Execute:
sp_changedbowner ‘<SSP service account>’.
To configure the content database, on the drive on which SharePoint Products and Technologies is installed, open the command line and change to the following folder: %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12\Bin.
Type the following command, and then press ENTER:
stsadm -o extendvs -url <url> -donotcreatesite -exclusivelyusentlm -databaseserver <database server name> -databasename <database name> -apidtype configurableid -description <IIS Web site name> -apidname <application pool name> -apidlogin <domain name\user name> -apidpwd <password>
Where url is the URL (in the form http://hostname:port) of the Web application, database name is the content database for the Web application, IIS Web site name is the text name you give to the Web site in IIS, apidname is the text name that you give to the Web application pool in IIS, and apidlogin is the identity for the application pool in IIS. This is the application pool process account. If you are using Kerberos v5 authentication rather than NTLM authentication, use the negotiate parameter rather than the exclusivelyusentlm parameter. For more information, see Extendvs : opération Stsadm (Office SharePoint Server).At a command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER:
iisreset /noforce
Important : |
Membership in the dbcreator fixed server role and the Farm Administrators SharePoint group is the minimum required to perform the following procedure. |
Configure a new database server for an SSP
On the new database server, create an SSP content database and an SSP Search database. To do this:
Start SQL Server Management Studio.
In Object Explorer, right-click Databases, and then click New Database.
In the New Database dialog box, on the General page, type a name and owner for the new database (either the SSP content database or the SSP Search database). The owner account should be the same as the Setup user account.
On the Options page, on the Collation list, click LATIN1_General_CI_AS_KS_WS.
Click OK.
Repeat steps b through e for the second database.
In both databases, add the following accounts to the Users group and then to the db_owner fixed database role in both databases you want to add:
Server farm account
Office SharePoint Server service account
Office SharePoint Server Search service account
Application pool process account. This is the Web application pool identity for each Web application associated with Office SharePoint Server.
To do this:
Start SQL Server Management Studio.
In Object Explorer, right-click the content database you want to add, and then click New Query.
In the query pane, type the following command and then click Execute:
sp_changedbowner ‘<Server farm account>’ ‘<SSP service account>’ ‘<Search account>’ ‘<Application pool process account>’.
To create the SSP database, on the drive on which SharePoint Products and Technologies is installed, open the command line, and then change to the following folder %COMMONPROGRAMFILES% \Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12\Bin.
The SSP will use the DBA-created SSP content database and the SSP Search databaseType the following command, and then press ENTER:
stsadm -o createssp -title <SSP name> -url <url> -mysiteurl <url>-ssplogin <user name> -ssppassword <password> -indexserver <index server name>-indexlocation <index file path>-sspdatabaseserver <SSP database server name> -sspdatabasename <SSP database name> -searchdatabaseserver <search database server name> -searchdatabasename <search database name>Where url is the URL (in the format http://hostname:port/ssp/admin) of the Shared Services Administration site, mysiteurl is the URL (in the format http://hostname:port) of the My Sites Web site, ssplogin is the SSP service account in the format domain\user name, index server name is the name of the server on which the index is hosted, and index location is the directory on the index server where the farm administrator specified the index to be stored. By default, this is %SYSTEMDRIVE%:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\12.0\Data\Office Server\Applications. For more information, see Createssp : opération Stsadm (Office SharePoint Server).
Voir aussi
Gérer les services sur chaque serveur d’une batterie de serveurs
Ajouter un serveur Web à la batterie de serveurs
Ajouter un serveur d’applications à la batterie de serveurs
Ajouter un serveur de requête dédié à la batterie de serveurs
Ajouter un serveur d’index à la batterie de serveurs
Configurer des serveurs existants dans la batterie de serveurs
Configurer une topologie de batterie de serveurs multiple
Supprimer un serveur de la batterie de serveurs
Installer les packs de modèles linguistiques
Désinstaller Office SharePoint Server 2007