Maintenance des bases de données (Office SharePoint Server 2007)
Mise à jour : 2009-04-28
This section describes ways that you can help improve the performance, reliability, and scalability of SharePoint Products and Technologies databases by using some easily-applied planning, deployment, and maintenance practices.
A correctly planned and configured database farm is important to the optimal performance and reliability of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. After the farm is operating, regular database maintenance such as defragmenting drives, managing file sizes, and balancing loads can help the databases to grow as necessary without impeding performance. Moving databases, often a necessary part of an equipment upgrade or service expansion, must be performed without data loss and with minimal downtime.
Before beginning any database maintenance, ensure you have read and understand the requirements and restrictions given in the following articles:
Site Web et événements SQL Server (Office SharePoint Server)
Types de bases de données et descriptions (Office SharePoint Server)
Task Requirements
The following requirements apply to many database maintenance operations:
Whenever a database is manipulated, such as creating, moving, or merging databases, correct SQL Server permissions must be granted to the account that is performing the task. Some operations require that the account have membership in the dbcreator fixed database role.
The account that uses the Stsadm command-line tool must be a member of the Administrators group on the local computer.
Some database maintenance, such as moving, requires that the databases be stopped. Be sure to perform these tasks during periods of low usage and provide sufficient notice to all users.
Before beginning any database maintenance, ensure that the data backups are current.
Whenever possible, observe the following database limitations:
Databases should not exceed 100 gigabytes (GB). If a database is approaching this limit, consider splitting the database and moving some content to another database or server.
Databases perform best when they contain data that is accessed in similar ways. For example, a database that contains a read-write site collection and a read-only site collection may not perform as well as a database that contains only read-write site collections.
To avoid bottlenecks, avoid combining resources that are likely to be accessed at the same time into the same database.
To maintain SharePoint Products and Technologies databases, you can perform the following procedures:
Maintenance des bases de données pour Office SharePoint Server 2007 (livre blanc)
Describes the recommended database maintenance tasks for SharePoint Products and Technologies and includes examples.
Provides planning tips and best practices to help optimize performance, scalability, and manageability.
Ajouter, fractionner et fusionner des bases de données de contenu (Office SharePoint Server 2007)
Offers step by step procedures to help manage content databases to meet changing demands.
Déplacer des bases de données de contenu (Office SharePoint Server 2007)
Contains procedures for moving databases as part of an upgrade, recovery process, or deployment to a new farm.
Déplacer toutes les bases de données (Office SharePoint Server 2007)
Lists the steps for moving all of the Office SharePoint Server 2007 databases from one database server to another database server within the same farm.
Describes how to configure a farm to run with read-only databases.
Voir aussi
Opérations pour Office SharePoint Server 2007
Administration de la sécurité et des autorisations (Office SharePoint Server)
Administration de serveurs et de batteries de serveurs
Administration de sites et de collections de sites
Protection et restauration d'une batterie de serveurs (Office SharePoint Server 2007)
Déplacement et migration de serveurs et batteries de serveurs (Office SharePoint Server 2007)