CDiscreteTransition Class
Encapsulates a discrete transition.
class CDiscreteTransition : public CBaseTransition;
Public Constructors
Name |
Description |
Constructs a discrete transition object and initializes its parameters. |
Public Methods
Name |
Description |
Calls the transition library to create encapsulated transition COM object. (Overrides CBaseTransition::Create.) |
Public Data Members
Name |
Description |
The value of the animation variable at the end of the transition. |
The amount of time by which to delay the instantaneous switch to the final value. |
The amount of time by which to hold the variable at its final value. |
During a discrete transition, the animation variable remains at the initial value for a specified delay time, then switches instantaneously to a specified final value and remains at that value for a given hold time. Because all transitions are cleared automatically, it's recommended to allocated them using operator new. The encapsulated IUIAnimationTransition COM object is created by CAnimationController::AnimateGroup, until then it's NULL. Changing member variables after creation of this COM object has no effect.
Inheritance Hierarchy
Header: afxanimationcontroller.h