SH-4 Prolog and Epilog Examples (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)
The following code examples show how to use prolog and epilog to perform certain tasks.
Allocate a stack frame to save R14, R8, and PR
This example allocates a stack frame to save R14, R8, and PR, and to allow alloca() calls. It also allocates a 4-word argument build area. Local variables and temporaries do not need stack space.// Prolog NESTED_ENTRY Function mov.l R14, @-R15 // Save old frame pointer. mov.l R8, @-R15 // Save a permanent register. sts.l PR, @-R15 // Save return address. mov R15, R14 // Set up new frame pointer. add #12, R14 add #-16, R15 // Allocate argument save area PROLOG_END // Routine body // Epilog add #-12, R14 // Find base of RSA. mov R14, R15 lds.l @R15+, PR // Restore return address. mov.l @R15+, R8 // Restore R8. rts // Return. mov.l @R15+, R14 // Restore R14. ENTRY_END Function
Allocate a stack frame for a leaf routine
This example allocates a stack frame for a leaf routine that requires 40 bytes for local variables and temporaries. It uses permanent registers R8, R9, and R10. This routine has no _alloca locals, so no frame pointer is required.// Prolog NESTED_ENTRY Function mov.l R8, @-R15 mov.l R9, @-R15 mov.l R10, @-R15 add #-40, R15 PROLOG_END // Routine body add #40, R15 mov.l @R15+, R10 mov.l @R15+, R9 rts mov.l @R15+, R8 ENTRY_END Function