
IStateManager.SaveViewState メソッド

クラスによって実装された場合は、サーバー コントロールのビューステートの変化を Object に保存します。

名前空間: System.Web.UI
アセンブリ: System.Web (system.web.dll 内)


Function SaveViewState As Object
Dim instance As IStateManager
Dim returnValue As Object

returnValue = instance.SaveViewState
Object SaveViewState ()
Object^ SaveViewState ()
Object SaveViewState ()
function SaveViewState () : Object


ビューステートの変化を格納している Object オブジェクト。


' Implement the SaveViewState method. If the StateBag
' that stores the MyItem class's view state contains
' a value for the message property and if the value
' has changed since the TrackViewState method was last 
' called, all view state for this class is deleted, 
' using the StateBag.Clear method,and the new value is added.
Function SaveViewState() As Object Implements IStateManager.SaveViewState
    ' Check whether the message property exists in 
    ' the ViewState property, and if it does, check
    ' whether it has changed since the most recent
    ' TrackViewState method call.
    If Not CType(_viewstate, IDictionary).Contains("message") OrElse _viewstate.IsItemDirty("message") Then
        ' Add the _message property to the StateBag.
        _viewstate.Add("message", _message)
    End If
    Return CType(_viewstate, IStateManager).SaveViewState()
End Function 'IStateManager.SaveViewState

// Implement the SaveViewState method. If the StateBag
// that stores the MyItem class's view state contains
// a value for the message property and if the value
// has changed since the TrackViewState method was last 
// called, all view state for this class is deleted, 
// using the StateBag.Clear method,and the new value is added.
object IStateManager.SaveViewState()
    // Check whether the message property exists in 
    // the ViewState property, and if it does, check
    // whether it has changed since the most recent
    // TrackViewState method call.
    if (!((IDictionary)_viewstate).Contains("message") || _viewstate.IsItemDirty("message"))
        // Add the _message property to the StateBag.
        _viewstate.Add("message", _message);
    return ((IStateManager)_viewstate).SaveViewState();
// Implement the SaveViewState method. If the StateBag
// that stores the MyItem class's view state contains
// a value for the message property and if the value
// has changed since the TrackViewState method was last 
// called, all view state for this class is deleted, 
// using the StateBag.Clear method,and the new value is added.
public Object SaveViewState()
    // Check whether the message property exists in 
    // the ViewState property, and if it does, check
    // whether it has changed since the most recent
    // TrackViewState method call.
    if (!(((IDictionary)_viewState).Contains("message")) 
        || _viewState.IsItemDirty("message")) {
            // Add the _message property to the StateBag.
            _viewState.Add("message", _message);
    return ((IStateManager)_viewState).SaveViewState();
} //SaveViewState


Windows 98,Windows Server 2000 SP4,Windows CE,Windows Millennium Edition,Windows Mobile for Pocket PC,Windows Mobile for Smartphone,Windows Server 2003,Windows XP Media Center Edition,Windows XP Professional x64 Edition,Windows XP SP2,Windows XP Starter Edition

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 は Windows Vista,Microsoft Windows XP SP2,および Windows Server 2003 SP1 でサポートされています。


.NET Framework

サポート対象 : 3.0,2.0,1.1,1.0



IStateManager インターフェイス
IStateManager メンバ
System.Web.UI 名前空間


ASP.NET の状態管理に関する推奨事項