
Convert クラス


この型のすべてのメンバの一覧については、Convert メンバ を参照してください。


NotInheritable Public Class Convert
public sealed class Convert
public __gc __sealed class Convert
public class Convert


この型の public static (Visual Basicでは Shared) のすべてのメンバは、マルチスレッド操作で安全に使用できます。インスタンスのメンバの場合は、スレッドセーフであるとは限りません。


このクラスは、指定した型の値と等価な基本型を返します。サポートされている基本型は、 BooleanCharSByteByteInt16Int32Int64UInt16UInt32UInt64SingleDoubleDecimalDateTime 、および String です。

変換メソッドは、各基本型をそれぞれ他の基本型に変換するために存在します。ただし、実行される実際の変換操作は、次の 3 つのカテゴリに分類されます。

  • ある型をそれと同じ型に変換すると、その型が返されます。実際には変換は実行されません。
  • 意味のある結果を生成できない変換を実行しようとすると、 InvalidCastException がスローされます。実際には変換は実行されません。 Char から BooleanSingleDoubleDecimal 、または DateTime に変換しようとした場合、およびこれらの型から Char に変換しようとした場合は、例外がスローされます。 DateTime から String を除くいずれかの型に変換した場合、および String を除くいずれかの型から DateTime に変換した場合は、例外がスローされます。
  • 上記以外の基本型は、他の任意の基本型との間で変換できます。


たとえば DoubleSingle に変換すると、有効桁数が失われることがありますが、例外はスローされません。ただし、 Double の絶対値が大きすぎて Single で表すことができない場合には、オーバーフロー例外がスローされます。

バイトの配列から String または base 64 の数字で構成される Unicode 文字配列への変換と、この逆方向の変換をサポートする一連のメソッドがあります。base 64 の数字で表現されるデータを送信する場合、7 ビット文字だけを送信できるデータ チャネルを使用すると、このデータを簡単に送信できます。

このクラスの多くのメソッドは、型を変換するときに、変換元オブジェクトに対して対応する明示的な IConvertible インターフェイス実装メソッドを呼び出します。このようなメソッドが存在しない場合は InvalidCastException がスローされます。

このクラスの一部のメソッドは、 IFormatProvider インターフェイスを実装するパラメータ オブジェクトを受け入れます。このパラメータにより、変換処理を支援するカルチャに固有の書式情報が指定されます。基本値型ではこのパラメータが無視されますが、 IConvertible を実装するユーザー定義型ではこのパラメータが受け入れられます。



[Visual Basic, C#, C++] 次のサンプルでは、 ToInt32ToBooleanToString など、このクラスの変換メソッドのいくつかを使用しています。

Dim dNumber As Double
dNumber = 23.15

   ' Returns 23
   Dim iNumber As Integer
   iNumber = System.Convert.ToInt32(dNumber)
Catch exp As System.OverflowException
   System.Console.WriteLine("Overflow in double to int conversion.")
End Try

' Returns True
Dim bNumber As Boolean
bNumber = System.Convert.ToBoolean(dNumber)

' Returns "23.15"
Dim strNumber As String
strNumber = System.Convert.ToString(dNumber)

   ' Returns '2'
   Dim chrNumber As Char
   chrNumber = System.Convert.ToChar(strNumber.Chars(1))
Catch exp As System.ArgumentNullException
   System.Console.WriteLine("String is null.")
Catch exp As System.FormatException
   System.Console.WriteLine("String length is greater than 1.")
End Try

' System.Console.ReadLine() returns a string and it
' must be converted.
Dim newInteger As Integer
newInteger = 0
   System.Console.WriteLine("Enter an integer:")
   newInteger = System.Convert.ToInt32(System.Console.ReadLine())
Catch exp As System.ArgumentNullException
   System.Console.WriteLine("String is null.")
Catch exp As System.FormatException
   System.Console.WriteLine("String does not consist of an " + _
       "optional sign followed by a series of digits.")
Catch exp As System.OverflowException
   System.Console.WriteLine("Overflow in string to int conversion.")
End Try

System.Console.WriteLine("Your integer as a double is {0}", _

double dNumber = 23.15;

try {
    // Returns 23
    int    iNumber = System.Convert.ToInt32(dNumber);
catch (System.OverflowException) {
                "Overflow in double to int conversion.");
// Returns True
bool   bNumber = System.Convert.ToBoolean(dNumber);

// Returns "23.15"
string strNumber = System.Convert.ToString(dNumber);

try {
    // Returns '2'
    char chrNumber = System.Convert.ToChar(strNumber[0]);
catch (System.ArgumentNullException) {
    System.Console.WriteLine("String is null");
catch (System.FormatException) {
    System.Console.WriteLine("String length is greater than 1.");

// System.Console.ReadLine() returns a string and it
// must be converted.
int newInteger = 0;
try {
    System.Console.WriteLine("Enter an integer:");
    newInteger = System.Convert.ToInt32(
catch (System.ArgumentNullException) {
    System.Console.WriteLine("String is null.");
catch (System.FormatException) {
    System.Console.WriteLine("String does not consist of an " +
                    "optional sign followed by a series of digits.");
catch (System.OverflowException) {
    "Overflow in string to int conversion.");

System.Console.WriteLine("Your integer as a double is {0}",

Double dNumber = 23.15;

try {
    // Returns 23
    Int32 iNumber = Convert::ToInt32(dNumber);
catch (OverflowException*) {
    Console::WriteLine("Overflow in Double to Int32 conversion");

// Returns True
Boolean bNumber = Convert::ToBoolean(dNumber);
// Returns "23.15"
String* strNumber = Convert::ToString(dNumber);

try {
    // Returns '2'
    Char chrNumber = Convert::ToChar(strNumber->Substring(0,1));
catch (ArgumentNullException*) {
    Console::WriteLine("String is null");
catch (FormatException*) {
    Console::WriteLine("String length is greater than 1");

// Console.ReadLine() returns a string and it
// must be converted.
Int32 newInteger = 0;
try {
    Console::WriteLine("Enter an integer:");
    newInteger = Convert::ToInt32("10001");
catch (ArgumentNullException*) {
    Console::WriteLine("String is null");
catch (FormatException*) {
    Console::WriteLine("String does not consist of an optional sign followed by a series of digits");
catch (OverflowException*) {
    Console::WriteLine("Overflow in string to Int32 conversion");

Console::WriteLine("Your integer as a Double is {0}", __box(Convert::ToDouble(newInteger)));

[Visual Basic] 
' Sample for the Convert class summary.
Imports System

Class Sample
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim nl As String = Environment.NewLine
      Dim str As String = "{0}Return the Int64 equivalent of the following base types:{0}"
      Dim xBool As Boolean = False
      Dim xShort As Short = 1
      Dim xInt As Integer = 2
      Dim xLong As Long = 3
      Dim xSingle As Single = 4F
      Dim xDouble As Double = 5.0
      Dim xDecimal As Decimal = 6D
      Dim xString As String = "7"
      Dim xChar As Char = "8"c ' '8' = hexadecimal 38 = decimal 56
      Dim xByte As Byte = 9
      '  The following types are not CLS-compliant.
      ' Dim xUshort As System.UInt16 = 120
      ' Dim xUint As System.UInt32 = 121
      ' Dim xUlong As System.UInt64 = 122
      ' Dim xSbyte As System.SByte = 123
      '  The following type cannot be converted to an Int64.
      '  Dim xDateTime As System.DateTime = DateTime.Now

      Console.WriteLine(str, nl)
      Console.WriteLine("Boolean:  {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xBool))
      Console.WriteLine("Int16:    {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xShort))
      Console.WriteLine("Int32:    {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xInt))
      Console.WriteLine("Int64:    {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xLong))
      Console.WriteLine("Single:   {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xSingle))
      Console.WriteLine("Double:   {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xDouble))
      Console.WriteLine("Decimal:  {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xDecimal))
      Console.WriteLine("String:   {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xString))
      Console.WriteLine("Char:     {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xChar))
      Console.WriteLine("Byte:     {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xByte))
      Console.WriteLine("DateTime: There is no example of this conversion because")
      Console.WriteLine("          a DateTime cannot be converted to an Int64.")
      Console.Write("{0}The following types are not supported: ", nl)
      Console.WriteLine("UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, and SByte")
   End Sub 'Main
End Class 'Sample
'This example produces the following results:
'Return the Int64 equivalent of the following base types:
'Boolean:  0
'Int16:    1
'Int32:    2
'Int64:    3
'Single:   4
'Double:   5
'Decimal:  6
'String:   7
'Char:     56
'Byte:     9
'DateTime: There is no example of this conversion because
'          a DateTime cannot be converted to an Int64.
'The following types are not supported: UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, and SByte

// Sample for the Convert class summary.
using System;

class Sample 
    public static void Main() 
    string nl = Environment.NewLine;
    string str = "{0}Return the Int64 equivalent of the following base types:{0}";
    bool    xBool = false;
    short   xShort = 1;
    int     xInt   = 2;
    long    xLong  = 3;
    float   xSingle = 4.0f;
    double  xDouble = 5.0;
    decimal xDecimal = 6.0m;
    string  xString = "7";
    char    xChar   = '8'; // '8' = hexadecimal 38 = decimal 56
    byte    xByte  =  9;

//  The following types are not CLS-compliant.
    ushort  xUshort = 120;   
    uint    xUint =   121;
    ulong   xUlong =  122;
    sbyte   xSbyte  = 123;

//  The following type cannot be converted to an Int64.
//  DateTime xDateTime = DateTime.Now;

    Console.WriteLine(str, nl);
    Console.WriteLine("Boolean:  {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xBool));
    Console.WriteLine("Int16:    {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xShort));
    Console.WriteLine("Int32:    {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xInt));
    Console.WriteLine("Int64:    {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xLong));
    Console.WriteLine("Single:   {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xSingle));
    Console.WriteLine("Double:   {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xDouble));
    Console.WriteLine("Decimal:  {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xDecimal));
    Console.WriteLine("String:   {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xString));
    Console.WriteLine("Char:     {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xChar));
    Console.WriteLine("Byte:     {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xByte));
    Console.WriteLine("DateTime: There is no example of this conversion because");
    Console.WriteLine("          a DateTime cannot be converted to an Int64.");
    Console.WriteLine("{0}The following types are not CLS-compliant.{0}", nl);
    Console.WriteLine("UInt16:   {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xUshort));
    Console.WriteLine("UInt32:   {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xUint));
    Console.WriteLine("UInt64:   {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xUlong));
    Console.WriteLine("SByte:    {0}", Convert.ToInt64(xSbyte));
This example produces the following results:

Return the Int64 equivalent of the following base types:

Boolean:  0
Int16:    1
Int32:    2
Int64:    3
Single:   4
Double:   5
Decimal:  6
String:   7
Char:     56
Byte:     9
DateTime: There is no example of this conversion because
          a DateTime cannot be converted to an Int64.

The following types are not CLS-compliant.

UInt16:   120
UInt32:   121
UInt64:   122
SByte:    123

// Sample for the Convert class summary.
#using <mscorlib.dll>

using namespace System;

int main() {
   String* nl = Environment::NewLine;
   String* str = S" {0}Return the Int64 equivalent of the following base types: {0}";
   bool    xBool = false;
   short   xShort = 1;
   int     xInt   = 2;
   long    xLong  = 3;
   float   xSingle = 4.0f;
   double  xDouble = 5.0;
   Decimal xDecimal = 6.0;
   String*  xString = S"7";
   char    xChar   = '8'; // '8' = hexadecimal 38 = decimal 56
   Byte    xByte  =  9;

   //  The following types are not CLS-compliant.
   UInt16  xUshort = 120;
   UInt32    xUint =   121;
   UInt64   xUlong =  122;
   SByte   xSbyte  = 123;

   //  The following type cannot be converted to an Int64.
   //  DateTime xDateTime = DateTime::Now;

   Console::WriteLine(str, nl);
   Console::WriteLine(S"Boolean: {0}", __box(Convert::ToInt64(xBool)));
   Console::WriteLine(S"Int16: {0}", __box(Convert::ToInt64(xShort)));
   Console::WriteLine(S"Int32: {0}", __box(Convert::ToInt64(xInt)));
   Console::WriteLine(S"Int64: {0}", __box(Convert::ToInt64(xLong)));
   Console::WriteLine(S"Single: {0}", __box(Convert::ToInt64(xSingle)));
   Console::WriteLine(S"Double: {0}", __box(Convert::ToInt64(xDouble)));
   Console::WriteLine(S"Decimal: {0}", __box(Convert::ToInt64(xDecimal)));
   Console::WriteLine(S"String: {0}", __box(Convert::ToInt64(xString)));
   Console::WriteLine(S"Char: {0}", __box(Convert::ToInt64(xChar)));
   Console::WriteLine(S"Byte: {0}", __box(Convert::ToInt64(xByte)));
   Console::WriteLine(S"DateTime: There is no example of this conversion because");
   Console::WriteLine(S"          a DateTime cannot be converted to an Int64.");
   Console::WriteLine(S" {0}The following types are not CLS-compliant. {0}", nl);
   Console::WriteLine(S"UInt16: {0}", __box(Convert::ToInt64(xUshort)));
   Console::WriteLine(S"UInt32: {0}", __box(Convert::ToInt64(xUint)));
   Console::WriteLine(S"UInt64: {0}", __box(Convert::ToInt64(xUlong)));
   Console::WriteLine(S"SByte: {0}", __box(Convert::ToInt64(xSbyte)));
This example produces the following results:

Return the Int64 equivalent of the following base types:

Boolean:  0
Int16:    1
Int32:    2
Int64:    3
Single:   4
Double:   5
Decimal:  6
String:   7
Char:     56
Byte:     9
DateTime: There is no example of this conversion because
a DateTime cannot be converted to an Int64.

The following types are not CLS-compliant.

UInt16:   120
UInt32:   121
UInt64:   122
SByte:    123

[JScript] JScript のサンプルはありません。Visual Basic、C#、および C++ のサンプルを表示するには、このページの左上隅にある言語のフィルタ ボタン 言語のフィルタ をクリックします。


名前空間: System

プラットフォーム: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 ファミリ, .NET Compact Framework - Windows CE .NET

アセンブリ: Mscorlib (Mscorlib.dll 内)


Convert メンバ | System 名前空間 | Object | SByte | Int16 | Int32 | Int64 | Byte | UInt16 | UInt32 | UInt64 | Single | Double | Decimal | Boolean | Char | String