
ControlBuilder クラス

コントロールとその子コントロールを作成するときにページ パーサーをサポートします。

この型のすべてのメンバの一覧については、ControlBuilder メンバ を参照してください。


Public Class ControlBuilder
public class ControlBuilder
public __gc class ControlBuilder
public class ControlBuilder


この型の public static (Visual Basicでは Shared) のすべてのメンバは、マルチスレッド操作で安全に使用できます。インスタンスのメンバの場合は、スレッドセーフであるとは限りません。


既定では、ページ上のすべてのコントロールが既定の ControlBuilder クラスに関連付けられます。このクラスは、カスタム コントロール タグ内にあるすべての入れ子のコントロールを格納する Controls コレクションに子コントロールを追加します。また、このクラスは、入れ子のコントロール タグの間にあるテキストのリテラル コントロールを作成します。独自のカスタム コントロール ビルダ クラスを定義して、この既定の動作をオーバーライドできます。既定の動作をオーバーライドするには、次のようにして、作成したコントロール ビルダ クラスに ControlBuilderAttribute を適用します。 [ControlBuilderAttribute(typeof(ControlBuilderType))]


[Visual Basic, C#, C++] テーブルの作成時に属性と内容が定義される Table コントロールを作成する例を次に示します。実行可能ファイルを作成するために使用するコマンド ラインを次に示します。

vbc /r:System.dll /r:System.Web.dll /r:System.Drawing.dll /t:library /out:myWebAppPath/bin/vb_mycontrolbuilder.dll myControlBuilder.vb

csc /t:library /out:myWebAppPath/bin/cs_mycontrolbuilder.dll myControlBuilder.cs


'File name myControlBuilder.vb.
Imports System
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Drawing

Namespace CustomControls
   Public Class MyCellVB
      Inherits Control
      Implements INamingContainer   
  ' Class Name: MyCellVB.
  ' Declares the class for the child controls to be included in the control collection.
      Private _id As String
      Private _value As String
      Private _backColor As Color
      Public Property CellID() As String
            Return _id
         End Get
            _id = value
         End Set
      End Property 
      Public Property Text() As String
            Return _value
         End Get
            _value = value
         End Set
      End Property 
      Public Property BackColor() As Color
            Return _backColor
         End Get
            _backColor = value
         End Set
      End Property
   End Class 'MyCellVB
   Public Class MyControlBuilderVB
      Inherits ControlBuilder

      <System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name:="FullTrust")> _
      Public Overrides Function GetChildControlType(tagName As String, attribs As IDictionary) As Type
         ' Allows TableRow without "runat=server" attribute to be added to the collection.
         If tagName.ToLower().EndsWith("mycellvb") Then
            Return GetType(MyCellVB)
         End If 
         Return Nothing
      End Function 'GetChildControlType
      ' Ignores literals between rows.
      <System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name:="FullTrust")> _
      Public Overrides Sub AppendLiteralString(s As String)
      End Sub 'AppendLiteralString

   End Class 'MyControlBuilderVB
 <ControlBuilderAttribute(GetType(MyControlBuilderVB))>  _
 Public Class MyVB_CustomControl
      Inherits Control
      Implements INamingContainer 
  ' Class name: MyVB_CustomControl.
  ' Processes the element declarations within a control 
  ' declaration. This builds the actual control.
      ' Custom control to build programmatically.
      Private _table As Table
      Private _cellObjects As New Hashtable()
      ' Variables that must contain the control attributes as defined in the Web page.
      Private _rows As Integer
      Private _columns As Integer
      Private _title As String
      ' Rows property to be used as the attribute name in the Web page.     
      Public Property Rows () As String
            Return _rows
         End Get
            _rows = CInt(value)
         End Set
      End Property
     ' Columns property to be used as the attribute name in the Web page.
      Public Property Columns () As String
            Return _columns
         End Get
            _columns = CInt(value)
         End Set
      End Property
      ' Title property to be used as the attribute name in the Web page   
      Public Property Title() As String
            Return _title
         End Get
            _title = value
         End Set
      End Property
      Protected Sub createNewRow(rowNumber As Integer)
         ' Creates a row and adds it to the table.
         Dim row As TableRow
         row = New TableRow()
         ' Creates a cell that contains text.
         Dim y As Integer
         For y = 0 To Columns - 1
            appendCell(row, rowNumber, y)
         Next y 
      End Sub 'createNewRow
      Protected Sub appendCell(row As TableRow, rowNumber As Integer, cellNumber As Integer)
         Dim cell As TableCell
         Dim textbox As TextBox
         cell = New TableCell()
         textbox = New TextBox()
         textbox.ID = "r" + rowNumber.ToString() + "c" + cellNumber.ToString()
         ' Checks for the MyCellVB child object.
         If Not (_cellObjects(textbox.ID) Is Nothing) Then
            Dim cellLookup As MyCellVB
            cellLookup = CType(_cellObjects(textbox.ID), MyCellVB)
            textbox.Text = cellLookup.Text
            textbox.BackColor = cellLookup.BackColor
            textbox.Text = "Row: " + rowNumber.ToString() + " Cell: " + cellNumber.ToString()
         End If 
      End Sub 'appendCell
      ' Called at runtime when a child object is added to the collection.
      <System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name:="FullTrust")> _  
      Protected Overrides Sub AddParsedSubObject(obj As Object)  
         If TypeOf obj Is MyCellVB Then
            Dim cell As MyCellVB
            cell = CType(obj, MyCellVB)
            Context.Trace.Write("CellObject", cell.CellID)
            _cellObjects.Add(cell.CellID, cell)
         End If
      End Sub 'AddParsedSubObject
      <System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name:="FullTrust")> _
      Protected Overrides Sub OnPreRender(e As EventArgs)
      ' Sub name: OnPreRender.
      ' Carries out changes affecting the control state and renders the resulting UI.
         ' Increases the number of rows if needed.
         While _table.Rows.Count < Rows
         End While
         ' Checks that each row has the correct number of columns.
         Dim i As Integer
         For i = 0 To _table.Rows.Count - 1
            While _table.Rows(i).Cells.Count < Columns
               appendCell(_table.Rows(i), i, _table.Rows(i).Cells.Count)
            End While
            While _table.Rows(i).Cells.Count > Columns
               _table.Rows(i).Cells.RemoveAt((_table.Rows(i).Cells.Count - 1))
            End While
         Next i
      End Sub 'OnPreRender
      <System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name:="FullTrust")> _
      Protected Overrides Sub CreateChildControls()
       ' Sub name: CreateChildControls.
       ' Adds the Table and the text controls to the control collection. 

         Dim [text] As LiteralControl
         ' Initializes the text control using the Title property.
         [text] = New LiteralControl("<h5>" + Title + "</h5>")
         _table = New Table()
      End Sub 'CreateChildControls 
   End Class 'MyVB_CustomControl

End Namespace 'CustomControls


/* File name: myControlBuilder.cs. */

using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Collections;
using System.Drawing;

namespace CustomControls 
  public class MyTableCell : TableCell, INamingContainer {};
  public class MyCell  
   * Class name: MyCell.
   * Declares the class for the child controls to include in the control collection.
    string _id;
    string _value;
    Color _backColor;

    public string CellID 
        {return _id;}
        {_id = value;}

    public string Text 
        {return _value;}
        {_value = value;}

    public Color BackColor 
        {return _backColor;}
        { _backColor = value;}

  public class MyControlBuilder   : ControlBuilder 

    [System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSet(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
    public override Type GetChildControlType(string tagName, IDictionary attribs) 
      // Allows TableRow without "runat=server" attribute to be added to the collection.
      if (tagName.ToLower().EndsWith("mycell"))
        return typeof(MyCell);
      return null;

    [System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSet(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
    public override void AppendLiteralString(string s) 
      // Ignores literals between rows.


  public class MyCS_CustomControl: Control,  INamingContainer
   * Class name: MyCS_CustomControl.
   * Processes the element declarations within a control declaration. 
   * This builds the actual control.
    // Declares the custom control that must be built programmatically.
    Table _table;

    private String _title;
    private int _rows;
    private int _columns;

    Hashtable _cellObjects = new Hashtable();

   // Rows property to be used as the attribute name in the Web page.  
   public int Rows
       {return _rows;}
       {_rows = value;}

   // Columns property to be used as the attribute name in the Web page.
  public int Columns
      {return _columns;}
      {_columns = value;}
   // Title property to be used as the attribute name in the Web page.
   public string Title
       {return _title;}
       {_title = value;}

   protected void createNewRow( int rowNumber ) 

     // Creates a row and adds it to the table.
     TableRow row;

     row = new TableRow();
     _table.Rows.Add( row );

     // Creates a cell that contains text.

     for( int y=0; y < Columns ; y++ ) 
       appendCell( row, rowNumber, y );


    protected void appendCell( TableRow row, int rowNumber, int cellNumber ) 
      TableCell cell; 
      TextBox textbox;
      cell = new TableCell();    
      textbox = new TextBox();
      cell.Controls.Add( textbox );
      textbox.ID = "r" + rowNumber.ToString() + "c" + cellNumber.ToString();
      // Checks for the MyCell child object.
      if ( _cellObjects[textbox.ID] != null ) 
        MyCell cellLookup;
        cellLookup = (MyCell) _cellObjects[textbox.ID];

        textbox.Text = cellLookup.Text;
        textbox.BackColor = cellLookup.BackColor;
        textbox.Text = "Row: " + rowNumber.ToString()  + " Cell: " +   

        row.Cells.Add( cell );

   // Called at runtime when a child object is added to the collection.  
   [System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSet(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
   protected override void AddParsedSubObject(object obj) 
     MyCell cell = obj as MyCell;
     if (cell != null) 
        _cellObjects.Add( cell.CellID, cell );


    [System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSet(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
    protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
     * Function name: OnPreRender.
     * Carries out changes affecting the control state and renders the resulting UI.

      // Increases the number of rows if needed.
      while (_table.Rows.Count < Rows)
        createNewRow(_table.Rows.Count );

      // Checks that each row has the correct number of columns.
      for (int i=0; i<_table.Rows.Count; i++)
          appendCell(_table.Rows[i], i, _table.Rows[i].Cells.Count);

          _table.Rows[i].Cells.RemoveAt(_table.Rows[i].Cells.Count - 1);

    [System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSet(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
    protected override void CreateChildControls()
    * Function name: CreateChildControls.
    * Adds the Table and the text control to the control collection.
      LiteralControl text;

      // Initializes the text control using the Title property.
      text = new LiteralControl("<h5>" + Title + "</h5>");

      _table = new Table();
      _table.BorderWidth = 2;


/* File name: myControlBuilder.cpp. */

#using <mscorlib.dll>
#using <System.Web.dll>
#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Web;
using namespace System::Web::UI;
using namespace System::Web::UI::WebControls;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Drawing;

public __gc class MyTableCell : public TableCell, public INamingContainer

public __gc class MyCell
   * Class name: MyCell.
   * Declares the class for the child controls to include in the control collection.
   String* _id;
   String* _value;
   Color _backColor;

   __property String* get_CellID() 
      return _id;

   __property void set_CellID(String* value) 
      _id = value;

   __property String* get_Text() 
      return _value;

   __property void set_Text(String* value) 
      _value = value;

   __property Color get_BackColor() 
      return _backColor;

   __property void set_BackColor(Color value) 
      _backColor = value;

public __gc class MyControlBuilder : public ControlBuilder 

   [System::Security::Permissions::PermissionSet(System::Security::Permissions::SecurityAction::Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
   Type * GetChildControlType(String* tagName, IDictionary* attribs) 
      // Allows TableRow without "runat=server" attribute to be added to the collection.
      if (tagName->ToLower()->EndsWith(S"mycell"))
         return __typeof(MyCell);
      return 0;

   [System::Security::Permissions::PermissionSet(System::Security::Permissions::SecurityAction::Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
   void AppendLiteralString(String* s) 
      // Ignores literals between rows.

  public __gc class MyCS_CustomControl: public Control,  public INamingContainer
     * Class name: MyCS_CustomControl.
     * Processes the element declarations within a control declaration.
     * This builds the actual control.
     // Declares the custom control that must be built programmatically.
     Table* _table;

     String*  _title;
     int  _rows;
     int  _columns;

     Hashtable* _cellObjects;

     // Rows property to be used as the attribute name in the Web page.

        _cellObjects = new Hashtable();

     __property int get_Rows() 
        return _rows;

     __property void set_Rows(int value) 
        _rows = value;

     // Columns property to be used as the attribute name in the Web page.
     __property int get_Columns() 
        return _columns;

     __property void set_Columns(int value) 
        _columns = value;

     // Title property to be used as the attribute name in the Web page.
     __property String* get_Title() 
        return _title;

     __property void set_Title(String* value) 
        _title = value;

     void createNewRow(int rowNumber) 
        // Creates a row and adds it to the table.
        TableRow * row;
        row = new TableRow();

        // Creates a cell that contains text.
        for (int y = 0; y < Columns ; y++)
           appendCell(row, rowNumber, y);

     void appendCell(TableRow* row, int rowNumber, int cellNumber) 
        TableCell * cell;
        TextBox * textbox;
        cell = new TableCell();
        textbox = new TextBox();
        textbox->ID = String::Concat(S"r", __box(rowNumber), S"c", __box(cellNumber));

        // Checks for the MyCell child object.
        if (_cellObjects->Item[textbox->ID] != 0) 
           MyCell * cellLookup;
           cellLookup = dynamic_cast<MyCell*>(_cellObjects->Item[textbox->ID]);

           textbox->Text = cellLookup->Text;
           textbox->BackColor = cellLookup->BackColor;
           textbox->Text = String::Concat(S"Row: ", __box(rowNumber), S"Cell: ", __box(cellNumber));


     // Called at runtime when a child object is added to the collection.
     [System::Security::Permissions::PermissionSet(System::Security::Permissions::SecurityAction::Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
     void AddParsedSubObject(Object* obj) 
        MyCell * cell = dynamic_cast<MyCell*>(obj);
        if (cell != 0)
           _cellObjects->Add(cell->CellID, cell);

     [System::Security::Permissions::PermissionSet(System::Security::Permissions::SecurityAction::Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
     void OnPreRender(EventArgs* e)
        * Function name: OnPreRender.
        * Carries out changes affecting the control state and renders the resulting UI.

        // Increases the number of rows if needed.
        while (_table->Rows->Count < Rows)

        // Checks that each row has the correct number of columns.
        for (int i=0; i<_table->Rows->Count; i++) 
              appendCell(_table->Rows->Item[i], i, _table->Rows->Item[i]->Cells->Count);

           _table->Rows->Item[i]->Cells->RemoveAt(_table->Rows->Item[i]->Cells->Count - 1);

     [System::Security::Permissions::PermissionSet(System::Security::Permissions::SecurityAction::Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
     void CreateChildControls()
        * Function name: CreateChildControls.
        * Adds the Table and the text control to the control collection.
        LiteralControl * text;

        // Initializes the text control using the Title property.
        text = new LiteralControl(String::Concat(S"<h5>",Title,S"</h5>"));
        _table = new Table();
        _table->BorderWidth = 2;

[Visual Basic, C#, C++] 前述のカスタム コントロールを使用する例を次に示します。特に、この例では、実行時に属性と内容が定義されるテーブルを作成します。Register ディレクティブに示される値には、前のコマンド ラインが反映されます。

<%@ Register TagPrefix="custom" Assembly="vb_mycontrolbuilder" Namespace="CustomControls" %>
 <h4>Using the ControlBuilder Class</h4>
 <form runat="server">
 <custom:MyVB_CustomControl Rows="2" Columns="2" Title="VB Custom Control Table" runat="server">
 <custom:MyCellVB CellID="r0c0" BackColor="magenta" Text="Hello"/>
 <custom:MyCellVB CellID="r0c1" BackColor="aqua" Text="Customer,"/>
 <custom:MyCellVB CellID="r1c0" BackColor="yellow" Text="How Are"/>
 <custom:MyCellVB CellID="r1c1" BackColor="red" Text="You?"/>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="custom" Assembly="cs_mycontrolbuilder" Namespace="CustomControls" %>
 <h4>Using the ControlBuilder Class</h4>
 <form runat="server">
 <custom:MyCS_CustomControl ID="csTableId" rows="2" columns="2" Title="C# Custom Control Table" runat=server>
 <custom:MyCell CellID="r0c0" BackColor="red" Text="Hello"/>
 <custom:MyCell CellID="r0c1" BackColor="yellow" Text="Customer,"/>
 <custom:MyCell CellID="r1c0" BackColor="aqua" Text="How Are"/>
 <custom:MyCell CellID="r1c1" BackColor="magenta" Text="You?"/>

[JScript] JScript のサンプルはありません。Visual Basic、C#、および C++ のサンプルを表示するには、このページの左上隅にある言語のフィルタ ボタン 言語のフィルタ をクリックします。


名前空間: System.Web.UI

プラットフォーム: Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 ファミリ

アセンブリ: System.Web (System.Web.dll 内)


ControlBuilder メンバ | System.Web.UI 名前空間 | Control | Page | ControlBuilderAttribute